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f(Q1, Q2) are indeed linear in A, B, C.
But it turns out that these two conditions completely determine f: there is
up to scaling a unique PSL2-covariant bilinear map from V3 V3 to V3; equiv-
alently, V3 occurs exactly once in the representation V3 " V3 of PSL2. In fact it
is known (see e.g. [FH, 11.2]) that V3 " V3 decomposes as V1 " V3 " V5, where
V1 is the trivial representation and V5 is the space of homogeneous polynomi-
als of degree 4 in X, Y . The factor V3 is particularly easy to see, because it is
just the antisymmetric part V3 of V3 " V3. Now the next-to-highest exte-
dim V -1
rior power V of any finite-dimensional vector space V is canonically
dim V
isomorphic with (det V ) " V , where det V is the top exterior power V .
Taking V = V3, we see that det V3 is the trivial representation of PSL2. More-
over, thanks to the invariant quadric B2 - AC we know that V3 is self-dual as a
PSL2 representation. Unwinding the resulting identification V3 ! V3" ! V3,
we find:
Proposition A. Let Qi = AiX2 + 2BiXY + CiY (i = 1, 2) be two polyno-
mials in V3 without a common zero. Then the unique involution of P1 switching
the roots of Q1 and also of Q2 is the involution whose fixed points are the roots
(A1B2 - A2B1)X2 + (A1C2 - A2C1)XY + (B1C2 - B2C1)Y , (88)
i.e. the fractional linear transformation
(A1C2 - A2C1)t + 2(B1C2 - B2C1)
t !! . (89)
2(B1A2 - B2A1)t + (C1A2 - C2A1)
Shimura Curve Computations 45
" 2
Proof : The coordinates of Q1 '" Q2 for the basis of V3 dual to (X2, 2XY, Y )
are (B1C2 -B2C1, A2C1 -A1C2, A1B2 -A2B1). To identify V3 with V3 we need
a PSL2-invariant element of V3 . We could get this invariant from the invariant
quadric B2 - AC " V3 , but it is easy enough to exhibit it directly: it is
2 2
X2 " Y - 2XY " 2XY + Y " X2, (90)
the generator of the kernel of the multiplication map Sym2(V3) ! V5. The
resulting isomorphism from V3" to V3 takes the dual basis of (X2, 2XY, Y ) to
(Y , -XY, X2), and thus takes Q1 '" Q2 to (88) as claimed.
Of course this is not the only way to obtain (89). A more  geometrical
approach (which ultimately amounts to the same thing) is to regard P1 as a
conic in P2. Then involutions of P1 correspond to points p " P2 not on the
conic: the involution associated with p takes any point q of the conic to the
second point of intersection of the line pq with the conic. Of course the fixed
points are then the points q such that pq is tangent to the conic at q. Given
Q1, Q2 we obtain for i = 1, 2 the secant of the conic through the roots of Qi,
and then p is the intersection of those secants.
From either of the two approaches we readily deduce
Corollary B. Let Qi = AiX2 + 2BiXY + CiY (i = 1, 2, 3) be three polyno-
mials in V3 without a common zero. Then there is an involution of P1 switching
the roots of Qi for each i if and only if the determinant
A1 B1 C1
A2 B2 C2 (91)
A3 B3 C3
As an additional check on the formula (88), we may compute that the dis-
criminant of that quadratic polynomial is exactly the resolvent

A1 2B1 C1 0

0 A1 2B1 C1

det (92)

A2 2B2 C2 0
0 A2 2B2 C2
of Q1, Q2 which vanishes if and only if these two polynomials have a common
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