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buy you a whole new wardrobe. Eric Rodham could probably buy you
just about anything you d want.
 First of all, he s not my husband. And what I want is for my sister
to show her face in the next few hours, Jane groaned.
 Did you try calling her house?
 A million times. I ve left so many messages on her machine that
it s run out of tape.
 What about work?
 Her partner, Dana, said Janice left her in charge. Janice fed her
some story about being unexpectedly called out of town, an emergency.
Dana doesn t know when Janice will be back.
She sighed.  I just have this sneaky feeling that Dana knows more
than she s telling me.
 Like maybe where to reach Janice?
 Uh huh.
 It s quite possible that Dana is in on this. Maybe she s been sworn
to secrecy. Why didn t you just explain the circumstances to her?
 I don t think it s a good idea to tell anyone else the reason I need
to get in touch with Janice. The fewer people who know about this
horrid mess, the better.
 You re probably right there, Andrea agreed.
 Then you ll keep quiet?
 Of course I will.
 Thanks. Now all I can possibly do is to wait for my dear sister to
put in an appearance. Jane picked up a brush and comb from her
vanity and added them to the growing pile in her suitcase.
 Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, face soap, Andrea
 I already have those, Jane said, reviewing her mental list of the
things she d packed.
 I don t have one. I sleep in the raw. Jane shrugged and searched
her dresser for an oversize tee shirt she could use instead. A faded navy
and gold football jersey that used to belong to her father would have to
Andrea frowned at her sleep wear.  I hope a nightgown won t end
up being a necessity. I mean, it is a marriage in name only, right? You
don t have to, er, put out or anything, do you?
 I should hope not. The mere thought of touching Eric Rodham
had her pulse racing and Jane wondered if it was from fear or
anticipation.  Even as a joke Janice wouldn t have agreed to actually
sleep with the man.
 You re sure? Andrea looked unconvinced.
Jane had to stop and think about that one. Eric Rodham admitted he
wasn t sure if the marriage had been consummated. But if it had been,
she could certainly understand her sister s moment of weakness. Eric
Rodham was hard enough to resist in the light of day, much less in a
dimly lit hotel room.
 Maybe Janice will show up in the nick of time, Andrea suggested.
 When has Janice ever shown up when she was needed? Did she
show up for your auction? Did she show up last month when she d
promised to help make cookies for the children on the pediatric ward?
 Now that you mention it no.
 Haven t you ever noticed that my dear sister makes promises and
then disappears in the nick of time? Jane raised her brows
 You have a point,  Andrea admitted wearily.  Guess she isn t
very dependable.
 No, she s not. Jane s mouth thinned.
 Maybe I m lucky I m an only child. Andrea picked up a teddy
bear from off the bed and straightened the faded bow.  So, what are
you going to do about your house and all your belongings while you re
She gnawed her lower lip.  I don t know. I have plants to water, a
lawn to mow, mail to retrieve from the box, food that s bound to spoil.
I can t just leave the house standing empty for an entire year. Jane
walked to the bed and traced her hand along the patchwork quilt her
mother made as a housewarming gift.  I ve only owned the house two
years, but I feel like my whole life is here.
 I can come by once a week and check on the place. I ll water the
plants and bring in the mail. If anything turns green or starts to move
around in your fridge, I ll throw it away. But I m not much on yard
work. Ruins my nails. Andrea studied her perfect manicure once more.
 I can arrange for one of the neighborhood boys to do the mowing.
But, if you could just check in every few days, I d appreciate it.
 No problem, Andrea assured her.
 Now, the next worry is my job. I suppose I ll have to take a leave,
if it comes to that.
 What excuse will you use?
 A family crisis sounds about right. I have a month of vacation
saved. I hate to use it though for something as lame as this. Jane
 I can t see that you have much choice.
Jane sighed.  No, I guess not. With any luck, Janice will return
soon and straighten this whole thing out. But in case she doesn t, I have
to think of an alternate plan. She began pacing an impatient path in the
carpeted floor.
 Alternate plan? Are you sure that s really necessary? I mean, you
wouldn t want to do anything that s illegal. Andrea sounded doubtful.
 I wouldn t be that stupid. I m not likely to want to add to my
problems. Temporarily playing wife to a man whose very existence
disturbed her equilibrium was problem enough. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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