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fairy's dainty brush painted on her mouth. Not enough.
"More, Maddy demanded.
She felt Lissy's lips grin beneath hers.  Since you ask so nice and all, she said.
And Lissy's hand slid down the front of Maddy's jeans.
Maddy sucked in a deep breath. She clutched at Lissy, half afraid she'd fall
down. It wasn't the first time someone had tried to feel her up, God, no, but it
had never been like this. From the first scratch of callused fingertips against the
softness of her mons, her pussy lips began to burn with a tightening fire. She
whimpered into their kiss, still way too gentle for her sudden taste.
"You okay? Lissy whispered.
"God, yes, Maddy said, voice gone husky. She sounded like pure sex. They both
recognized the sound.  Don't you dare stop."
"It's okay?"
"So very okay. And it was. It was weird and strange and unexpected and
possibly going to be something she truly regretted later, but just then, Maddy
couldn't care less. She wanted to come, and she wanted Lissy to take her over the
edge. Wanted them both to wash away in the rushing tide.
 Can I...?"
Lissy grinned again. She flickered out her tongue, tasting Maddy's mouth. Her
finger toyed with a tuft of the curls between Maddy's legs, twining them
together. Teasing.  Maybe, she said.  One condition."
"You want my firstborn? You got her. Her name is Veronique, and she likes Kitty
Cuisine Elite."
Lissy laughed.  Well, as much as I'm beginning to suspect I got a taste for
pussies "
" a cat's not what I had in mind. Nope. Lissy nuzzled into Maddy's mouth, just
a little deeper. When she drew back, she whispered, teasing but serious at once:
 Come to the party with me tonight. You and me against the maddin crowd."
Maddy hesitated.  You mean like a date? A date?"
"Cart before the horse, but yeah, I think I do. Lissy's finger dipped just a tiny bit
deeper, brushing the top of Maddy's clit.  Yes or no?"
Maddy whimpered.
Ah, hell.
This was crazy.
Also insane.
And there was no way she'd turn it down.
"Yes, she whispered.  Hell, yes."
"Good, Lissy whispered back. Her lips sealed onto Maddy's in a real kiss as last,
tongue darting in to roam and taste. Then finally, thank God and all his angels,
her ivory sweet fingers dipped into Maddy's wetness and began to stroke.
Maddy gasped and clutched at Lissy's back.
 Where ... where did you learn how to do that?"
"Natural talent? Lissy giggled against Maddy's skin.  Hush, now. Let me do
this. I want to play you like a Texas fiddle. Her fingers stroked up and down,
flicking Maddy's clit.  Right where mine is, she murmured.  Wonder if you like
what I do? Let's find out."
She rubbed in slow semi-circles around the swollen bud, edging closer and
closer. Light flicks and slow strokes, up and down. Then, with a sly glance up
and a grin, Lissy pushed a finger up in Maddy's pussy and began to slide it in
and out. Maddy all but doubled over and fell down. Laughing, Lissy so
strangely strong managed to hold her up, pressing another kiss to her lips. Her
tongue teased Maddy's into playing between whimpers and gasps.
Lissy added a second finger, and then a third.
Maddy sucked in a deep breath. She still wasn't as full as she would be with a
toy, but the way Lissy pressed with her fingertips, thumb still stroking Maddy's
clit "I'm gonna, Maddy said, ragged.  Oh, God, Lissy, don't stop. Don't stop
now, keep going..."
Lissy darted down and seized one of Maddy's nipples in her mouth. She sucked
hard, pulling the areola between her lips and lashing it with her tongue. Maddy
let out a short scream, then did collapse, taking Lissy to the floor with her.
Resting atop each other, she felt her sopping tuft of hair come up against Lissy's,
just as wet.
"Did you come, too? Maddy whispered.
Lissy nodded, looking exhausted but happy as a ray of sunshine.  I did. Best I
ever had in my life. Almost shy, she reached out to smooth a wisp of hair away
from Maddy's forehead.  You think we could do that again sometime? Maybe?"
Maddy reached up, against her better judgment, and kissed Lissy gently on the
lips.  Maybe, chica, she said.  But who says we're done already?"
Throwing caution to the wind, Maddy rolled Lissy over in a squealing tumble
and slid down between her legs, eager to taste and see what another woman was
like. And when Lissy was shrieking, her back arched in a delicate bow and her
legs gripping Maddy's shoulders, she found out: women tasted as good and
sweet as Texas Tea.
Chapter Eight
"Oh, God. Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God. Lissy clutched Maddy's arm hard enough
to leave marks. She buried her face behind one bared bronze shoulder.  I don't
think I can do this. I shouldn't be here."
"Hey, you! Chickenshit. Whose idea was it to do this thing at all?"
"Yeah, but I didn't ... and it was you, with the clothes, and the hair, and the ...
ohh, God. Lissy wailed and tried to wiggle behind Maddy.  I'd never have if
you hadn't been all sultry and temptin and "
"Well fuck me, and thanks a ton. Doesn't it just do my ego a world of good to
know I'm the cause of all your problems, not to mention your nervous
"But ... but Maddy... Lissy protested, breath warm on one shoulder blade.
 They're all staring at me!"
"D'uh? It'd help if you quit hiding behind my skirts like I'm your momma!
Maddy tugged Lissy forward, to her side.
One finger under the chin tipped Lissy's face up towards hers. The miserable,
terrified look in her big doe eyes almost melted Maddy's resolve.
"Listen to me, missy. Of course they're staring. You've knocked their socks off
and spring-rolled their bowties."
Lissy giggled.  Their what now?"
"You never watched cartoons?"
"You did?"
Maddy waved her hand.  We'll talk Tex Avery another time, another place,
because distractions don't work on me. In public. Usually."
Lissy whimpered. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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