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“The Dungeon Club?” I asked. That wasn’t listed on the hotel floor plan. The idea of
a private playroom—now that sounded intriguing since I was certain neither of these
guys would try to make me do anything I didn’t like. Midnight, however, was a few
hours away.
“Invitation only,” Ty noted. “Basically, I assume it’s simply an exclusive sex club.”
“It’s anything goes,” Kaz confirmed. “There will be people dancing, people fucking,
people just sitting at the bar, drinking.”
“It wouldn’t break my heart to take you two out in public,” I answered carefully.
“As long as we agree up front that the three of us only play with each other. I’ve got no
problem with you watching anyone else, but I don’t want to share you tonight.”
“Hell no,” Kaz grumbled. “You’re ours tonight, sweetheart. Nobody else gets to
“Be fun to show her off though,” Ty chimed in. “Let everybody else see what a pair
of lucky bastards we are.”
Dani’s Demons
Shivers shot up my spine. Could these two be any better at making a woman feel
special? I didn’t think so. “Sounds like a plan. Let me use the little girls’ room and
freshen up my lipstick.”
Yes, vampires have to use the bathroom. It kind of goes with being able to eat and
drink. It never failed to amuse me when people took the eating with a grain of salt but
were shocked by the other.
Both of the men scrambled to their feet and each reached out a hand to help me up.
I looked up into their handsome faces and grinned. The next four days were going to be
a hell of a lot of fun.
Cindy Spencer Pape
Chapter Five
We took the elevator down one level past the pool grotto, again using codes typed
in by Kaz rather than a normal button. I was glad this club was at the bottom of the
hotel instead of the top—the revolving lounge didn’t hold any appeal for me at all.
The Dungeon Club was private enough that meeting health codes was obviously
not a concern. Kaz didn’t even bother to put on shoes. He also suggested I leave my
purse in his apartment so I didn’t have to keep track of it downstairs. I agreed readily—
with two men by my side, I might have far more interesting things to do with my
Kaz used a code on the keypad to get in, though the enormous bouncer in black
leather pants and matching dog collar tipped his head respectfully as we entered.
Inside, the club was dimly lit and noisy, with maybe twenty people out on the dance
floor and about twice that either at the bar or on couches scattered around the edges of
the room.
The décor was exactly what one would have expected from the word dungeon. The
walls were stone blocks, the floor was tiled in granite, and the ceiling was supported by
rough-hewn beams. Electric torches flickered in wall sconces and candles in iron
holders burned here and there on the tables.
Kaz stepped up to the bar, and I saw the bartender nod. Ty and I followed Kaz to a
booth in the far corner, a three-quarters circle banquette that had been blocked off by a
black velvet rope, hurriedly moved by a waitress in a corset and fishnets. She smiled,
flashing a trace of fang as she did. Nice to know the club was an equal-opportunity
“I’ll be right back with your champagne.”
Dani’s Demons
“You called down while I was in the bathroom.” I settled into the center of the
booth with the men on either side. This time Ty slid an arm possessively along the top
of the banquette behind my back. The leather seating was butter soft, and I wondered
out loud how they managed to keep it clean, given what the foursome on a long bench
across from us was up to. One woman was sprawled on her back with her head
hanging over the edge, sucking the cock of the man who stood beside the bench at her
head. He was long and thick, and she could only fit the tip in her mouth, so she was
massaging the rest with her hands. Another man knelt between her legs, fucking her,
while a third man stood behind him, his cock shuttling in and out of guy number two’s
“Trust me, the staff moves in with disinfectant the instant someone leaves a bench.
And the leather is synthetic, so it doesn’t absorb fluids at all,” Kaz replied. His hand
rested on my thigh under the table, absently rubbing the strip of skin just above my
stocking tops. Without thinking, I splayed my legs a bit, giving him more room to play.
Ty leaned over and licked at the mark left by Kaz’s teeth the night before. “I’m
going to bite you tonight,” he warned. “I want you wearing both our marks.”
“About that,” I said. “How come it’s still there? Normally I’d heal a small puncture
like that in minutes.” I’d been pretty shocked to see the four purple dots on my
shoulder this morning—two top canines and two smaller ones from his bottom teeth.
Shocked, but excited too, in a weird sort of way.
“It’s a stain that’s formed when our saliva mixes with blood,” Ty answered. “It’ll
last maybe a week or so on you, same as on a Zendir—kind of like a hickey on a
“On a human, it’s as permanent as a tattoo,” Kaz added. “Though I do know Zendir
who’ve had it spelled for permanence if they can find a witch powerful enough to cast
“Bummer that I can’t leave a mark on you,” I added, reaching out to undo the top
two buttons on Ty’s shirt. “It only seems fair.”
Cindy Spencer Pape
“We can work it out.” Ty ran his fingers down my bare back. I followed his gaze to
the dance floor where a woman was gyrating topless while her partner, wearing a pair
of leather assless chaps, stroked his own cock. “If one of us licks the skin right before
you bite, it should work.”
“You want to?” Kaz moved his fingers up my inner thigh to just inches from my
dripping pussy. “I wouldn’t mind a bit.” He leaned forward to look at Ty. “You too,
babe. Mark me anywhere you want.”
“Later,” Ty rumbled just as the waitress arrived with the champagne and three
She popped the cork, poured three glasses then walked away with a swish of her
pert, rounded ass. “Not bad,” Ty noted as she moved away, weaving through the
crowd. “But not as hot as Dani.”
“Nope,” Kaz said, lifting a glass with the hand that wasn’t tormenting me. Ty and I
did as well. “I’ve definitely got the two sexiest partners in the room.”
Just then, the man in the middle of the group across the room bellowed out an
orgasm, followed closely by the man behind him. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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