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Henceforth, I designate you my heir, Robert. You are a strong man and would
undoubtedly be the strongest king Scotland has seen in an age. Please do not thi
nk badly
of me. I must follow my heart, no matter where it leads me.
In two days, another messenger will arrive with the location of the surrender. W
will meet there at sun-up where I will give you my crown without malice and regr
Your humble servant,
Catherine, Duchess of Kent.
Duncan's voice pierced his veil of thought "What does my sister say?"
Robert's heart filled with an unabashed excitement. "She will not be returning t
Duncan pounded his fist against the table, the hollow thud resounding through th
hall. "I knew it! We will have to take her back by force and get the Church to a
nnul that
facade of a marriage of hers!"
Robert drew his hands together slowly, crunching the dry, brittle parchment
between them. "You do not understand, Duncan. She is turning her crown over to m
e in a
week hence. She prefers to stay in Kent and be known as a Duchess rather than a
Duncan's blue eyes widened in surprise. "Surely you do not mean she wants to
stay with that heathen?"
He nodded, his mind whirling on the news. With Queen's designation and her
crown in his hand, all contenders for it would quickly slip away like thieves in
the night.
"Aye, that is what it means, my boy. Her heart does not belong to Scotland anymo
Duncan said nothing and sulked in his seat, preferring to stare out the window t
It was just as well. He had his own thoughts he had to contend to as well as man
other things such as what to do about Wallace and his rebel army as well as the
rest of the
nobles. After all, it would not do to have his new kingdom in chaos, would it?
Days passed quickly as Alexander healed a little better each day. He awoke on th
third day and remained conscious only for a bit. During this time, she finalized
her plans
with Longworth to meet the Bruce for the surrender of her crown. Part of her wan
ted to
tell Alexander exactly what she was doing but she knew he would be taken complet
ely by
surprise at her sacrifice.
Finally the time arrived. She was sitting next to Alexander and wiping his
forehead when Isabeau entered the room. "'Tis time, my dear," she said softly as
entered the room amid gentle swishes of velvet across the floor. "I will sit wit
Catherine brushed the cloth through his hair one last time. "Please take care of
him until I come back," she pleaded as she reluctantly arose from her seat next
to the bed.
"Only if you promise to take care of his child growing in your belly," Isabeau s
with a gentle smile as she removed the wet cloth from Catherine's hand.
She brushed a quick kiss across Isabeau's cheek. "Much thanks for all you are
doing for me, Mother."
"I am in great debt to you, child," Isabeau answered as she lowered herself to t
chair amid a plume of purple velvet.
"What ever for?"
Isabeau wiped Alexander's forehead and he stirred for a moment before going
back to sleep. "You have given my son back to me, Catherine, and for that, I am
grateful," she confessed, her loving gaze locked onto Alexander's sleeping form.
Fighting the lump in her throat and not knowing what to say next, Catherine left
the room, dabbing her eyes with the corner of her sleeve. She had never felt as
though she
was anyone special so Isabeau's words had a deep impact on her. For the first ti
me in her
life, she felt as though she truly belonged somewhere.
Clouds blocked out the sun, turning the sky to a light gray blanket. Soft winds
pervaded the valley, lifting her hair from the back of her neck, reminding her o
Alexander's touch and caress. Instinctively, her hand went to her belly. What I
do now is
for all of us, she told the growing child. I hope you will understand what I am
"Are you ready, Catherine?" Prince Kendrick's voice broke through the logjam of
her thoughts, making her turn to face him. His ebony hair, streaked with gray, s
down his strong shoulders and danced in the wind as well. The deep blue of his e
yes still
brimmed with life though the depths of the lines around them increased. Even for
a man
his age, he was very handsome, giving her a glimpse of what Alexander would look
when he reached his father's age.
"I have never been more ready in my life, Father," she said as the tears emerged
again. "I know that in my heart, this is what I wish to do."
Kendrick's gloved hand covered hers warmly. "Then that is what I will help you
do, my dear. Now remember, Longworth and I will be not far behind you should you
us though I doubt that you will if this Bruce is half the chivalrous man that he
"He is most honorable, Father, and would do nothing to harm me. Without my
surrender and blessing, he would have to fight the others for it. Robert is not
a man to
engage in a fight he may not win." Catherine reassured him with the tame pressur
e of her
free hand over his.
Kendrick leaned up in his saddle and looked to Longworth who sat ahead of the
large garrison that would accompany them to the appointed place. "Are you in rea
Longworth nodded. "Of course, sire."
"Let us proceed then."
With a swift kick in the horse's flanks, Catherine started down the hill toward
field where her life would change forever, a far cry from where the first change
about. At least, this time, she surrendered without regret.
The field was barren except for a few tents as well as fires glowing. The smell
roasting meat rose through the air, making her belly clamor for food despite the
fact that
she had eaten at least two quails along with a large host of vegetables and brea
d before
she had left.
Horses milled around, munching the last of the summer grass in the last stages o
turning brown before the winter swept in like an avenging angel. Men, in various
states of
dress, were scattered around the makeshift camp with ale mugs in their hands.
She halted at the edge of the clearing. Lumps of fear curled in the pit of her b
lying in wait as if they were a snake ready to strike. Would Robert be chivalrou
s and not
kidnap her back to a place she did not clearly want to be?
Taking her hand, she adjusted the golden crown above her head, a gift from
Isabeau. Once the task was complete, she smoothed down the folds of her dress, m
her composed. After all, she wanted Robert to know that this decision was not ma
under duress. It was made out of love.
Just as she was about to speak, she saw a bearded man emerge from one of the
tents, an ale mug in his hand. He was about to take a drink when he spotted her.
dropping it, he fell to ground on his knees. "Hail to the Queen!"
The rest of the men looked to her and followed suit, their heads bowed. She rode
in the circle of grass, followed by a small sliver of men while Kendrick and Lon
waited not far behind in case she needed them.
She strode in a slow gait past them all until she reached the one man in particu
she wanted. "Rise, Robert," she commanded.
"This is an honor, your Majesty," Robert replied as he rose from the ground,
adjusting his leather tunic.
"Please help me down from my horse," she ordered and held her arms out. "So
that we can discuss matters at hand."
He nodded and bowed to her again before coming to her side and helping her to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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