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 John, these photos are from our archives. Do you recognize this man?
At first John only looked at them, but then Toshi saw John start, as if an electric current had passed
through him.
John set the photos down. His eyes widened again.  Hell yes, that s definitely the other man I
Toshi s heart lurched.  Are you all right, John?
John nodded. His face was a bit flushed, but otherwise, his eyes were calm, unclouded and his
breathing hadn t deepened the way it usually did.  I m fine. That guy is& um& how do you put it,
he s got some issues with anger.
Toshi exchanged a look with Natsuka and translated for his partner what John had said. He turned
back to John.  You ve just identified Taro Suzuki, son of the oyabun of one of Tokyo s largest
yakuza families.
John whistled.  Holy crap. Yuzo was involved with this guy? Bad company.
Toshi nodded.  I d say. He turned to Natsuka and translated.
Natsuka gave a brief bob of his head.  Hai. Now to find the guy with the mole and see what the
connection is between them. He picked up the photos, putting them back into the envelope.  You
know, Toshi-san, it would appear that what Kitano s uncle said is true. Kitano ran to Fujimara.
After all, he was surrounded by dangerous people. Perhaps this White Tiger place was a safer
Toshi sighed.  Yes, I m having the same suspicion. However, seeing as Fujimara was a yak, I m
not certain how truly safe Yuzo was there. In any case, if he was happy at the Temple, it s unlikely
he would have just up and left with no substantial explanation. However, if Fujimara turned out to
be just as dangerous, it is possible that he did leave. He translated his conversation for John.
 I agree, John said.
 As far as Suzuki goes, he s got an office right here in this neighborhood, Toshi went on.  We
don t know details about his activities except for that quite a few places around here pay him
Sedonia Guillone
John sat up.  Do you think it s possible he s got Yuzo?
Toshi sighed and kept his gaze on the remaining piece of sushi on his plate.  I don t know. It
doesn t make sense. Let s say that Kiku and Yuzo were having a love affair as Yuzo s uncle seems
to believe. Yuzo runs off as Kiku claimed to Yuzo s uncle and then doesn t seem ruffled at all? Of
course, it could be an act. He could be putting on a face for his guests. He raked a hand through
his hair.  If you ran off like that, John, I d be off after you, searching until I found you, not running
a hotel.
Toshi looked up.
John was staring at him.  Toshi, thank you.
Only then did Toshi realize what he d just said. His cheeks burned and he glanced at Natsuka to see
if his partner had caught the moment passing between John and himself. Natsuka had on his poker
face, as usual. Toshi looked back at John.  You re welcome.
He then translated what he d said for Natsuka, leaving out of course, the part about searching for
John if John disappeared.
Natsuka nodded.  Hai. I ve wondered the same thing. At this point, I m leaning more toward the
possibility that it s Fujimara himself who s taken the guy.
Before Toshi could translate, Natsuka s cell phone rang. Toshi watched him retrieve the phone
from his jacket and click it open.  Yamamoto. He listened quietly.  Hai. Genjin Keibu is right
here. I ll have you tell him directly. He held out the phone to Toshi.  It s Hayao.
Toshi put the phone to his ear.  What s going on?
 Genjin Keibu, the subject drove to Yokohama, Chinatown. He went into a building on Lily
Avenue thirty minutes ago, and has been there since.
Toshi s gut clenched.  Is that the address of subject s mother?
 Hai. So far though, nothing else has happened. Nor has anyone else entered the building since.
 All right. Keep us posted.
 Should I continue to call Yamamoto Keibu s phone?
 Yes. Thank you. Toshi hung up and reported what Hayao had said. He handed the phone back to
Natsuka. The waiter returned to the table and asked if they wanted anything else. They were all
finished. It was time to get back to the White Tiger.
When the waiter set down the bill, Toshi picked it up.  This is on me.
Beautiful Samurai, White Tiger [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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