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In the end, though, the Suburban wasn't necessary.
Jessica and Lauren claimed to be busy as soon as Mike let it slip that I was involved in the planning. Eric
and Katie already had plans it was their three-week anniversary or something. Lauren got toTyler and
Conner before Mike could, so those two were also busy. Even Quil was out grounded for fighting at
school. In the end, only Angela and Ben, and, of course Jacob, were able to go.
The diminished numbers didn't dampen Mike's anticipation, though. It was all he could talk about Friday.
"Are you sure you don't want to seeTomorrow and Forever instead?" he asked at lunch, naming the
current romantic comedy that was ruling the box office. "Rotten Tomatoes gave it a better review."
"I want to seeCrosshairs" I insisted. "I'm in the mood for action. Bring on the blood and guts!"
"Okay." Mike turned away, but not before I saw his maybe-she's-crazy-after-all expression.
When I got home from school, a very familiar car was parked in front of my house. Jacob was leaning
against the hood, a huge grin lighting up his face.
"No way!" I shouted as I jumped out of the truck. "You're done! I can't believe it! You finished the
He beamed. "Just last night. This is the maiden voyage."
"Incredible." I held my hand up for a high five.
He smacked his hand against mine, but left it there, twisting his fingers through mine. "So do I get to
drive tonight?"
"Definitely," I said, and then I sighed.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm giving up I can't top this one. So you win. You're oldest."
He shrugged, unsurprised by my capitulation. "Of course I am."
Mike's Suburban chugged around the corner. I pulled my hand out of Jacob's, and he nude a face that I
wasn't meant to see.
"I remember this guy," he said in a low voice as Mike parked across the street. "The one who thought
you were his girlfriend. Is he still confused?"
I raised one eyebrow. "Some people are hard to discourage."
"Then again," Jacob said thoughtfully, "sometimes persistence pays off."
"Most of the time it's just annoying, though."
Mike got out of his car and crossed the road.
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"Hey, Bella," he greeted me, and then his eyes turned wary as he looked up at Jacob. I glanced briefly at
Jacob, too, trying to be objective. He really didn't look like a sophomore at all. He was just so
big Mike's head barely cleared Jacob's shoulder; I didn't even want to think where I measured next to
him and then his face was older-looking than it used to be, even a month ago.
"Hey, Mike! Do you remember Jacob Black?"
"Not really." Mike held out his hand.
"Old family friend," Jacob introduced himself, shaking hands. They locked hands with more force than
necessary. When their grip broke, Mike flexed his fingers.
I heard the phone ringing from the kitchen.
"I'd better get that it might be Charlie," I told them, and dashed inside.
It was Ben. Angela was sick with the stomach flu, and he didn't feel like coming without her. He
apologized for bailing on us.
I walked slowly back to the waiting boys, shaking my head. I really hoped Angela would feel better
soon, but I had to admit that I was selfishly upset by this development. Just the three of us, Mike and
Jacob and me, together for the evening this had worked out brilliantly, I thought with grim sarcasm.
It didn't seem like Jake and Mike had made any progress towards friendship in my absence. They were
several yards apart, facing away from each other as they waited for me; Mike's expression was sullen,
though Jacob's was cheerful as always.
"Ang is sick," I told them glumly. "She and Ben aren't coming."
"I guess the flu is making another round. Austin and Conner were out today, too. Maybe we should do
this another time," Mike suggested.
Before I could agree, Jacob spoke.
"I'm still up for it. But if you'd rather to stay behind, Mike "
"No, I'm coming," Mike interrupted. "I was just thinking of Angela and Ben. Let's go." He started
toward his Suburban.
"Hey, do you mind if Jacob drives?" I asked. "I told him he could he just finished his car. He built it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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