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his belief that the chief features of Stalinism, especially paign, Lung was punished for his remarks, but he English, introduced, and annotated by Michael
the crash industrialization program of the 1930s, were managed to regain his spot on the National Defense Schoenhals in  Mao Zedong: Speeches at the 1957
still relevant, indeed essential, for China. Later on, Council in December 1958. See MacFarquhar, The  Moscow Conference , The Journal of Communist
after the Sino-Soviet split emerged, Chinese support Hundred Flowers Campaign and the Chinese Intellec- Studies 2:2 (June 1986), 109-126. Mao s comments
for Stalin was largely rekindled, no doubt to retaliate tuals, 50. See also Mineo Nakajima,  Foreign Rela- about the Anti-Party Group were as follows:  I endorse
against Khrushchev. For a lengthy Chinese statement tions: From the Korean War to the Bandung Line, in the CPSU Central Committee s resolution of the
from 1963 defending Stalin (while acknowledging that MacFarquhar and Fairbank, eds., The People s Repub- Molotov question. That was a struggle of opposites.
he made a few  mistakes ), see  On the Question of lic, Part I, 270, 277. The facts show that unity could not be achieved and that
Stalin: Comment on the Open Letter of the Central 94. See  Deklaratsiya o printsipakh razvitiya i the two sides were mutually exclusive. The Molotov
Committee of the CPSU (2) by the Editorial Depart- dal neishem ukreplenii druzhby i sotrudnichestva clique took the opportunity to attack when Comrade
ments of People s Daily and Red Flag, 13 September mezhdu SSSR i drugimi sotsialisticheskimi stranami, Khrushchev was abroad and unprepared. However,
1963, in Peking Review 6:38 (20 September 1963), 8- Pravda (Moscow), 31 October 1956, 1. For the CPSU even though they launched a surprise attack, our Com-
15. Presidium decision to issue the declaration, see  Vypiska rade Khrushchev is no fool; he is a smart man who
91. The reference here is to Mao s trip in November iz protokola No. 49 zasedaniya Prezidiuma TsK ot 30 immediately mobilized his forces and launched a victo-
1957, his first visit to Moscow (and indeed his first trip oktyabrya 1956 g.: O polozhenii v Vengrii, No. P49/ rious counterattack. That struggle was one between
outside China) since early 1950. On the point dis- 1 (STRICTLY SECRET), 30 October 1956, in APRF, two lines: one erroneous and one relatively correct. In
cussed in the next sentence, see Khrushchev, F.3, Op. 64, D.484, Ll. 25-30. Zimyanin s description the four or five years since Stalin s death the situation
Vospominaniya, Vol. 5, Part G, p. 105. of Chinese policy is accurate. The Chinese authorities in the Soviet Union has improved considerably in the
92. In May 1956 the Chinese authorities promulgated immediately hailed the Soviet statement and cited it sphere of both domestic policy and foreign policy. This
the slogan  Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom, Let a approvingly on many occasions later on. During a trip shows that the line represented by Comrade Khrushchev
Hundred Schools of Thought Contend ; and in the to Moscow, Warsaw, and Budapest in January 1957, for is more correct and that opposition to this line is
spring of 1957, after the CCP Central Committee example, Chinese prime minister Zhou Enlai repeatedly incorrect. Comrade Molotov is an old comrade with a
published a directive inviting public criticism, many praised the October 30 statement as evidence of long fighting history, but this time he made a mistake.
Chinese intellectuals took advantage of the opportu- Moscow s  determination to eliminate certain abnor- The struggle between the two lines within the CPSU
nity to express remarkably bold and pointed critiques mal features of its relations with other socialist states. was of an antagonistic variety because the two sides
of the Communist regime, far exceeding what Mao had 95.  Sovmestnoe Sovetsko-Kitaiskoe Zayavlenie, 18 could not accommodate each other and each side ex-
anticipated. After six weeks of growing ferment, the January 1957, in Kurdyukov, Nikiforov, and Perevertailo, cluded the other. When this is the case, there need not
authorities launched a vehement crackdown under the eds., Sovetsko-kitaiskie otnosheniya, 330-335. be any trouble if everything is handled well, but there is
new slogan  the extermination of poisonous weeds. Zimyanin s characterization of this declaration (see the danger of trouble if things are not handled well.
Hundreds of thousands of  rightists and  counter- next sentence) is accurate. 99.  Vstrecha Predsedatelya Mao Tsze-duna s kitaiskimi
revolutionaries were arrested, and more than 300,000 96. The reference here is to a two-part conference in studentami i praktikantami v Moskve, Pravda (Mos-
eventually were sentenced to forced labor or other Moscow on 14-19 November 1957 marking the 40th cow), 22 November 1957, 3.
punitive conditions. For a valuable overview of this anniversary of the Bolshevik takeover. The leaders of 100.  Kommyunike o vstreche N. S. Khrushcheva i
episode, see Roderick MacFarquhar, ed., The Hundred all 13 ruling Communist parties were invited to the first Mao Tsze-duna, 3 August 1958, in Kurdyukov,
Flowers Campaign and the Chinese Intellectuals (New session on 14-16 November, but at the outset Yugosla- Nikiforov, and Perevertailo, eds., Sovetsko-kitaiskie
York: Praeger, 1960), which includes extensive docu- via declined to take any further part. As Zimyanin otnosheniya, 403-406.
mentation as well a lengthy narrative and critical com- accurately observes below, China joined the other par- 101. The  questions of military cooperation discussed
mentaries. For a perceptive analysis of the fundamen- ticipants in issuing a statement that reaffirmed the at this meeting were essentially fivefold. First, China
tal differences between the Hundred Flowers cam- CPSU s preeminent role in the world Communist move- sought new weapons and broader military backing from
paign in China and the post-Stalin  Thaw in the Soviet ment. See  Deklaratsiya Soveshchaniya predstavitelei Moscow for a possible operation against Taiwan (see
Union, see S. H. Chen,  Artificial Flowers During a kommunisticheskikh i rabochikh partii above). Second, Khrushchev sought, once again, to
Natural  Thaw , in Donald W. Treadgold, ed., Soviet sotsialisticheskikh stran, sostoyavshegosya v Moskve persuade China to permit a long-wave military commu-
and Chinese Communism: Similarities and Differ- 14-16 noyabrya 1957 goda, Pravda (Moscow), 22 nications center to be established on Chinese territory [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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