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The airborne demons passed through a broad, dense plume of smoke and were
enshrouded in disorienting darkness. Command-glyphs sizzled past him, fiery arrows
pointing his way out, and when Eligor burst into clear air it was only to realize just how
close he was to the battle's center.
The fighting had reached an intensity that he had rarely seen; Astaroth's demons, true to
their orders, were yielding only in death. Looking with admiration at Faraii, at the
maelstrom he was within, Eligor excitedly realized that the battle's end was nearly at
hand. Hanging in the air no more than a hundred yards before him and his flyers was
Astaroth's blue-fire Seal, crackling with intensity, while, lit by its cool glow, the Baron
and his demons were engaged with the Demon Major's last defense, his implacable
bodyguard. Dressed in their characteristic patterned and dyed skins, they fought to protect
their lord with tiring sword arms, valiantly, grimly, and they fell where they stood, one
after another, before the terrible onslaught.
Small pockets of demons fighting desperately in knee-high ash dotted the battlefield, but
to all intents and purposes the battle was won; Sargatanas had easily carried the day.
A glyph sped into Faraii and Eligor read it; Sargatanas was on his way. Almost
simultaneously the last of Astaroth's bodyguards fell beneath Faraii's sword and the
Baron contemptuously lifted his iron-shod foot and crushed the upturned cleft face. The
bodyguard crumpled inward, providing the Baron with yet another phalera to apply to his
breast, she disdainfully shook the dust from his foot. And there stood the Great Lord
Astaroth along with his sole remaining field marshal, Nebiros. The panting troopers, ax-
hands hanging, surrounded them, creating a huge wall of dull, dark armor that contrasted
with the pair's tempered-topaz armor. Ash and grit were all that remained of Astaroth's
army, and it eddied around him in sere winds like a vortex of dark, disappointed ghosts.
He stood unbowed, head high, but to Eligor's eyes the Great Lord looked hollow and
tired. Ribbons of protective glyphs twined and wove about his body, and his face
morphed continuously, uncontrollably. Only momentarily did Eligor see the old demon's
face as he remembered it, and it looked withered and gaunt. Astaroth looked at Nebiros
and then down at the baton of command in his hands and, with the slightest shake of his
head, knelt and proffered it to Faraii. Nebiros followed suit and remained kneeling,
looking up at the Baron with undisguised resentment.
"A most remarkable performance, Baron Faraii," Astaroth said, his voice dry and quiet.
"You and your troops are a credit to your lord. Rarely have I seen such zeal. But then you
are something of a legend in my wards ... or what is left of them."
"It is good to be highly regarded," Faraii said with an air of confidence, snapping the two
batons away from their owners.
"I did not say that, Baron. Rumors still abound since you departed my Wastes."
Faraii's eyes narrowed fractionally.
Astaroth took a deep breath and gathered himself. Eligor knew what would follow; he
was familiar enough with the Ritual of Defeat. During Sargatanas' campaigns he had
witnessed it many times. "I must concede defeat," Astaroth said, "and, as per the ancient
Compact of Demons Major, I, Great Lord Astaroth, humbly ask you to bring me before
your lord, the victorious Lord Sargatanas, that he may do with me as he will."
Faraii, Eligor saw, was looking down, weighing the two batons in his hand. He turned
and handed them to a hulking trooper. When Faraii returned his gaze to Astaroth it was
with his black sword again in hand. With a lazy twist of his wrist he sliced Nebiros' head
from his shoulders. The breath caught in Eligor's throat as he started forward. Giant
Shock Troopers effectively blocked his and his flyers' way. Eligor realized that even if he
and his small cohort could take wing they could do nothing to prevent the inevitable. He
could only bristle and watch impotently.
Patting the steaming Nebiros phalera in place upon himself, Faraii gazed for a moment at
Astaroth. Faraii tilted his head like a stonemason regarding a block, envisioning it in its
reduced form. He was an artist, after all.
"You have no intention of bringing me before Sargatanas, do you?"
Faraii paused. "No."
"Are you no longer loyal to him?"
"His crusade is not mine."
"Be careful, Baron. Remember what you see here at Maraak. When you are facing him
across a battlefield."
"Sound advice, indeed, from a broken, old demon. I will be doing Hell a favor by
destroying you."
Faraii backed up slowly, leaving Astaroth alone in the circle of Shock Troopers. Faraii
caught Eligor's eye, held it for an instant, and then turned away grinning. Whether it was
upon a signal from the Baron or not Eligor never knew, but he saw the troopers set upon
the kneeling demon with a fury. He closed his eyes. Their ferocious snarls and the sounds
of the Great Lord's demise lingered terribly in the air.
Eligor opened his eyes in time to see Astaroth's Great Seal fade away. He saw that Faraii
was nowhere to be seen and saw, too, his lord and Valefar arrive on foot, their gaze
flashing over the scene.
"What is happening here?" Sargatanas said to Eligor over the din. "Where is Lord
"He is no more, my lord. There was nothing I could do."
Sargatanas' eyes widened. "Who did this, Eligor? Who disobeyed me?"
Eligor's insides twisted. The admiration, the loyalty, and the closeness he felt for Faraii
were suddenly unclear. But his fealty to Sargatanas was not.
"My lord, Baron Faraii's Shock Troopers committed the deed; the Baron did nothing to
prevent it," Eligor blurted, realizing his mistake immediately. "In his defense, however,
he fought heroically; your goals could not have been achieved without him."
"One of my goals, Captain, was Astaroth's survival."
"Yes, my lord."
"Where is the Baron, now?" said Sargatanas, probing the outside ranks of troopers. They
had regained their feet, forming a circle once again, and stared sullenly at him, avoiding
his eyes.
Sargatanas strode forward, falcata in hand, pushing brusquely, angrily, into the troopers.
He was no Astaroth, weakened and old, but instead was capable of wondrous acts of
carnage a fact not lost on the assembled warriors. Not accustomed to being swept so
easily aside, they reacted with baleful, hissing intakes of breath and nothing more.
Sargatanas found Faraii at the circle's center crouched, with Astaroth's disk in hand.
"Baron, what has happened here? Why have you disobeyed me?" The ominous rumble
was unmistakable.
"My lord," Faraii said, rising, "it was not I but my troops. They destroyed him." He [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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