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English bore only the barest trace of an accent.
 I'm more than happy to be here. I smiled and waited.
 The first secretary of your embassy . . . I must say that he was less than
forthcoming about why you wished to come to visit PetroRus.
 First Secretary Darwaard is of old Dutch stock, I replied.  They find it
hard to offer much information unless they are absolutely certain of matters.
I shrugged.  I had asked to meet with colleagues and those who had, shall we
say, a practical interest in environmental matters.
The slightest frown appeared and vanished before Kulikovsky laughed.  A
practical environmentalist! That is . . . what would you say . . . a term that
contradicts itself?
 An oxymoron. Perhaps. But we live in an uncertain world, and those of us with
a practical disposition are always looking for others who would like to look
into practical solutions.
 Ah . . . always to the practical. Dutch indeed you are, Minister Eschbach.
 I'd understood that practicality was also a valued Russian trait.
 For some. For some. Kulikovsky tilted his head, as if pondering whether to
add to what he had said.  For others, ideals matter more. Is that not so in
your country?
 If you're not practical, I've found, it can be difficult to hold on to your
ideals, I pointed out.  That's something the ideologues have trouble
 So you are a practical, idealistic environmental specialist?
 Among other things. I shrugged.
 You think that what is practical for one country or one organization is so
for another?
 Sometimes. I laughed.  I doubt that environmentally sound warm-water
drilling technologies would be terribly practical for Arctic oil extraction
efforts. But some technologies are practical in many lands and applications.
 Practical . . . but are they affordable?
 Affordable, I mused.  That's an interesting concept. That depends on who
pays, and what. It's always better if people can trade benefits. That way, no
one has to explain the budget, and each party can take credit for the
increased revenues or production or whatever.
 If that is possible. Kulikovsky's voice was skeptical.
 It's always possible if both sides have something to gain and nothing to
 Nothing to lose? Kulikovsky laughed, a harsh but hearty sound.  You sound
like a salesman, Minister Eschbach. Does not someone always give up something
of value?
 Not always, I countered.  And sometimes something is not of value or of far
lesser value for one party than to another. Then it makes sense to trade. If
you are a champion skater, the best skates in the world are of value to you.
To me? I shook my head.  Likewise, I have a steamer at home that operates on
kerosene. Here, your vehicles run on gasoline. A tank full of gasoline is
useless to me, but it could be valuable to you.
 Were it that all matters were so simple. Kulikovsky smiled.
I returned the smile.  I've often found that people make matters more
complicated than they should be. When one understands his own basic
interests or his country's it becomes more simple.
Kulikovsky leaned forward.  What are your interests? Personally.
 To help my country and my wife.
 Those do not sound personal.
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I offered a heartfelt and hearty laugh.  They're very personal. My wife has
made my life a joy again, and I'd like to help her gain what she was denied by
Ferdinand, and frankly by my own government. Second, if I can't help my
country . . . then I won't be able to devote my full energies to what I enjoy
doing, and that's consulting and teaching.
 And your country's interests?
 There's no secret to those. Columbia needs a broader range of dependable
fossil fuel supplies. I looked at Kulikovsky.  It's your turn.
 My personal interests do not matter so much. He paused.  That is because
they are tied to Russia's interests. There was the slightest glimmer in his
eyes as he asked,  What interest of Russia's do you propose to satisfy? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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