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Prezidiuma TsK KPSS ot 12 iyulya 1956 g., 12 Hungary and the Soviet Bloc (Durham, NC: Duke ments of the Soviet ground and air forces.
80  Shifrtelegramma iz Budapeshta, Cable from
July 1956 (Strictly Secret), in TsKhSD, F. 3, Op. University Press, 1986); and Paul E. Zinner, Revo-
14, D. 41, Ll. 1-2. lution in Hungary (New York: Columbia Uni- A. Mikoyan and M. Suslov to the CPSU Pre-
60  Rastut i krepnut mezhdunarodnye sily mira, versity Press, 1962). Until recently, reliable Hun- sidium, 24 October 1956 (Strictly Secret), in
demokratii i sotsializma, Pravda (Moscow), 16 garian-language accounts were relatively few in AVPRF, F. 059a, Op. 4, Pap. 6, D. 5, L. 2. [Ed.
July 1956, pp. 2-3. number, but that has changed dramatically since note: For an English translation, see CWIHP Bul-
61  Zapis besedy A. I. Mikoyana s Matyashem Communism ended. The large number of publi- letin 5 (Spring 1995), pp. 22-23, 29.]
81 The Soviet defense ministry s complete list of
Rakoshi, Andrashem Hegedushem, Erne Gere i cations put out in Budapest by the Institute for
Beloi Vegom, 13 iyulya 1956 g., 17 July 1956 the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution are Hungarian army units that defected to the insur-
gents was recently declassified at the main Rus- szembe Mikojannal es Szuszloval, Igazsag Khrushcheva, p. 73.
105  Protocol No. 54 al sedintei Biroului Politic
sian military archive, TsAMO, F. 32, Op. 701291, (Budapest), 1 November 1956, p. 1.
94 The theme of Hungarian neutrality was em- al CC al PMR din 24 oct. 1956, 24 October 1956
D. 17, Ll. 33-48.
82  Shifrtelegramma iz Budapeshta, Cable from phasized in several of Nagy s essays in On Com- (Top Secret), in Arhiva Comitetului Central al
A. Mikoyan and M. Suslov to the CPSU Pre- munism: In Defense of the New Course (Lon- Partidului Comunist Roman (Arh. CCPCR),
sidium, 25 October 1956 (Strictly Secret), in don: Thames and Hudson, 1957). The Soviet Bucharest, F. Biroul Politic, Dosar (Do.) 354/56,
AVPRF, F. 059a, Op. 4, Pap. 6, D. 5, L. 8. Union s backing for Rakosi against Nagy in ff. 1-5. This document is included in the valu-
83 Important samples of these messages, declas- March-April 1955 was clearly one of the factors able new collection edited by Corneliu Mihai
sified in 1992, are available in  Vengriya, that prompted Nagy to consider the prospect of Lungu and Mihai Retegan, 1956 Explozia:
oktyabr -noyabr 1956 goda: Iz arkhiva TsK neutrality. Perceptii romane, iugoslave si sovietice asupra
KPSS, Istoricheskii arkhiv (Moscow), No. 5 Khrushchev,  Memuary Nikity Sergeevicha evenimentelor din Polonia si Ungaria (Bucharest:
(1993), pp. 132-141. Khrushcheva, pp. 73-74. Editura Univers Enciclopedic, 1996).
84  Rabochaya zapis zasedaniya Prezidiuma TsK 96  Rabochaya zapis zasedaniya Prezidiuma TsK 106 Ibid.
107  Protocol No. 55 al sedintei Biroului Politic
KPSS, 26 oktyabrya 1956 g., Ll. 62-62ob. KPSS, 31 oktyabrya 1956 g., Ll. 15-18ob.
85 Citations here are from  Rabochaya zapis 97
 Vypiska iz protokola No. 49 zasedaniya al CC al PMR din 26 oct. 1956, 26 October 1956
zasedaniya Prezidiuma TsK KPSS, 28 oktyabrya Prezidiuma TsK KPSS ot 31 oktyabrya 1956 g.: (Top Secret), in Arh. CCPCR, F. Biroul Politic,
1956 g., Ll. 54-63. O polozhenii v Vengrii, No. P49/VI (Strictly Do. 355/56, ff. 1-5.
86  Rabochaya zapis zasedaniya Prezidiuma TsK Secret), 31 October 1956, in APRF, F. 3, Op. 64, 108  Protocol Nr. 58 al sedintei Biroului Politic
KPSS, 28 oktyabrya 1956, 28 October 1956 (Top D. 484, L. 41. al CC al PMR din 30 oct. 1956, 30 October 1956
98 For a detailed survey of the crisis as recorded (Top Secret), in Arh. CCPCR, F. Biroul Politic,
Secret), in TsKhSD, F. 3, Op. 12, D. 1005, Ll.
54-63. in declassified U.S. documents, see U.S. Depart- Do. 358/56, ff. 3-5.
87  Rabochaya zapis zasedaniya Prezidiuma TsK ment of State, Foreign Relations of the United 109
 Stenograma conferintei organizatiei
KPSS, 30 oktyabrya 1956 g., 30 October 1956 States, 1955-1957, Vol. XVI: Suez Crisis, July regionale al CC al PMR, 23 November 1956
(Top Secret), in TsKhSD, F. 3, Op. 12, D. 1006, 26-December 31, 1956 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. (Top Secret), in Arh. CCPCR, F. 85, Do. 84/56,
Ll. 6-14. Government Printing Office, 1990). Ff. 1-8. This report is not included in the Lungu/
88 Ibid., L. 14. 99  Rabochaya zapis zasedaniya Prezidiuma TsK Retegan volume. I am grateful to Mihai Retegan
 Deklaratsiya o printsipakh razvitiya i KPSS, 28 oktyabrya 1956 g., L. 61. for providing me with a copy of the document.
100 110 Ibid.
dal neishem ukreplenii druzhby i sotrudnichestva  Rabochaya zapis zasedaniya Prezidiuma
111 Ibid. See also Constantin Botoran,  National
mezhdu SSSR i drugimi sotsialisticheskimi TsK KPSS, 31 oktyabrya 1956 g., 31 October
stranami, Pravda (Moscow), 31 October 1956, 1956 (Top Secret), in TsKhSD, F. 3, Op. 12, D. Interest in Romanian Politics During the Cold [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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