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contain all the points of order n on E(Qal). The next lemma shows that, in order to prove
that S(n)(E/Q) is finite, it suffices to prove that S(n)(E/L) is finite.
Lemma 14.8. For any finite Galois extension L of Q and any n, the kernel of
S(n)(E/Q) ’! S(n)(E/L)
is finite.
Proof. Since S(n)(E/Q) and S(n)(E/L) are subgroups of H1(Q, En) and H1(L, En) respec-
tively, it suffices to prove that the kernel of
H1(Q, En) ’! H1(L, En)
is finite. But (cf. 12.6), this kernel is H1(Gal(L/Q), En(L)), which is finite because both
Gal(L/Q) and En(L) are finite.
It remains to consider (c). The proof of its analogue for L requires the three fundamental
theorems in any course on algebraic number theory. We review their statements.
Review of algebraic number theory. In the following, L is a finite extension of Q and R is
the ring of all algebraic integers in L (see p53).
Every element of R is a product of irreducible (i.e.,  unfactorable ) elements, but this
factorization may not be unique. For example, in Z[ -5] we have
" "
6 = 2 · 3 = (1 + -5)(1 - -5)
" "
and 2, 3, 1 + -5, 1- -5 are irreducible with no two associates. The idea of Kummer and
Dedekind to remedy this problem was to enlarge the set of numbers with  ideal numbers ,
now called ideals, to recover unique factorization. For ideals a and b, define
ab = { aibi | ai " a, bi " b}.
It is again is an ideal.
Theorem 14.9 (Dedekind). Every ideal in R can be written uniquely as a product of prime
For example, in Z[ -5],
" " " "
(6) = (2, 1 + -5)(2, 1 - -5)(3, 1 + -5)(3, 1 - -5).
For an element a " R and a prime ideal p in R, let ord (a) be the exponent of p in the
unique factorization of the ideal (a), so that
(a) = pord (a).
For x = " L, define ord (x) = ord (a) - ord (b). The ideal class group C of R is defined
to be the cokernel of the homomorphism
L× ’! Z ’! C ’! 0
‚"R, prime
x ’! (ord (x)).
It is 0 if and only if R is a principal ideal domain, and so C can be regarded as giving a
measure of the failure of unique factorization of elements in R.
Theorem 14.10 (Finiteness of the class number). The ideal class group C is finite.
We next need to
"understand the group U"of units in R. For R = Z, U = {±1}, but
already for R = Z[ 2], U is infinite because 2 + 1 is a unit in Z[ 2]. One can show that
" "
Z[ 2]× = {±(1 + 2)n | n " Z} H" Z/2Z •" Z.
Theorem 14.11 (Dedekind unit theorem). The group U of units of R is finitely gener-
In fact, the full theorem gives a formula for the rank of U.
As in any commutative ring, a is a unit in R if and only if (a) = R. In our case, this is
equivalent to saying that ord (a) = 0 for all prime ideals p, and so we have an exact sequence
0 ’! U ’! L× ’! •" Z ’! C ’! 0
with U finitely generated and C finite.
The fundamental theorems of algebraic number theory show, more generally, that, when
T is a finite set of prime ideals in L, the groups UT and CT defined by the exactness of
a ’!(ord (a))
0 ’! UT ’! L× - ’! •" "T Z ’! CT ’! 0
are, respectively, finitely generated and finite.
Completion of the proof of the finiteness of the Selmer group.
Lemma 14.12. Let N be the kernel of
a ’! (ord (a) mod n) : Ker(L×/L×n) ’! •" "T Z/nZ).
Then there is an exact sequence
0 ’! UT /UT ’! N ’! (CT )n
Proof. Let ± " N. Then n|ord (±) for all p " T , and so we can map ± to the class c of
(ord (±)) in CT . Clearly nc = 0, and any element of CT killed by n arises in this way. If
c = 0, then there exists a ² " L× such that ord (²) = ord (±)/n for all p. Now ±/²n lies in
UT , and is well-defined up to an element of UT .
Now the argument used in the special case shows that S(n)(E/L) is finite.
Remark 14.13. The above proof of the finiteness of the Selmer group is taken from my
book, Etale Cohomology, p133. It is simpler than the standard proof (see [S1] p190 196)
which unnecessarily  translate[s] the putative finiteness of E(K)/mE(K) into a statement
about certain field extensions of K.
15. Heights
Let P = (a0 : . . . : an) " Pn(Q). We shall say that (a0 : . . . : an) is a primitive
representative for P if
ai " Z, gcd(a0, . . . , an) = 1.
The height H(P ) of P is then defined to be
H(P ) = max |ai|.
Here | " | is the usual absolute value. The logarithmic height h(P ) of P is defined to be
log H(P ).
Heights on P1. Let F (X, Y ) and G(X, Y ) be homogeneous polynomials of degree m in
Q[X, Y ], and let V (Q) be the set of their common zeros. Then F and G define a map
Õ : P1(Q) \ V (Q) ’! P1(Q), (x : y) ’! (F (x, y) : G(x, y)).
Proposition 15.1. If F (X, Y ) and G(X, Y ) have no common zero in P1(Qal), then there
exists a constant B such that
|h(Õ(P )) - mh(P )| d" B, all P " P1(Q).
Proof. We may suppose that F and G have integer coefficients. Let (a : b) be a primitive rep-
resentative for P . Then, for a monomial H(X, Y ) = cXiY , |H(a, b)| d" |c| max(|a|m, |b|m),
and so
|F (a, b)|, |G(a, b)| d" C (max(|a|, |b|)m
C = (m + 1) max(|coeff. of F or G|).
H(Õ(P )) d" max(|F (a, b)|, |G(a, b)|) d" C(max(|a|, |b|)m = C · H(P )m.
On taking logs, we obtain the inequality
h(Õ(P )) d" mh(P ) + log C.
The problem with proving a reverse inequality is that F (a, b) and G(a, b) may have a large
common factor, and so the first inequality in the second last equation may be strict. We use
the hypothesis that F and G have no common zero in Qal to limit this problem.
Let R be the resultant of F and G the hypothesis says that R = 0. Consider
-m -m
Y F (X, Y ) = F (X , 1) and Y G(X, Y ) = G(X , 1). When regarded as polynomials in the
single variable , F (X , 1) and G(X , 1) have the same resultant as F (X, Y ) and G(X, Y ),
and so (see p55), there are polynomials U(X ), V (X ) " Z[X ] of degree m - 1 such that
U( )F ( , 1) + V ( )G( , 1) = R.
2m-1 m-1 m-1
On multiplying through by Y and renaming Y U(X ) as U(X, Y ) and Y V (X ) as
V (X, Y ), we obtain the equation
U(X, Y )F (X, Y ) + V (X, Y )G(X, Y ) = RY .
Similarly, there are homogenous polynomials U (X, Y ) and V (X, Y ) of degree m - 1 such
U (X, Y )F (X, Y ) + V (X, Y )G(X, Y ) = RX2m-1.
Substitute (a, b) for (X, Y ) to obtain the equations
U(a, b)F (a, b) + V (a, b)G(a, b) = Rb2m-1,
U (a, b)F (a, b) + V (a, b)G(a, b) = Ra2m-1.
From these equations we see that
gcd(F (a, b), G(a, b)) divides gcd(Ra2m-1, Rb2m-1) = R.
Moreover, as in the first part of the proof, there is a C > 0 such that
U(a, b), U (a, b), V (a, b), V (a, b) d" C (max |a|, |b|)m-1 .
2C (max |a|, |b|)m-1 (max |F (a, b)|, |G(a, b)|) e" |R||a|2m-1, |R||b|2m-1.
Together with gcd(F (a, b), G(a, b))|R, these inequalities imply that
1 1
H(Õ(P )) e" max(|F (a, b)|, |G(a, b)|) e" H(P )m.
|R| 2C
On taking logs, we obtain the inequality
h(Õ(P )) e" mh(P ) - log 2C.
There is a well-defined map (special case of the Veronese map)
(a : b), (c : d) ’! (ac : ad + bc : bd) : P1 × P1 ’! P2.
Let R be the image of (P, Q).
Lemma 15.2.
1 H(R)
d" d" 2.
2 H(P )H(Q)
Proof. Choose (a : b) and (c : d) to be primitive representatives of P and Q. Then
H(R) d" max(|ac|, |ad + bc|, |bd|) d" 2 max(|a|, |b|) max(|c|, |d|) = 2H(P )H(Q). [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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