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his mostly on the sides of my face and the back of my neck, while mine slid over his back and
sides. Several minutes passed before we came up for air.
 Well, now. That was something. Nathan grinned at me and pulled away.  Ever been with a
farm boy?
 No, I haven t.
 It s about time then. He took one of my hands and kissed it.  Just so you know, I don t hit on
every guy that comes around, but I like you. And I felt we really bonded yesterday over Rain
being born.
I knew I should at least put a superficial effort into resisting, even though I had no desire to.
However, there was that business relationship to the family to think about, as well as Nathan s
age.  How old are you, Nathan?
 I ll be twenty-three in two months.
Cherry - 99
 I m almost ten years older than you.
 I don t care. He looked me in the eye.  Anyway, I saw the way you were checking me out
earlier, so I know you like me, too.
Damn it. Busted. No point in resisting any further. The rest of the dishes entirely forgotten, we
kissed again, even more passionately than before. Our tongues darted past each other s lips and
our hands explored lower, our breath coming in sharply through our noses when sensitive spots
were brushed.
 Your parents aren t coming home tonight, are they? I asked, pulling away a little and looking
at him through half-closed eyes.  I don t think they d be very happy to come home and find the
vet fucking their son.
Nathan raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye.  No, they re not coming home tonight,
but what s this about you fucking me? I took you for a bottom.
I laughed.  I thought the same about you. I ve never bottomed before.
 Me neither.
I wasn t necessarily against the idea, I just hadn't yet been with anybody who could or wanted to
top me. Giving Nathan another look, I decided I was interested, though my pride wouldn t let me
just roll over and expose my belly so easily.  Well, there are alternatives.
 Nah. I wanna go all the way with you. Nathan thought for a moment.  I got an idea. Let s go
out back and see who can overpower who.
It was as good an idea as any. I nodded.  Sure. Sort of like when animals see which one s the
alpha male.
Outside, we stood across from each other with our gazes locked; neither one of us seemed
willing to make the first move. He was clearly more patient than me, because he remained still
while I started to slowly circle him, anxious to get things going. I stumbled just the slightest bit,
but it was enough to give him the opening he was waiting for.
After a few minutes of grappling, I found myself on my back looking up into Nathan s blue eyes,
my body pinned under his. He held my wrists tightly in one hand, stretching my arms over my
head and pressing them into the ground. "Do you surrender to me?" He kissed my throat. "I'll
make it worth your while."
I thought about it. It had already become obvious my chances were slim. I wasn't a weakling by a
long shot, but Nathan was definitely stronger. It seemed strange to me and it hurt my pride to
admit it, but I found myself getting excited at the thought of being taken by him. Still, I wasn't
ready to concede just yet.
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"No." I turned a hand around, freeing it from his grip. The action distracted him just long enough
for me to twist out from under his body. "You have to do a little better than that." I got back to
my feet and eyed him, trying to look defiant.
He shot me a wicked grin in response. "I plan to, Doctor."
"I told you to call me Aaron."
"But I like calling you 'Doctor.' It seems naughtier."
"I'm a veterinarian. That makes it seem a little... I barely managed to dodge his lunge.  ...wrong.
By the way, charging at me like that when I m speaking is cheating."
"I m just taking advantage of the situation."
 I still call it cheating. I sprang at him, but he effortlessly avoided my attack and grabbed my
arms, twisting them behind my back.
"Do you surrender now?" he whispered, his mouth close enough to my ear for me to feel his
I leaned against him, tilting my head, exposing the side of my neck to his lips. While he was
busy kissing it, I shook my head and suddenly dropped my weight, trying to knock him off
balance. It worked, but I knocked myself off balance as well, and we both tumbled to the ground.
He quickly regained himself. Before I could even think of standing up again, I was face-down in
the grass, his body stretched out on top of mine. "How about now?" He brushed my ponytail off
to the side, and I felt his lips sucking on the newly exposed skin hard enough to leave a mark.
It was clear I'd lost the fight. A part of me wanted to continue since I was enjoying being so close
to him while we both worked up a sweat. However, there were even more pleasurable ways of
being close to and sweaty with somebody. I wanted him badly by then, and yes, I wanted him to
take me, to hell with my pride. I closed my eyes and nodded.
 I want to hear you say it. He lightly pressed his lips behind my ear.  Tell me you surrender to
 I surrender to you.
 Excellent. He got off me, giving my ass a squeeze as he did so.  Don t worry, I ll be gentle.
Unless you ask me to be rough, that is.
Cherry - 101
I rolled over onto my back, able to breathe much easier now that his weight wasn t pressing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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