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to destroy Himalia.
 What can we do? Frantically, Art sent a TEOTWAWKI alert to Carlos.
 We must get this lifeboat off Victorious, and far away.
 Why tell me? A corner of his attention noted Carlos linking in. The flashing
of the red lights was becoming stroboscopic. Hypnotic. But was it real or simulated?
 I am telling you so your fleet does not make the mistake of attacking me as I
launch. My first show of good faith: About forty UP ships will be here within an
hour by your reckoning.
 Forty-two ships, came Carlos aside. His special-ops team had made direct
contact not quite two hours earlier over UPIA spacesuit radios.  What s Mashkith
up to?
Carlos had asked the right question.  Why should we trust you, Foremost?
 You have no reason yet. His avatar made a circular head motion.  But
without your trust we will all die. You have sensors on all decks. Have your
translator report what I am about to announce.
An intercom boomed all around, in the shrill, warbling voice of a Snake.  It s
Mashkith, Joe said.  That s confirmed by voiceprint. The same announcement is
being made on all decks.
 What s he saying? Carlos asked.
 The Foremost is surrendering but to K Choi Gwu ka.
* * * *
Renown grazed a docked scoopship before drifting out of the landing bay.
Through the pilot s viewport, Victorious loomed like a small world. No, it is a small
world, Mashkith thought, and my whole clan is on it. Only I can save them.
But would the clan heed his words?
 Arblen Ems: Our deeds epic, our accomplishments larger than life, larger
than the vastness of interstellar space. Sadly, courage and devotion not guarantors of
success. The shortcoming all my own. Who but himself could he blame for his
misplaced trust in Lothwer, for instilling in Lothwer great tactical skill without the
dedication to the clan to guide it?
They had come so close. Had Valorous not been detected after Himalia, or
had Lothwer kept faith only a little longer, the clan would have escaped. Even now,
but for Lothwer s despair, they would all have lived with all the glory anyone could
want. In the sense that thriving despite the hostility of others can be revenge, then
revenge, too, would have been theirs.
At the last, the only lesson Lothwer had learned was to have a back-up plan.
He had brought explosives, not relied upon activating the lifeboat s interstellar drive
to trigger catastrophe.
The humans are right not to trust me, Mashkith thought. They are right not to
trust any Hunter but unless he could inculcate trust now, all would die.  Clan
mates, your bravery and sacrifice commendable. The time now for wisdom.
Resources of this vast solar system too much for the most valiant Hunters. Attack
imminent of great human fleet. Requirement now of your bravery and wisdom:
recognition of harsh realities.
It was the most critical speech of his life, yet only the merest fraction of his
attention could be allotted to delivering it. A few attitude jets still worked, and
sporadically a little of the flight automation. As Mashkith spoke, he struggled to
reorient the ship. After each gentle nudge of his jets, the unmoored lifeboat within
bumped yet again against some part of the hold. For the clan to survive, he must
quickly move Renown far away. If one of the onrushing human ships merely
reduced its deceleration, it would be quickly upon him. And were it to attack....
 Clan survival imperative above all else. The consequence: this directive from
me as Foremost of Arblen Ems. Immediate submission of all Hunters to the original
Foremost of Victorious: K Choi Gwu ka. Handover of all weapons to the ka and her
As Renown s battered nose finally swung around to point outward from the
Sun, away from the pursuing fleet, he began gently to accelerate. The lifeboat, with a
soft crunch, came to rest against the stern of the tank. Its cockpit was ablaze with
yellow. How long did he have?
 Suicidal despair already by some. Result: the attempted destruction of all.
The Foremost s final duty: removal of this deadly peril from Victorious.
He broke the connection to the ship s intercom, but remained linked to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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