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all the branches trimmed till it looks like so many raw marines at drill,
is--la forêt--
The credulity of the warm-hearted valet could swallow no more; but, assuming
a look of commiseration and dignity, he drew back, and left the young tyro of
the sea to enjoy his joke with a companion who just then joined him.
In the mean time, the Coquette continued to advance. The château, and
churches, and villages, of the midshipman, soon changed into a low sandy
beach, with a back-ground of stunted pines, relieved, here and there, by an
opening, in which appeared the comfortable habitation and numerous
out-buildings of some substantial yeoman, or occasionally embellished by the
residence of a country proprietor. Towards noon, the crest of a hill rose from
the sea; and, just as the sun set behind the barrier of mountain, the ship
passed the sandy cape, and anchored at the spot that she had quitted when
first joined by her commander after his visit to the brigantine. The vessel
was soon moored, the light yards were struck, and a boat was lowered into the
water. Ludlow and the Alderman then descended the side, and proceeded towards
the mouth of the Shrewsbury. Although it was nearly dark before they had
reached the shore, there remained light enough to enable the former to
discover an object of unusual appearance floating in the bay, and at no great
distance from the direction of his barge. He was led by curiosity to steer for
 Cruisers and Water-Witches! muttered Myndert, when they were near enough to
perceive the nature of the floating object.  That brazen hussy haunts us, as
if we had robbed her of gold! Let us set foot on land, and nothing short of a
deputation from the City Council shall ever tempt me to wander from my own
abode, again!
Ludlow shifted the helm of the boat, and resumed his course towards the
river. He required no explanation, to tell him more of the nature of the
artifice, by which he had been duped. The nicely-balanced tub, the upright
spar, and the extinguished lantern, with the features of the female of the
malign smile traced on its horn faces, reminded him, at once, of the false
light by which the Coquette had been lured from her course, on the night she
sailed in pursuit of the brigantine.
 --His daughter, and the heir of his kingdom,
--hath referred herself
Unto a poor but worthy gentleman:--
WhenAlderman Van Beverout and Ludlow drew near to the Lust in Rust, it was
already dark. Night had overtaken them, at some distance from the place of
landing; and the mountain already threw its shadow across the river, the
narrow strip of land that separated it from the sea, and far upon the ocean
itself. Neither had an opportunity of making his observations on the condition
of things in and about the villa, until they had ascended nearly to its level,
and had even entered the narrow but fragrant lawn in its front. Just before
they arrived at the gate which opened on the latter, the Alderman paused, and
addressed his companion, with more of the manner of their ancient confidence,
than he had manifested during the few preceding days of their intercourse.
Page 25
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
 You must have observed, that the events of this little excursion on the
water, have been rather of a domestic than of a public character; he said.
 Thy father was a very ancient and much-esteemed friend of mine, and I am far
from certain that there is not some affinity between us, in the way of
inter-marriages. Thy worthy mother, who is a thrifty woman, and a small
talker, had some of the blood of my own stock. It would grieve me to see the
good understanding, which these recollections have created, in any manner
interrupted. I admit, Sir, that revenue is to the state what the soul is to
the body, --the moving and governing principle; and that, as the last would be
a tenantless house without its inhabitants, so the first would be an exacting
and troublesome master without its proper products. But there is no need of
pushing a principle to extremities! If this brigantine be, as you appear to
suspect, and indeed as we have some reason from various causes to infer, the
vessel called the Water-Witch she might have been a legal prize had she fallen
into your power; but now that she has escaped, I cannot say what may be your
intentions; but were thy excellent father, the worthy member of the King s
Council, living, so discreet a man would think much before he opened his lips,
to say more than is discreet, on this or any other subject.
 Whatever course I may believe my duty dictates, you may safely rely on my [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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