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what you had for breakfast."
"Door's still open, Dad."
The heavy vanadium-steel sec door had jammed three-quarters of the way up and
it still hung there.
Ryan ducked under it, pushing away a momentary vision of the faulty catch
giving way and the entire weight tumbling on himself and the others, crushing
them to smears of blood and pulped bone on the concrete.
But they all passed through safely and crossed the control room, where the
faint smell of damp still lingered, through the anteroom, with the armaglass
sec door of the gateway directly ahead of them.
Everyone bustled through, all of them following Doc's lead and bolstering
their blasters. Dean had recovered all his sharpness and was back to his old
"Can I close the door, Dad?"
"No, I'll do it. You sit down with the others and get ready for the jump."
Krysty looked around, turning to stare behind them, across the deserted
comp-control area, with its monitor screens showing endless, ever-changing
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fields of data.
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Deathlands 29 - Bloodlines
"Anything, lover?" Ryan asked.
"No. Don't think so. Just got that odd feeling of there being something. And
"Well, if it's Melmoth, then he's too late. Another few seconds we're out of
Doc went in first, laying his swordstick at his side, stretching his long legs
in front of him, knees cracking. Mildred sat next to him, her beads fluttering
against the dark brown wall of the chamber.
J.B. stepped in third, avoiding a dried-up mess on the floor. "Could've
cleaned up your puke, Ryan," he admonished. "Sloppy housekeeping."
Ryan grinned. "Remind you of that next time you throw up during a jump."
"That'll be the day, pilgrim." He settled himself beside Mildred, laying his
weapons at his side, taking off his spectacles and carefully folding them,
placing them in a top pocket of his coat. He took Mildred's hand in his.
Jak went in silently, sitting with the grace of a cat in front of a hearth.
Dean looked at his father. "Are you sure I can't do the door, Dad?"
"No. Sit down, quickly." Despite the security of being snug in the heart of
the redoubt, Ryan still felt a little uneasy. The Trader used to say that an
enemy alive meant always checking the shadows. It was true.
Krysty patted him on the cheek. "Let's hope we find a nicer, kinder place next
time," she said, sitting beside Dean and waiting for Ryan to join them.
He took a last look behind him.
The air was still, though he thought for a moment he heard a whispering of
He set that thought away and walked into the chamber. "Everyone ready?" A
chorus of "yes" greeted him.
"Then here we go." He closed the door and sat cross-legged beside Krysty,
reaching out to hold her hand.
"To a good jump," she whispered.
"I'll drink to that, too, lover, when we got something to drink."
The disks in floor and ceiling of the armaglass chamber were beginning to
glow, and a faint mist was gathering at the top of the hexagonal room.
"You see that the notice is gone off the wall of the little room, Dad?" Dean
asked, his voice already echoing from far away.
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Deathlands 29 - Bloodlines
"Boy's correct, you know," Doc said, his voice booming like a bittern at
sunset across a salt marsh.
"About a show they were putting on here. Before skydark. It's vanished."
Ryan felt his brain beginning to scramble. Dean mentioning the note was
somehow important. But how and why? Perhaps it didn't matter at all. Though it
had to mean someone had been down in the gateway section since they jumped to
the bayous.
"Who could?" he said slowly, his voice distorted.
Krysty's fingers squeezed his hand very hard, painfully. She was telling him
something, shouting. But the jump was almost under way.
A silhouetted figure appeared outside the heavy door, someone tall and skinny.
Wearing black.
Ryan's grip on the present had almost gone, and he was clinging to
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consciousness by a ragged fingernail.
Door opening.
Dark figure.
White hair.
Face close against his, with eyes that leaked bright blood. Skin like paper.
Old, immeasurably old.
Hissing words. " what you did"
As blackness finally swallowed him up, and his eye closed, Ryan Cawdor's last
sentient thought was that his nostrils were filled with the acrid stench of
Of death.
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Deathlands 29 - Bloodlines
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