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had been designed with only the faintest hint of features.
 How many people are employed by this project? Bryce asked.
 May I bring you a beverage, Bryce? The  bot s question caught her by surprise.
 How does she know my name?
 All the systems on this level are integrated. Slade stirred cream into his coffee as
he went on.  I entered your profile into the central computer, so all the terminals should
accept your voice commands, and the service  bots should 
 Service you, Iram finished with a wink.
She looked at the domestic  bot.  Ice water would be fine.
 I ll return momentarily. The  bot turned, displaying her clearly defined ass, and
Bryce laughed.
 Gender is optional on that model. Iram nodded toward the retreating  bot.  We
can convert one of the others to male if you d like.
 I suspect I m grossly outnumbered as it is. The men uncovered their trays, so
Bryce followed suit. She didn t recognize the entrée, but it smelled wonderful.  The
terminal in my room asked for an access code.
 Standard security protocol, Slade explained.  Your access code is  Bryce .
 I hope I can remember. She paused for a nibble of the food. The savory taste
rolled across her tongue, and she took a bigger bite.  Back to my original question
how many humanoids are employed by the project?
 Matthias, Iram and I are the only people you ll have contact with outside the lab.
 I won t be allowed to interact with the other test subjects?
 Not initially.
She accepted his statement with a silent nod. Fuck on demand without thought or
emotion. Would she ever escape that scenario?
* * * * *
With her hair still damp from the cleansing mist, Bryce slipped into a fresh robe the
following morning. Oversight, my ass. Slade had no intention of giving her a uniform.
Why bother when she d be naked once the tests began? Their dinner the night before
left her feeling vulnerable. In the harem, she d known what to expect. She was treated
like a sexual object, which allowed her to suppress all but the most elemental emotions.
For a few short hours, she d forgotten why she was there. She d enjoyed their food
and participated in their lively conversation. Iram had demonstrated the three-
dimensional game he and Slade had been playing when she arrived. Her awkward
attempts to control the holographic pieces had had them all laughing within minutes.
Aubrey Ross
Slade had escorted her to her room, and she d slept peacefully for the first time in
Then this morning her terminal had chimed and instructed her to report to the lab
in one hour. A stack of identical knee-length robes had been put in her utility room
during the night. No underwear and nothing for her feet, just the simple, collarless
To hell with it. She d known what she was in for when she interviewed for the
position. She d just be more careful not to let her guard down. After combing out her
damp hair and airbrushing her teeth, she went to the lab.
Slade greeted her with a smile and proffered a steaming cup of coffee.  Let s take a
few minutes and go over the agenda for today.
 All right. She accepted the cup and followed him to the small table in the back
corner of the lab.
 Do you take anything in that?
She hesitated. Was there some sexual significance to how she drank her coffee?
 The tests haven t started. Iram tends to make the coffee really strong.
Smiling at her paranoia, she took a sip.  Oh boy, definitely strong. I think I ll need
cream and sugar.
 Have a seat. I ll be right back. He exited through a different door than Bryce had
used. The office, lounge and lab all had doors leading to the control center. A main
corridor divided the larger rooms from the small, private quarters and storage areas.
She d love to see a diagram of the level. It would help her understand the unusual
He returned a few minutes later with cream and sugar. Fascinated by his
unconscious grace, she watched him cross the room. As she made her coffee palatable,
his gaze focused on her throat.
 Has anyone tried to remove that choker?
 The release mechanism is fingerprint activated. I m stuck with it. She shrugged
with feigned indifference. If he tried to remove the collar, the explosive would detonate.
It was too soon to confide in him, so she tried to shift his focus.  Are you worried about
electronic implants or something?
He shook his head.  Your scan was clean.
 When did you scan me?
 When you walked through the door. His lips parted in a lazy smile, and her heart
constricted, responding to the bittersweet temptation of his charm.
Ignoring the unfamiliar pang in her chest, she asked,  What s on the agenda for
today? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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