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in the mud and filth of the verr pens themselves, the bleating animals,
frightened, darting about, leaping over the bodies.
Near the verr pens we found chained male slaves, picked up by Kurii on
foraging expeditions, and used as porters. There were more than three hundred
such wretches.
Svein Blue Tooth was at the pens, leading the attack that had broken the
rally. The rally had been led by the Kur who had been foremost in the attack
on his hall. This Kur, it seemed, had disappeared, scattering with the others.
The Blue Tooth stepped over the body of a fallen Kur. He gestured to the
chained male slaves. "Free them," he said, "and give them weapons. There is
yet work to do." Eagerly the slaves, when their manacles had been struck
away, picked up weapons and sought Kurii.
"Do not permit Kurii to escape to the south," said Svein Blue Tooth to Ketil,
keeper of his high farm, who had been famed as a wrestler.
"The bosk herd blocks their escape in numbers," said Ketil. "Some have even
been trampled."
"We have been tricked!" cried a man. "Across the camp is the true rally,
hundreds of Kurii! All falls before them! This was a ruse to draw men here,
permitting Kurii to regroup in numbers elsewhere!"
My heart leaped.
No wonder the commander of the Kurii had left his forces here, disappearing. I
wondered if they knew his real intent had been elsewhere. I admired him. He
was a true general, a most dangerous and lethal foe, unscrupulous, brilliant.
"It seems," grinned Ivar Forkbeard, "we have a worthy adversary."
"The battle turns against us!" cried a man.
"They must be held!" said Ivar Forkbeard. We heard the howling of Kurii, from
almost a pasang away, on the other side of the camp. Drifting to us, too, were
the cries of men. "Let us join the fray, Tarl Red Hair," invited the
Fleeing men rushed past us. The Forkbeard struck one, felling him.
"To the battle," said he. The man turned, and, taking his weapon, fled back to
the fighting. "To the battle!" cried the Forkbeard. "To the battle!"
"They cannot be held!" cried a man. "They will sweep the camp!"
"To the battle!" cried the Forkbeard.
We ran madly toward the fighting.
There, already lifted, we saw the signal spear of Svein Blue Tooth. About it
swept Kurii. It was like a flag on an island. At its foot stood the mighty
Rollo, striking to the left and right with his ax. No Kur who approached the
signal spear did not die. Hundreds of men, in ragged, scattered lines, strung
out laterally, accompanied us. Kwrii, overextended, meeting this new
resistance, to piercing howls, fell back, to regroup for another charge.
"Form lines!" cried Svein Blue Tooth. "Form lines!" The Blue Tooth, their
Jarl, was with them! Men fought to take their place, under his eyes, in the
first line.
The Blue Tooth himself now stood with Rollo, his own hand on the signal spear.
We saw the overlapping shields of the Kurii line, the axes. There must have
been better than two thousand Kurii formed.
Then, to our surprise, from within the Kurii lines we saw two or three hundred
slave girls whipped forth. They were bound together in fours and fives. Some
were bound together by the wrists, others by the ankles, some by the waist,
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many by the throat. They were cattle, caught and tethered in the camp, in the
confusion, by Kurii. They were to be used to break our lines. I saw Ael~gifu,
Pudding, among them. Her wrists were pulled out from the side of her body,
bound to the wrist of a girl on either side, as they themselves were fastened.
We heard the cracking of whips, and the cries of pain. Faster and faster ran
the girls toward us, fleeing the whips. Behind them, rapidly, the Kurii
"Charge!" cried the Svein Blue Tooth. The lines of men, too, hurtled forward.
Not ten yards before the clash took place, Svein Blue Tooth and his
lieutenants before the running line, as the girls, under the whips of Kurii,
fled, terrified, seeing the axes, the leveled weapons, toward them, made a
sign no bond-maid of the north mistakes, the belly sign. Almost as one the
girls, crying out, flung themselves to their bellies among the bodies and the
charge of the men of Torvaldsland, missing not a step, took its way over them,
striking the startled Kurii with an unimpeded impact. I cut down one of the
Kurii with its whip. "When the whip is put to the
f%20Gor.txt (117 of 136) [1/20/03 3:30:07 AM]
arauders%20of%20Gor.txt back of slaves," I told it, "it is we who shall do
so." There was, instantly, fierce fighting, in and among, and over, the bodies
of the tethered bond-maids. Those who could covered their heads with their
hands. Bodies, human and Kur, fell bloodied to the grass. Bond-maids, half
crushed, some with broken bones, screamed. They struggled, some to rise, but,
tethered, few could do so.
Most lay prone, trembling, as the feet shifted about them, weapons clashing
over their heads. The
Kurii, some seventeen or eighteen hundred of them, fell back.
"Cut the wenches free," ordered Svein Blue Tooth. Blades swiftly freed the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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