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She sighed.  Obsessed ex. Staying just this side of creepy.
 Well, go ahead. Let him know what happens if he becomes any creepier.
 Fine but I feel like I ve answered this letter before about half a dozen times.
 Do you think they re from the same person?
 No. I meant it s the same problem different writers. But they don t listen. Am I
just talking to myself here?
 Hardly! You can answer the exact same letter six different ways and readers will
eat it up. You re entertaining thousands of people, Lexie, not saving the world.
 I keep forgetting that. It seems as if the letters I get are from people who are
honestly asking for my help. Sure, I can be glib but I don t want to just blow them off.
 Well, don t take yourself too seriously. Remember your main objective is
entertainment. Because pretty soon you ll be entertaining millions.
 Why? Do you know something I don t?
Gloria smiled and her eyes twinkled.  Beginning next month, your column is being
picked up by six cities. You re on your way to becoming an icon.
Ashlyn Chase
Lexie s jaw dropped. She didn t know what to do or say. At last, she jumped out of
her chair and hugged her boss.  Holy crap, I thought you were speaking
 That reminds me, you may not be able to swear in all of these papers. Some of
them cater to middle America.
 Don t worry. I always remember the responsibility that goes with it. I ll have to be
a role model.
 I know I don t have to worry about you doing anything foolish.
Lexie cleared her throat.  Uh, no. Of course not.
 We ll arrange for a publicist to work with you on the local appearances.
 Gloria, that s fantastic! I assume I ll be getting a big, fat raise, right?
 Naturally but I ll expect you to earn it. Do us proud, Lexie.
Dear Sexy Lexie
Chapter Seven
 Tyler, buzz me in. I have the best news!
 Come on up. Tyler hit the buzzer allowing Lexie to enter his apartment building.
Rather than wait for her to come up three flights of stairs, he thought he d meet her
He grabbed his keys and let his door lock behind him. He half expected to hear
Lexie s red heels tapping but the stairwell was surprisingly quiet. At last, he saw her
curly brunette head coming closer. She wore a tan trench coat and sneakers and was
carrying a slim paper bag.
 Hey beautiful, he called, leaning over the rail.
She glanced up and shot him a grin.  Back at ya handsome.
She seemed more excited than usual. When they met on the second floor landing,
she practically jumped into his arms.
He hugged her tight.  What brings you here all bubbly and excited?
She drew a bottle of champagne out of the bag.  I am excited and I brought the
bubbly to toast to my syndication.
Tyler knew how badly she d wanted this, so he picked her up and twirled her
around as he whooped it up.
She was giggling and grinning.
 Congratulations! He took her hand and said,  Race ya.
They both dashed up the stairs and down the hall toward his apartment. Should he
let her win? Would she prefer he didn t? She thought he was puzzling, well so was she.
On one hand, she liked to win. Other the other, she wanted to stand on her own merit.
Ashlyn Chase
She gave up before reaching the door and doubled over, puffing and holding her
 Oh, man! I m not as young as I used to be, she panted.
Tyler returned to where she halted and rubbed her back.  Are you all right?
Suddenly she took off like a shot and reached his front door.
 Tag. I win!
 You little cheat!
She shook her head.  I never cheat. I just needed a little rest. Can I help it if my
strength came back quickly?
He grinned and shook his head.  That was sneaky, Ms. Burns. He unlocked the
door and followed her in.
 So what did I win?
 This. He cupped her jaw and drew her in for a long, deep kiss.
She made an appreciative  mmm sound.
When he released her lips, he wrapped her in his arms for a long embrace.  I m
proud of you, Lexie. You knew what you wanted and worked hard for it. Now your
dream is coming true and we don t have to pretend you re a workaholic anymore. Let
me take you out to celebrate.
She was uncharacteristically quiet.
 What s wrong?
She pulled away from him and said,  Let s sit down. There s a little bit of a catch.
 Uh-oh. They strolled to his sleeper sofa. Not the most comfortable thing but this
didn t seem like a bed moment.  What is it?
 I have to do some advance promotion in the six cities that picked up my column. I
leave for New Orleans the day after tomorrow.
 Oh damn. Your birthday is this weekend.
Dear Sexy Lexie
 This is way more important than any birthday.
 I guess that makes sense. How long will you be gone?
 A month.
Tyler s eyes popped.  A month? What are they having you do? Sell papers door to
Lexie chuckled but weakly.  No, I have TV interviews at the local stations, a couple
of radio interviews in each city and, of course, a meeting with the upper mucky-mucks
of each newspaper.
 It sounds like a whirlwind. Are you up for this?
She shrugged.  Sure. I guess.
 You don t sound convinced. Is that all that s bursting your bubble?
She looked up at him from under her long lashes.  I ll miss you. Will you um& 
 Will I what? Miss you? Yeah, of course. I ll miss you like crazy.
She looked away. There was something she wasn t saying and he didn t need to be
a cop to know that.
He put his arm around her.  What aren t you telling me, Lexie?
 These interviews. I don t know what they re going to ask me but I can guess. Since
I write about relationships, they re bound to ask me about mine.
He smiled.  Oh, is that all? Well, you can tell them anything you want about me.
Say you ve got a handsome young stud, anxiously waiting for you to come home. He
leaned in and whispered,  You just can t tell them what I m going to do to you the
minute you walk in the door. Feathering kisses down her neck, he thought he heard
her giggle and was surprised when she pushed him away.
 I can t tell them about you. We have to be even more secretive than before.
He straightened.  What?
She inhaled deeply and let it out on a sigh.  It s only six cities but it s a start. I have
to be a good example. If my own reputation is sullied& 
Ashlyn Chase
 Sullied? Tyler stood and jammed his hands on his hips.  What the hell have I
done to sully your reputation? I m a cop, goddamit. That should make me respectable
 I m sorry. Sullied was the wrong word. It s just that we re not&  She shrugged.
 Not what?
 Not a traditional couple. You re so much younger than I am. If it were only a few
years, no big deal. But a dozen?
Tyler was stunned.  That s what this is about? The age difference? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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