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I often tried to figure out why Peter had turned Jack. It didn t really make any sense. They were
opposites in nearly every way, and Peter was always running off on his own. He didn t really
seem to have the inclination for companionship, not like Jack did, and it didn t make sense that he
would turn someone knowing the attachment that they would create with him.
In the book, he says almost nothing of his mortal life. Only going as far to say that he was riding a
horse that bucked him. The horse took off, and he was left dying on the side of the road. Then a
stranger came upon, and seeing the shape Peter was in, decided that turning him was the only
way to save his life. After that, Peter describes an intense feeling of loyalty and affection for the
 It wasn t like anything I had ever felt before. In my previous life, I had a father, a brother, friends,
and girlfriends. But no other bond had ever felt this strong. I could sense everything that he felt,
as if I was feeling it for myself. He could speak to me without uttering a word, intimating
everything with a just a glance. When he went too far away from me, there would be an awful
panic inside me, as if I wouldn t be able to survive without him.
 There was nothing carnal about it, however. It was as if I was an extension of him. Being away
from him would be as painful as being severed from my own limbs. In the beginning, there was
nothing I would do that would cause him displeasure, and no request I refused. Fortunately, he
treated me with respect and dignity, like an equal or a brother. Many other fledgling vampyres did
not acquire such a happy fate.
That explained a bit more about what was going on with Milo and Jack, but it didn t make me feel
any better about the situation. I knew eventually that it would fade, as it had with Peter and Ezra,
and Jack and Peter, but even in the book, Peter did nothing to illuminate a possible time frame.
He just spoke of his bond with Ezra, and then moved onto the first time he saw a young man turn
into a vampire. He described it as a rather disturbing scene, and he did a very good job of
painting a picture that I wasn t excited to repeat for myself.
Meanwhile, I was lying in bed, reading a book and listening to Elliot Smith. As the sun set on the
third day I hadn t heard from either Milo or Jack, I was getting increasingly anxious. I had tried to
spend a great deal of my time sleeping, but I had still made it a quarter of the way through Peter s
book. So far, he d mostly just explained his encounters with other vampires, and giving some
insight in the history of vampires, as he had learned through word of mouth. But there wasn t any
big shocking revelation that explained their existence, or that told me to how to fix the situation I
was in.
Darkness settled in on my room, making it too dark for me to read, and I just rolled over onto my
side, so I could stare at my phone, willing it to ring. I understood that Milo needed time to get the
hang of being a vampire, and that his new jealous streak made it more dangerous for me to hang
around Jack, but this was ridiculous. They both promised to talk to me soon, and it had been
three days. Three horrible days. One entire day was spent consoling my mother when she
learned that Milo had left without really saying good-bye. She was much more upset than I
expected her to be. After crying a lot, she started drinking even more, and then just ended up
yelling profanities at me and throwing things. That was a rather pleasant way to kill an afternoon.
On top of that, school was less than two weeks away. Once summer vacation drew to a close, I d
have to deal with curfews and school and all sorts of things that would keep me away from Jack
and Milo even more.
I was going to spend the rest of my life cooped up inside this apartment by myself, and they didn t
even have the decency to call and give me one last blowout before deserting me for the rest of
time. In some attempt at misplaced pride, I had been waiting for one of them to call or text me.
Either one would ve been good at this point. But I was tired of waiting. I couldn t stand the thought
of spending another night suffocating in sweat in my tiny room listening to the same CD s over
and over again until I finally passed out of sheer boredom.
Hi. What are you doing? I text messaged Jack.
I vacillated between the two of them, but I felt that Jack was most likely to respond. Until this
moment, they d both always responded to my texts, but this was the longest that I d ever gone
without talking to either of them since I met them, and for Milo, that was fifteen years of talking to
him pretty much every day. So this was a big deal.
Not much. What about you? Jack responded. It took him three minutes to answer, which was an
unusually long time for him, especially since I knew he was awake. It was after ten o clock at
night. Even he never slept in this late.
Even less. I haven t done anything in three days. I was trying to lay on the guilt, but I wasn t sure [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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