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slanderers, while moved by the lowest and meanest feelings-those of hatred,
revenge, malice, wounded vanity, or disappointed ambition-seem quite unaware
that they are paying the greatest tribute to her intellectual powers. So be
it, if the poor fools will have it so. Really, Mme. Blavatsky has not the
slightest objection to being represented by her enemies as a triple Adept,
and a "Mahatma" to boot. It is only her unwillingness to pose in her own
sight as a crow parading in peacock's feathers that compels her to this day
to insist upon the truth.
Q. But if you have such wise and good men to guide the Society, how is it
that so many mistakes have been made?
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A. The Masters do not guide the Society, not even the Founders; and no one
has ever asserted that they did: they only watch over, and protect it. This
is amply proved by the fact that no mistakes have been able to cripple it,
and no scandals from within, nor the most damaging attacks from without,
have been able to overthrow it. The Masters look at the future, not at the
present, and every mistake is so much more accumulated wisdom for days to
come. That other "Master" who sent the man with the five talents did not
tell him how to double them, nor did he prevent the foolish servant from
burying his one talent in the earth. Each must acquire wisdom by his own
experience and merits. The Christian Churches, who claim a far higher
"Master," the very Holy Ghost itself, have ever been and are still guilty
not only of "mistakes," but of a series of bloody crimes throughout the
ages. Yet, no Christian would deny, for all that, his belief in that
"Master"-I suppose?-although his existence is far more hypothetical than
that of the Mahatmas; as no one has ever seen the Holy Ghost, and his
guidance of the Church, moreover, their own ecclesiastical history
distinctly contradicts. Errare humanum est. Let us return to our subject.
The Abuse of Sacred Names and Terms
Q. Then, what I have heard, namely, that many of your Theosophical writers
claim to have been inspired by these Masters, or to have seen and conversed
with them, is not true?
A. It may or it may not be true. How can I tell? The burden of proof rests
with them. Some of them, a few-very few, indeed-have distinctly either lied
or were hallucinated when boasting of such inspiration; others were truly
inspired by great Adepts. The tree is known by its fruits; and as all
Theosophists have to be judged by their deeds and not by what they write or
say, so all Theosophical books must be accepted on their merits, and not
according to any claim to authority which they may put forward.
Q. But would Mme. Blavatsky apply this to her own works-The Secret Doctrine,
for instance?
A. Certainly; she says expressly in the Preface that she gives out the
doctrines that she has learnt from the Masters, but claims no inspiration
whatever for what she has lately written. As for our best Theosophists, they
would also in this case far rather that the names of the Masters had never
been mixed up with our books in any way. With few exceptions, most of such
works are not only imperfect, but positively erroneous and misleading. Great
are the desecrations to which the names of two of the Masters have been
subjected. There is hardly a medium who has not claimed to have seen them.
Every bogus swindling Society, for commercial purposes, now claims to be
guided and directed by "Masters," often supposed to be far higher than ours!
Many and heavy are the sins of those who advanced these claims, prompted
either by desire for material gain, vanity, or irresponsible mediumship.
Many persons have been plundered of their money by such societies, which
offer to sell the secrets of power, knowledge, and spiritual truth for
worthless gold. Worst of all, the sacred names of Occultism and the holy
keepers thereof have been dragged in this filthy mire, polluted by being
associated with sordid motives and immoral practices, while thousands of men
have been held back from the path of truth and light through the discredit
and evil report which such shams, swindles, and frauds have brought upon the
whole subject. I say again, every earnest Theosophist regrets today, from
the bottom of his heart, that these sacred names and things have ever been
mentioned before the public, and fervently wishes that they had been kept
secret within a small circle of trusted and devoted friends.
Q. The names certainly do occur very frequently now-a-days, and I never
remember hearing of such persons as "Masters" till quite recently.
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A. It is so; and had we acted on the wise principle of silence, instead of
rushing into notoriety and publishing all we knew and heard, such
desecration would never have occurred. Behold, only fourteen years ago,
before the Theosophical Society was founded, all the talk was of "Spirits."
They were everywhere, in everyone's mouth; and no one by any chance even
dreamt of talking about living "Adepts," "Mahatmas," or "Masters." One
hardly heard even the name of the Rosicrucians, while the existence of such
a thing as "Occultism" was suspected even but by very few. Now all that is
changed. We Theosophists were, unfortunately, the first to talk of these
things, to make the fact of the existence in the East of "Adepts" and
"Masters" and Occult knowledge known; and now the name has become common
property. It is on us, now, that the Karma, the consequences of the
resulting desecration of holy names and things, has fallen. All that you now
find about such matters in current literature-and there is not a little of
it-all is to be traced back to the impulse given in this direction by the
Theosophical Society and its Founders. Our enemies profit to this day by our
mistake. The most recent book directed against our teachings is alleged to
have been written by an Adept of twenty years' standing. Now, it is a
palpable lie. We know the amanuensis and his inspirers (as he is himself too
ignorant to have written anything of the sort). These "inspirers" are living
persons, revengeful and unscrupulous in proportion to their intellectual
powers; and these bogus Adepts are not one, but several. The cycle of
"Adepts," used as sledge-hammers to break the theosophical heads with, began
twelve years ago, with Mrs. Emma Hardinge Britten's "Louis" of Art Magic and
Ghostland, and now ends with the "Adept" and "Author" of The Light of Egypt,
a work written by Spiritualists against Theosophy and its teachings. But it
is useless to grieve over what is done, and we can only suffer in the hope
that our indiscretions may have made it a little easier for others to find
the way to these Masters, whose names are now everywhere taken in vain, and
under cover of which so many iniquities have already been perpetrated.
Q. Do you reject "Louis" as an Adept?
A. We denounce no one, leaving this noble task to our enemies. The
Spiritualistic author of Art Magic, etc., may or may not have been
acquainted with such an Adept-and saying this, I say far less than what that
lady has said and written about us and Theosophy for the last several [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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