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arrangements for him, they were stepping up their reactions to him. Why?
Settler s Mine 4: The Wolf 93
 Well, I couldn t scan it for her so I didn t even look because her clients are confide&
Why are you asking me so many questions about Meta? She didn t seem jealous. Only
curious as to where he was going with this line of questions.
He settled back down on his haunches, searching the view from the ridge. He inhaled,
taking in scents.  It seems odd that she d forget her book and this unexpected trip would take
her away. He didn t add  when I was due.  And now we have company. I m trying to
figure out who it is, that s all.
 Why wouldn t they land on the strip? She pointed in its general direction as she
asked what he d wondered from the first.  It s the best place to land here. Best terrain.
There was only one reason he could think of. Because they were trying to hide
something. That they d come in stealth mode supported that assumption. He didn t say that
aloud.  I don t know. Be quiet a minute. He didn t think they would be able to hear him
from this distance. Even most other Wolftons didn t have his ears.
He concentrated, listening. Could hear two sets of footsteps coming over the ridge.  I
want you to stay out of sight. Head back for the house. Whoever it was, he didn t want
them around his mate. He took her hand and scrambled behind a small work shed. They
could still see but it gave them a little bit of cover.  Can you hear them? Another way to tell
how close they were.
 No. I don t hear anything. Who do you think is here? She stared in the direction of
the coming footsteps. A worry line creased her brow. She lowered her voice.  Now I hear
them. She made no move to obey his order. No move to get herself out of danger.  Why are
they here?
His hands clenched up before relaxing. He needed her away from here.  I m not sure.
He reached up and ran his thumb across her forehead, smoothing down the crease.  It s
probably a client of Meta s that she didn t have written down. I ll protect you if it s not.
Don t worry. He continued to stroke her forehead. He liked her skin under his fingertips.
94 Mechele Armstrong
He tried to soothe her even as his worry grew. He wanted her away from the escalating
confrontation. He hadn t even explained why he could be a target.  Now, you need to go
back to the house. Right this second.
It wouldn t be his pack.
They d come in force. The leader never did anything alone. He d shown them before it
would take numbers to bring him down. They couldn t be this stealthy in the concentration
needed to take him out. He was overreacting with worry. Now he d gotten her worked up,
which meant she didn t want to leave him and go to safety. He worked to calm himself
 I know you will protect me.
Her simple words filled him with the most glory he d ever had. She trusted him in all
things. Nothing could be better than that.
It had been a long time since anyone had depended on him. For anything beyond a
drink or two. This, from this woman, filled him with feelings he couldn t describe.
Before they could move or say anything else, the two individuals crested the ridge.
Marched into their line of sight.
Clyde didn t recognize them.
They weren t from his pack, just as he d thought.
However, they were armed to go into battle. A phaser on each of them. He spotted
other weaponry hidden, but not that well.
Clyde had been on Settler s Mine a long time. Seen lots of people. And he recognized
these two. Oh, he hadn t seen them before. But he d seen plenty of others like them.
Bounty hunters.
He took a deep breath and inhaled their scent. This close, he wouldn t miss on species
Settler s Mine 4: The Wolf 95
That explained the weapons. Wolftons didn t usually mess with such things. But that
was good. The Quatarians wouldn t use scents to track them down. He could be right in front
of them and they d never know.
 Who are these men? Angelica shrank back against him as though she could hide from
 Bounty hunters. After me. He answered, realizing this mind-speak talking was a boon [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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