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revealed a hole in the side of Albion's washed-out Mercurial t-shirt. Despite Braxen's weak protest,
Stealth used his metal left hand to rip the t-shirt open and point out the bluish hole in Albion's chest.
"Entry wound, .30-06 with a light bullet and light charge. Stressed copper jacket, I would assume,
designed to fragment on impact."
Stealth cranked his head around to look at Braxen. "Most of the kid's blood will be in this lung. He got
hit, started bleeding, and ran himself to death."
Braxen nodded but made no notes. He and I both knew that if Stealth one of the world's experts on
innovative means of rival-retirement pointed it out and it concerned death, he wouldn't be wrong.
"What kind of gun?"
Stealth's foot claws grated slightly on the cement as he straightened up again. "Customized rifle. Long
barrel to maximize accuracy and muzzle velocity. Good work."
The cruiser's headlights made Braxen's tusks stand out against his swarthy flesh. "You do the work?"
"I'm not a toymaker."
"Wasn't a toy that killed this boy, Stealth."
Stealth shrugged as if to say "have it your own way." He jammed his hands into the pockets of his trench
coat and sat back on his haunches. The headlights left him a silhouette except for the reddish light burning
in his Zeiss eyes.
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I knew from the set of Stealth's shoulders that he wouldn't be saying anything more to Braxen. "Harry,
your forensics people will verify what Stealth is saying."'
The ork cop shook his head. "No, they won't. No autopsy for this one." "What are you talking about?
It's a suspicious death, isn't it?" I glanced down at Albion's body. "You need an autopsy for your
"Whatinvestigation, Kies? This kid's got no SIN. He doesn't exist as far as the system is concerned. He
isn't even a statistic."
I wanted to grab him, but two things stopped me. The first was the realization that Braxen was
absolutely correct. Without a System Identification Number, neither Albion nor any of the other denizens
who lurked in the shadows of the sprawl had any official existence. Schools wouldn't take them, hospitals
wouldn't treat them, help centers ignored them.
Well I knew, for I myself had grown up without a SIN.
There was no way the system was going to investigate the death of someone like Albion. Had he been
an elf or ork or Amerind, his own folk might have taken an interest in him. Lone Star, however, was a
private corporation hired to keep the peace in Seattle, not to clean up after some murderer who got
careless when dropping his trash.
The second thing that stopped me was Braxen's tone. For all of his being a cop, Harry Braxen wasn't
like most of the blue crew. He'd grown up in Seattle and, as an ork, knew all about discrimination and
the callousness of the system. He'd known who Albion was the instant he'd seen him, but he had
probably called me down to identify the body to get me interested in the case.
"Spill it, Harry. I don't like standing in the rain."
Braxen squatted next to the body and I dropped down beside him. Kid Stealth's shadow hid both of us
and Harry kept his voice low enough that only Albion and the Murder Machine could hear us. "Could be
this is the fourth body I've seen dropped like this. Two gillettes down by the docks and one
dreamchipper up in Bel-mont. She was the first and we got some datafiles on her before they lost her
body. Files were dumped." "She have a name?"
"Athena Neon is what I filed her under. She had a neon rose tied with a yellow ribbon tattooed on her
I nodded slowly. "It went down the same way?"
"Identical except for maybe one detail." Braxen reached out and turned Albion's face to the left and then
to the right. "Can't tell with him, but the other three had all lost a lock of hair. One of the gillettes was a
guy I'd popped the month before. That was how I first noticed it his rat-tail was missing."
In the back of my mind the Old One what I call the slice of the Wolf spirit lairing in my
psyche started to growl. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck prick up. "No other links?"
Braxen shrugged. "You know that sometimes us cops keep 'hobby cases.' "
"Ones you work on in your spare time, right?" I smiled. "I have a list of women like that."
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Harry nodded. "Well, these killings were a hobby case of mine, but my files are gone, just flat vanished.
Someone with mondo-juice hit my corner of the Matrix and wiped them out."
I straightened up. "You're going to call a meat wagon for him?"
"Unless you think Salacia and her people want to make arrangements for him." Braxen looked down at
the kid as a wind-whipped plastic bag molded itself to Albion's face. "The kid should have stayed where
he was safe."
"Amen," I said to that, knowing that to find out what happened to Albion, I'd be going places that
weren't even in hailing distance of safe.
Stealth and I retreated deeper into the alley as the morgue van arrived. The attendants zipped Albion
into a body bag glistening with rain. Harry supervised and handed the driver a card. Then he got into his
car and followed the van away, taking his headlights with him and leaving us in the dark.
I turned to Kid Stealth. "He's gone. Give me what you've got because I know you're dying to have me
show him up."
Stealth answered me in a flat monotone. "Doc Raven will be back from Tokyo tomorrow night. We can
give him the scan, let him decide what to do about this."
"Stealth, let me do some legwork first." I pointed to the place where the rain had begun to darken the
lighter outline of Albion's body. "The trail will get cold."
"The killer will be back." The red lights in Stealth's eyes bloated and shrank. "He's a thrill killer."
"This is his recreation." Stealth looked at me for a moment, looked away, then nodded. "The bullets you
use in your Viper1. . . ."
"Silver, drilled and patched with a silver-nitrate solution to make them explosive."
I hesitated. Kid Stealth hadn't been around during the Full Moon Slashings so he didn't know what
Raven and I had run into back then. I'd developed the bullets to deal with that mess and I'd kept using
them since, just in case. I sensed in his question, however, not so much a desire to know the history of
my bullets as to understand the thinking that went into producing them.
"I had them done that way so they would maximize shock and destruction. Bullets are meant to kill and I
wanted mine to do the job well."
Stealth studied me for a moment before answering. "The bullet used on Albion was designed to make
1The nice thing about carrying around and using a gun as old as the Beretta Viper 14 was that under
most current laws, antiques weren't really considered "weapons" for concealment purposes. Me, I never
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saw the allure of these newfangled guns full of computer components and all. Go ahead, rely on
Windows Sniper 4.0 if you want to, but I prefer not to need software patches when I'm in a firefight.
die.Back before the Awakening, before magic came back to the world, there were people who would
test their hunting skills by using a bow and arrow to take wildlife." Stealth held his hands before him as if
visualizing what he was describing. "Bows are uncertain. Because an arrow might not cause enough [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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