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ready for you to capitalize on as well as premium graphics to use to help conversions. You
could start seeing PayPal deposits as soon as tonight.
Please refrain from disclosing information on the Warrior Forum that is privy to those who
have invested their hard earned money in this report. If you run into any problems or have
any issues with the contents in this report I urge you to contact me immediately at my e-mail
listed below and NOT THE THREAD OR PRIVATE MESSAGE. I will respond back to you as soon
as humanly possible to take care of you. Customer service especially to the Warriors is my
number one priority and I will be sure to accommodate you. Send me your questions,
comments, and successes  I d love to hear from you!
Shaun aka SDotSpells
e-Mail: Shaun@OfflineCastingCall.com
Instant Offline Connection
In addition to using the Offline Casting Call, there is another vital building block to my
business. I'll show you step by step how I developed & use a system to provide a constant flow
of massive checks & clients every single month. This is a MUST have to build your offline
Offline Casting Call 30 | P a g e
No Theories. No Magic Bullets. No Fluff. No BS. Warriors are making serious cash & there is
Anthony said,  I believe you just boosted my income 100% over the next 30 days. $1500+ for
45 minutes of work - Worth $15 spent on WSO? No Brainer!
Discover another simplistic & highly lucrative long term income stream that will pay you for
years to come. I urge you to explore the thread to see all of the positive comments and success
stories. Find out why it was WSO of the Day.
Click here to go to the thread and see for yourself!
Instant Client Craze
Need another flood of customers? Diversifying is the key to success. I have perfected many
models that provide me with cash on an easy and reoccurring basis. It s important that you do
the same to grow and protect your business.
This is no exception. It made a lot of noise from well-respected Warriors back during its
release and was crowned WSO of the Day! This WSO will Inject CASH & Clients into your
Business ON DEMAND.
And guess what? Other Warriors are ALREADY making BIG $$$ with this WSO!
"I just got my first order for 399 of your finest English pounds sterling."
Offline Casting Call 31 | P a g e
 Thanks a mil, Shaun! Great stuff! I can ABSOLUTELY, without an ounce of hesitation call it
This is an original, out of the box method that will make you money  bottom line.
Click here to go find out why before it closes.
Instant Offline Avalanche
The perfect complement and natural synergy with any offline business that has or is investing in
a website is a MOBILE website. This is not a trend, mobile is here to stay. If you want to wait a
few more years to feel it out  you re toast.
My first WSO is called the Instant Offline Avalanche. It has made Warriors some serious cash.
 I have actually been able to complete 5 sales in 2 days since buying the WSO charging $200
dollars a sale. I have never had any kind of success like this before. $1,000 dollars in 2 days!
This, my friends, is a game changer!
 I did three quick cold-calls with his ninja technique. I ended up having one client call me back
(8 hours later), asking for more information and I ended up selling him a mobile site for
There is a lot more where that came from& .check it out!
Click here now to learn how you can achieve the same success.
Offline Casting Call 32 | P a g e [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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