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She moved behind Tessa's chair to lean down and whisper
in her ear. She didn't get to speak, all she heard was the
sound of glass shattering then a searing pain radiated from
her back through to her chest before she collapsed to the
She didn't see the mayhem that followed. Tessa was
whisked out of the room with her husband s surrounding
her. They protected her with their bodies.
Melissa didn't hear the anguished roar of her mates
when they realized she had been shot. She didn't see the
rest of the room erupt into chaos as the weres stripped off
their clothes and changed to their wolf form. She was lying
in a pool of her own blood on the floor. She struggled to
breathe as coldness permeated her body.
Melissa didn't see her two mates slash their own
wrists forcing her to swallow their blood. All she felt was
cold darkness surrounding her and excruciating pain until
her body finally went blessedly numb.
Chapter Four
Melissa woke up feeling like her whole body had
been hit by a truck. Her muscles felt achy and tender. Her
skin felt as if a thousand ants were crawling all over it. She
groaned as she eased over onto her side from her stomach.
Not again.
 Are you alright little Mel? How do you feel babe?
Luke asked from beside her.
Turning her head she saw Luke was lying on the bed
next to her, his head propped up by his elbow and resting
on the palm of his hand. She turned her head to the
opposite side noting Damian was also lying beside her.
 Wh-what happened? she asked in a raspy voice.
Her throat was so dry. Damian grabbed a glass of water
from the bedside table. He propped her up and helped her
take a few sips. Finally, she shook her head and collapsed
back onto the mattress.
 You were shot sweetheart. You were dying, Luke
explained his face pale and taught with rage.
 Who would want to shoot me? she asked in a husky
 They were not after you my mate. They were trying
to kill Tessa. You moved in behind her at the wrong
moment or her mates would say right moment. You saved
our Queens life and the life of her cub. If you had not
moved in behind her when you did they both would have
died, Damian clarified.
 Who would want to shoot Tessa and her baby?
 Tessa was running from her ex fianc�e Brett, when
she met her mates. They scared him enough they thought
not to ever see him again. Obviously that was not so. The
other Omegas of the pack, Tony and Chase, found him. He
will not be a problem any longer, Damian promised.
 Did they kill him? Oh god why didn't they just take
him to the police? Why am I still alive? I should be dead, I
know I was dying, Melissa gazed from one to the other.
They didn't speak; they just held her gaze when she looked
at them. Their faces pale with stress and worry.
Then she knew. She could see it on their faces.
Breathing in deeply trying to maintain control of the
hysteria rising within her, she smelled their scents. It lured
her, making her want to taste their skin; to jump their
bones, ravage them with her mouth and body. She jumped
up onto her feet backing away from them until she could
jump from the bed. She was oblivious to the fact she was
 How could you? How could you make me drink
your fucking blood? You changed me without my consent.
First you claim me, now you've made me into a fucking
animal, a werewolf, she screamed hysterically as she felt
hair ripple out along her arms and legs. Her canines
elongating in her mouth was freaking her out even more.
 Melissa please, you were dying baby. You are our
life, we couldn't just stand by and watch you die, Luke
said quietly, concern and hurt etched across his features.
Melissa didn't wait to hear anymore. She didn't care
that everyone could see her naked. She ran and ran, sobbing
uncontrollably. She didn't feel the rocks beneath her feet
piercing her skin, or the branches scratching her bare arms
and legs. She ran until she could run no further. Her breath
sobbing out of her in hysterical pants; she hyperventilated
until she was physically ill.
She had no idea how long she sat on the ground. She
began to feel the cold begin to seep into her bones. She
didn't hear her mates creep up to protect her from other
humans and wolves. She didn't know Gabriel sat down next
to her with the bundle of clothes in his arms until he spoke.
 If I had to make the choice of Tessa dying or making
her a werewolf, it would be the same choice your mates
made, he told her as he handed her the clothes. Gabriel
turned his back to give her privacy as she dressed.  I want
to thank you for saving my mate and child. We will always
be in your debt.
 You don't need to thank me. I didn't make any
decision, Melissa said in a voice devoid of emotion. She
began to feel numb from the neck down.
 Nevertheless you have our gratitude, Gabriel said
as he turned back to face her when he heard she had
finished dressing.  Tessa has extended an invitation to stay
in one of the spare rooms in the house; until you are more [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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