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marked his back and ass. He dipped between Blair s thighs and
punctured the flesh on both sides, lapping at his balls.
 Turn over, lie on your back and spread your legs.
Blair scrambled to comply. He felt bad they were turning the
pretty duvet crimson but not bad enough to stop.
52 Lynn Hagen
Dakota sealed the wounds on his thighs and licked the heavy vein
on Blair s cock, biting down on it.
 Fuck! Blair screamed as hot ropes of seed shot out, hitting him
on his chest and under his chin, and his head thrashed from side to
side as he drew his knees up, legs falling to the side.
 That s it, baby. Let it go. Feel.
 Fuck me, Dakota. Blair begged breathlessly. He felt slicked
fingers enter him, his mind a foggy mess. Dakota threw Blair s legs
over his arms then sunk in deep. Blair had an urge to babble. Pulses of
eroticism coursed through him when Dakota began to bite him then
seal the wounds. His body became Dakota s playground. Blair began
begging his wolf to make him come.
Dakota snapped his hips harder, pounding into Blair s hole. Blair
came again, and Dakota joined him. His wolf fell over Blair and sank
his teeth in.
* * * *
 Do you think we should go see if he s okay? Maybe he s not mad
anymore. Johnny sipped on his orange soda as he and Cecil climbed
the stairs.
Before Cecil could stop him, Johnny opened the bedroom door
and ran in.
 I m, uh, I m 
 Get out! Blair grabbed for a shirt, but it was too late. Cecil and
Johnny had seen all of Kota s marks covering his entire upper torso.
 What the fuck? Cecil ignored Blair s outburst and stepped
further in, watching Blair put on his shirt, covering his patchwork of
bite marks.  Is he hurting you, Blair?
 Mates aren t supposed to hurt each other, Cecil. Johnny
 He s not hurting me. Please, leave. Blair stormed into the
bathroom and slammed the door.
Sunshine s Savior 53
 Come on, buddy. I think Blair wants to be alone. Cecil pulled
Johnny from the room, taking him straight to Maverick s office. He
walked in to see Hawk and Kota talking with his mate.
 Maverick, can I please speak to you in private? Cecil shot Kota
a stare, nervous to be in the same room with him. The wolf was huge.
How could he use that strength against his mate?
 Sure, baby. If you guys will excuse me. I won t be but a
moment. Maverick ushered everyone out, and Cecil held Johnny s
hand to keep him there. Hawk tilted his head at Cecil but left with
 What s up, love? Maverick took a seat behind his desk as Cecil
walked over with Johnny.
 Kota s hurting Blair! Johnny shouted before Cecil could
approach the subject delicately.
 Calm down, Johnny. Why would you say that?
  Cause we walked into his room, and he had a bunch of bites all
over his body. He tried to cover it and yelled at us to get out. He
locked himself in the bathroom. You have to do something,
Maverick. Johnny was twisting his hands and rocking from foot to
Maverick looked over to his mate. Cecil nodded his agreement.
 Okay, I want you two to go in the kitchen and make yourselves
something to eat while I talk to Kota. Okay?
They nodded in unison and left.
Kota and Hawk came back in, taking a seat.
 Hawk, would you mind giving me a moment with Kota?
Hawk inclined his head and went in search of his mate.
* * * *
 What s going on, Maverick? Kota didn t like the feeling he was
getting from everyone. Something was going on, and it wasn t good.
Had Blair freaked out again? He didn t think so. The little guys would
54 Lynn Hagen
have told him. Kota leaned forward on the couch, placing his elbows
on his knees, waiting for his Alpha to spill it.
 I need you to answer me honestly, Kota. Are you being rough
with your mate? Hurting him? Maverick asked with a look of fury on
his face.
 Why would you even ask me something like that? Do you
honestly think I would harm my mate? Kota couldn t believe he was
having this conversation. He couldn t understand why Maverick, his
best friend, would accuse him of something like that. He knew the
Alpha would kill anyone who abused a mate all the warriors
would but this wasn t the case.
 He has multiple bite wounds covering him. So, I will ask you
again, are you hurting Blair?
 It s none of your damn business what goes on between me and
my mate. Kota stood, matching his Alpha s stance, anger etched on
his face.
 Don t force my hand, Kota. I m only looking out for his well-
being. Sit. Talk to me. Maverick and Kota sat back down, Kota
sighing heavily.
 He has a& thing for pain. Biting in particular. It s something my
mate wants and craves. Kota was cursing himself for betraying
Blair s trust. If his mate knew he was blabbing their intimate business,
he would be mortified.
 Really? Uh, okay. I wasn t expecting that. Maverick rubbed the
back of his neck, looking at Kota uneasily.  Is it safe for him?
 It s safe. I monitor him. I know what I m doing. I would
appreciate you having a talk with your mate about keeping it quiet. I
don t want Blair to feel embarrassed. Kota stood, turning to
Maverick for an answer. Maverick inclined his head.
Kota ran into Hawk on his way to find Blair.
 Kota, wait. Kota turned, placing his hand on the banister and
taking a deep breath. He really didn t want to have this conversation.
Sunshine s Savior 55
 Hawk, can this wait?
 No. Johnny told me what happened. I had a talk with him about
not mentioning it to anyone. Kota wasn t expecting the
Commander s discretion. He eyed him warily.
 What s up with the understanding? Aren t you going to ask me if
I m hurting him? Everyone else seems to think so, Kota bit out.
 When my mate told me what he saw, I knew. I know you re not
hurting him. Just& be careful. It can get out of hand pretty fast when
sex is involved. His Commander talked as if he had experience with
this. Maybe he did.
Kota nodded then headed upstairs. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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