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 Not yet. I want to come with you inside me.
Jake s breathing stuttered. He didn t know how Conrad could just come out and say things like
that. But good Lord, those words were sending bolts of heat right through him. Through all of him,
except one part that was still exhausted.
 I m not ready yet, he pointed out, reluctantly.
Conrad gave him a small smile that was almost a smirk.  I know. That s why I wanted to take
the edge off. The second time around will be even better.
Jake shivered deliciously at the rock-steady confidence in Conrad s voice. It was true, he had
never come back for a second round as quickly as with Conrad. Was that a side effect of this
pairbound thing? Or was it just a side effect of& Conrad?
 I don t think I entirely approve of the way Brand runs his pack, Conrad said thoughtfully,
sounding as abstracted as if they were having this conversation fully dressed and over dinner, instead
of pressed together naked on Jake s futon.  It seems very heavy-handed. This insistence on public
claiming I don t see why. Though  he paused, and let his hands wander down Jake s spine.
 Though what? Jake prompted, kissing his neck. He was half on top of Conrad, half sitting on
the futon, and it was a little awkward, but it did mean lots of skin to skin contact, and that was all
Jake wanted right now.
Conrad, apparently, wanted to talk.  Though there is some part of me that does comprehend the
attraction, he was saying.  The instinct, I suppose it must be to parade one s mate in front of all
the pack. To let them see what they can never have.
Jake kissed his ear, then nuzzled his neck.  You want to parade me? he asked, half-joking.
 I want everything, Conrad confessed, in his soft, cultured voice.  I want you all to myself, and
at the same time I want the world to see you and envy me. Your thighs alone would drive strong men
to drink.
Jake lifted his head and gave Conrad a baffled look.  My thighs? He looked down at himself,
then back at Conrad.
 You have no idea, do you, Conrad said, and the look he gave Jake in return was fond and
warm.  You re strong as an oak, wild and powerful as a forest god. Your thighs make my mouth
water. Your shoulders haunt my dreams. He sighed, and then he wrapped his hands around the swell
of Jake s bicep.  Don t get me wrong, it s not just this that attracts me, he added, squeezing gently.
 But all the same, this is very attractive indeed.
Jake felt his ears start to burn. Nobody had ever said anything like that to him.
He knew he was broad-shouldered for his height, sure. He knew he was strong; spend your days
lifting heavy stuff and hammering on metal, anyone would grow some muscle. And he liked to lift
weights now and then, too, enjoying the way it felt when he pushed himself.
 Built like a tow truck, was the way Garcia usually put it.
But what Conrad was saying& it sounded ridiculously high-flown, like poetry, and yet Conrad
meant it.
Jake could tell. There was no mockery in Conrad s eyes, just heat.
Conrad liked him.
Conrad thought he was& a forest god?
Jake shook his head, setting his wild curls flying around his ears. He couldn t think about that, it
was too crazy. And it mattered more that Conrad wanted this, wanted him.
He bent down and licked a long curving path from Conrad s neck to his left nipple. It stood up
under his tongue, small and pink and delicious.
Conrad let out a long shuddering moan. He fell back on the bed, his shoulders hitting the
mattress with a soft sound.  More, he begged. His arms were spread wide, his expression eager.
Jake didn t have to be asked twice. He bent further forward, letting his tongue explore the path
to Conrad s other nipple while Conrad shivered and moaned under him.
Conrad was so responsive, so vocal. There was no awkwardness here, no shame, the way there
had been in Jake s few other encounters with willing men. This was as far from that as a banquet was
to fast food.
Jake took his time. He loved the sighing little moans Conrad gave as Jake explored the
sensitivity of his nipples, his flat stomach.
Tremors went through Conrad, and his moans grew louder when Jake trailed a finger along his
inner thigh. Such soft skin, covered with the softest, tiniest little blond hairs.
 Oh, that tickles, Conrad said, biting his lip. But at the same time he let his thighs fall a little
further apart, deliberately.  I don t care, do it again, he urged breathlessly.
Jake smiled, and did just that.
While he teased Conrad, he stared at Conrad s cock, curving upward onto his stomach. His
mouth watered, but he remembered what Conrad had said.  I want to come with you inside me.
Still, that didn t mean he couldn t have a taste&
He bent forward and took the head of Conrad s cock into his mouth, sucking hard just for a few
breaths, then letting go again.
 Ah! Conrad nearly jackknifed upright, then fell down again on the soft mattress, gasping.
There was color in his pale face now, a soft rose spreading all the way down to his neck.
Jake grinned.  Like that?
 Fiend, Conrad said, but his eyes were sparkling.  Demon.
Jake would take that for a yes.
He wanted to make Conrad call him more names. Louder names. But he didn t want to go fast;
not now that Conrad had taken the edge off.
Jake was already beginning to stir again, a little jolt going through his cock every time Conrad
moaned, but it would take a little longer to get himself ready.
So he spent that time indulging himself, exploring Conrad s long, lithe body from the soft folds
of skin under his knees to the sweet strong lines of his breastbone.
Conrad shivered and moaned the whole time, rolling his head back and forth. He looked so
unlike the tall, cool, imperturbable image he presented to the world. He wasn t hiding anything, not
from Jake.
Every time Jake touched Conrad s thighs, those moans grew a little louder, and Conrad s thighs
spread further apart, as if by accident. Finally, Jake couldn t stand it anymore. He scrabbled under the
pillows, then by the side of the bed, until he found the bottle of massage oil.
He hadn t used it that much when he was on his own; he preferred the rougher touch of his own
hand, and the oil was too slick and made it hard to get a grip on himself.
But now, he was glad he had it lying around. He uncapped the bottle and let the oil pool in his
hand, warming it.
Conrad was watching him with half-lidded eyes, still with that rose flush on his cheeks and
neck. He licked his lips, watching Jake spread the oil over his own hands.
Jake eyed him, wondering what Conrad was thinking.
Conrad met his gaze, then looked away, his eyelashes sweeping down provocatively.  Tell
me, Conrad murmured.  Tell me what you want me to do.
There was a husky undertone to Conrad s soft voice that was completely new, and the rosy flush
was spreading all the way down to his breast.
 You want that? Jake said, stroking his thigh with one oily hand.  You want me to call the
 It s yes, Conrad said.  Please. He was biting at his lower lip again, and the sight made
Jake hungry.
He bent over, resting his hands on Conrad s shoulders, and claimed his mouth.
It was different kissing him like this, when Conrad was lying down and Jake was almost on top
of him. His tongue stabbed down into Conrad s sweet, eager mouth, and Conrad moaned low in his
throat, urging him on. He could feel Conrad s cock rubbing against his thigh, already spilling a little
When Jake broke away at last, he was rock-hard again himself, and Conrad looked at him with
such hunger that Jake felt a little sympathetic stab in his own gut. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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