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frigid temperatures.
Sucking in a deep breath and allowing my fire to build inside, I stood to my feet on top the bed. The blast I
expected to tear through the room and shatter the mirror didn't come. A puff of smoke and a cough was all
I produced. In front of me, something sparked, and a light came on behind the mirror. It was now a
window. I shuffled a few steps to the left to see through it.
Sandy walked up and pressed her palms to the glass. Tears filled her eyes.  Tiam. How are you?"
"Where's Ladon? I looked past per, but she alone occupied another white room.  Is he okay? Is he alive?"
I jumped down to the floor with an energy I didn't have to use. I transformed to bang my head against the
wall. My body took up all of the space and pressed for more.  Let me out! Where is Ladon! Ladon! A blue
streak came down from the ceiling. It looked like a laser but felt like someone had given me a shot of ice in
my veins.
I hit the floor screaming, and the linoleum cracked under me. The screech of the Desert Ice filled the room.
Their claws reverberated all over my brain. Tears slid down my cheeks, and darkness threatened my
consciousness. I fought it hard, but I was out of strength.
"She's dying. Help her! Sandy yelled.  She doesn't deserve this."
Whether the others heeded her call or not, I didn't know. The cold was too much for me. I began to think if
I could take a small nap, everything would be okay. My eyelids fluttered. I sighed, and gave in.
* * * *
The second time I woke, I knew enough not to let on. Someone was in the room with me, not the Desert
Ice. Humans were there, and the room was different. I lay on a narrow table, and the people prodded me
with cold instruments. A needle pricked my arm. I fought not to jerk, but I did.
"She's awake."
A screech hurt my ears, and a monitor seemed to interpret what the sound meant.  Keep going. She will
heal. More blood."
Ladon had been right. The humans were working in league with the Desert Ice. Now they knew I was
awake. There was no need to pretend. I opened my eyes to find one of the gray creatures standing near
the bed. Its eyes were unfocused. The blue bubble in its right cheek swelled and contracted. If I hazarded
a guess, I'd say the symbiont did the thinking and used the creature's high-pitched voice. The humans had
found a way to translate it into something intelligent.
I tried to get up, but my hands were strapped to the bed.  What do you want with me? I demanded. I
tried to transform, but couldn't. That terrified me. The creature pointed to my head. Wires extended from
it. A monitor showed wiggly lines. I didn't get it.
The closest human explained.  The Desert Ice has helped us perfect a way to suppress your shape-shifting
ability temporarily. The effects won't last long, but we'll have what we need."
Dread made my voice hoarse.  Where did you learn that term? Surely, they aren't really called Desert Ice."
The man grinned.  No, it's some unpronounceable thing, but a little birdie gave us the better suited name,
and we decided to keep it."
"Ladon. I blinked and swallowed until I had control.  Where is he? What have you done to him?"
A hand patted my leg. I looked down to find Lemuel at me feet. He looked different, less shy and more in
control. Had he known all along who I was? Had he planned this whole thing?  Lemuel, you can't feel this
is right? Please, I need "
"Sorry, Tiam. I have to do what's best for my people, as you do for yours. You can imagine how devastated
I was to think my new girlfriend was burned alive or eaten by the Drel, couldn't you? And then to find you
had duped us all..."
Calling on my natural strength, I fought against my bands. Nothing happened. The leather cut into my skin.
The sheet over me shifted, nearly exposing my breast. Lemuel's eyes widened. He licked his lips, and I
turned my head in disgust but considered my options. Perhaps Lemuel could be seduced into helping me.
The Desert Ice and the humans filed out of the room. They left me strapped to the bed. For several
minutes, I tried to free myself, but managed only to overturn the table and pin myself under it.
The door opened again, and someone stood there watching me.  You're going to stand there looking? I
A hand slid along my thigh and squeezed. When it inched toward my pussy, I kicked out, in hope for a
connection. The grunt and the tingling in my toes told me I had success. Soon, I was hoisted upright. Mack
held a hand over his crotch with a pained look on his face.  Damn you, Tiam."
"You had no right to touch me."
"You're wrong. He gripped my ankles and yanked them apart. The sheet slipped toward the floor exposing
my breast.  Yum, look at that. All this time, I thought I had to respect you as a woman, wait for you to let
me fuck you, but you were nothing more than an animal all this time. He leaned in close to sniff me.  I
can take you right now."
"You want to fuck an animal?"
He jerked my legs, and I winced, not giving him the satisfaction of crying out loud. The door opened.
Lemuel walked in.  Get out, Mack."
"But I "
"You were allowed to visit only because your cousin, one of the chief scientists, pulled strings. You are
entertainment. That's all. Get out!"
I couldn't believe that I had gone out with this man, who had blushed with every other word. After kicking
the table leg, Mack sneered in Lemuel's face and walked out. The door shushed closed behind him. I stared
straight up at the ceiling. Lemuel strolled around the table and stood at my side. He brushed hair from my
eyes and kissed my forehead.  Shall we get to it?"
I looked at him.  Get to what?"
"You want to see your friend. I want you. The tests for compatibility will go on for a while. We have time. I
have no doubt in my mind you will make a deal with me to get access to Ladon. Rather than dancing
around the issue, we can agree right away. He kissed me.  You let me make love to you, and I will let you
see Ladon."
Chapter Sixteen
Lemuel moved me back to another room similar to the one I had occupied earlier. He was not crazy enough
to do it alone. He had two guards with guns trained on me. They might not be able to kill me, but they
could do serious damage and slow me down. Without the ability to shift or blow fire, I was useless. I willed
that the drug they shot into my brain would wear off, and I could escape.
"Thanks, guys. Lemuel waved them out of the room. I sat down on the bed and clutched my sheet around
me. When the door slid closed, he grinned in my direction. Not a lascivious grin, but one full of anticipation.
 Why don't you take the sheet off? I would like to stand here a while looking at you. Your people are such
perfect specimens that it amazes me, yet you're not human."
I shrugged.  Humans don't have the corner on humanoid bodies. There are probably millions of similar
His eyes widened.  Are there?"
"I said probably. I have no idea. We, like you, didn't venture very far from Drelcon and our mining planet,
Crendon. Boy, do I regret leaving home with all this happening. Tell me about Ladon. Have you hurt him?
Ease my mind and assure me he's not dead."
He strolled up to me, his cock hard in front of my face. I wasn't disgusted with Lemuel. He was an
attractive man in his own way. I admit his shyness had turned me on. Few Drelconian men exhibited such a
characteristic. But Ladon was more than enough lover for me, and I resented having another male offer
something in exchange for my body. I was not the galaxy whore.
"He's alive. I haven't hurt him."
I hadn't missed the emphasis on I. Someone had hurt Ladon, but he was alive. I needed to see him. The
desire urged me to attack Lemuel and rip his throat out for holding back, but he wasn't a bad man.  I don't
see the same hatred in your eyes, Lemuel. And you don't see me as an animal without rights like Mack did." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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