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groaned and raised up a heavy head.
"Yeah?" She asked with a lazy grin.
"Oh god yes." Adams said, still feeling her insides throb.
"Did you& " She asked softly with an exhausted voice box. "Come?"
"No." Adams said as she carefully removed her hand from between the blonde's legs.
"Good." Erin responded, somehow finding the strength to stand on her own.
"Why is that good?" The dark woman asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Because I'm hungry." Erin said, reaching down and cupping the taller woman's cluster of excited flesh causing
her to nearly jump out of her skin with excitement.
"Oh yeah?' She asked playfully, holding fast to Erin's wrist, so very close to orgasm herself.
"Yeah." Erin said confidently. "And you're just what I've been craving."
Henderson rose up off of Sinclair's couch. It was getting late and she still couldn't sleep. She eyed the bottle of
wine the two had shared earlier and she remembered how kind the blonde detective had been to her. First she
had shown up with Jack tucked under one arm, wriggling with uncontrollable excitement. The new detective
had stopped at the "pet hotel" where he had been staying to pick him up as a surprise for her. Sinclair had said
that there was no reason why the small dog couldn't stay here with her.
Henderson stretched and eyed her sleeping pup as he snoozed soundly in a tight little ball under the coffee
table. Sinclair had also insisted that she stay as long as she wanted, shaking her head profusely at the mention of
a hotel. She walked in the kitchen and poured herself a glass of cold water. Sinclair had soon sensed that
something other than her current sleeping arrangement was bothering her. And when she had asked after Mac,
Henderson had broken down and sobbed. The sensitive new detective had then sat by her side, rubbing her back
while she fessed up her worries, her sorrows.
She sipped at the cold water and looked down the hall to where the detective now slept. The tall blonde had
even offered Henderson her bed, claiming that she would gladly sleep on the couch. But Henderson politely
declined and told her that her listening and understanding had been more than enough.
She stood staring at the dim master bedroom door almost wishing she had the nerve to walk in there and curl up
next to sleeping woman. If she were honest with herself, she would admit that that was exactly what she wanted
to do. As she continued to stare at the door a light came on under it along with the muffled sounds of a cell
phone. She stood motionless as she heard Sinclair speak excitedly into the phone. She nearly dropped her glass
as the door swung open quickly and Sinclair came bounding out in a tank top and panties, jumping into her
"Good, you're up." She said as she zipped up her shorts. Henderson stood staring at her, too shocked to look
away. "There's been a fire." She said, running her fingers through her dirty blonde hair and tucking her cell
phone in the pocket of her shorts.
Henderson simply stood and stared, noticing the absence of a bra under the white tank top. What was wrong
with her? How could she be thinking about sex at a time like this? Mac was being accused of horrible things,
things she couldn't herself make sense out of and here she was wanting to bed the department's newest
"Patricia?" Sinclair asked, as she pulled on a t shirt over the thin tank top. "Did you hear me?"
Henderson shook her head as reality snapped back in. "What?" She asked, blinking at the handsome detective.
"I said there's been a fire."
"Where?" She asked wondering what it had to do with her.
"Mark Mackenzie's." She replied as tossed Henderson her shoes.
She shook her head, unsure if she had heard correctly. "Erin's Mark?" She asked completely dumbfounded.
"The one and only." Sinclair confirmed. "They think it was arson."
"Oh my god." Henderson breathed out, feeling immediately dizzy with shock. "This can't be happening."
Chapter 9
Wednesday, September 3rd
2:19 am
Valle Luna, Az.
Erin laughed as a warm gooey noodle fell upon her chest. Her dark haired lover glanced down at the noodle and
then swiftly stretched forward to suckle it up with her mouth.
"Mmm." Adams groaned with a grin while chewing. "Maybe I should just toss the bowl and eat right off of
"Be my guest." The blonde responded with a grin. "Although with all the eating you've done off me tonight, I
would think you are full." She took the bowl of reheated stir fry from the dark woman and tried as best she
could to pinch out some food with the chop sticks. With a silly grin on her face, she quickly tried to get the food
to Adams before it fell upon the bed. The dark woman stretched out and allowed her lover to feed her, only able
to get to a few noodles before the rest was caught in her hand as it slid through the chopsticks.
"Ugh. I'm terrible at this." Erin said as she watched Adams chew. The dark woman grinned and offered to feed
Erin a noodle at a time from the pile she had caught in her palm.
"Now, now." She said calmly. "I told you it takes practice." She suspended noodle after noodle over Erin's
tongue, thoroughly enjoying the spectacle. "And I'll never get full of you."
Erin chewed the last noodle and felt her body heat up at the sound of the dark woman's words. Her rumbling
tummy would soon settle with the food but she knew the butterflies would always continue as long as Adams [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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