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datholch bears a noble dream.
 What s this? Julius puffed.  What are you two doing?
 Sir, I m afraid we ve hit a rock or two, Flandry said.
 Really?How long will this take? I have a dinner engagement.
 Maybe we can settle the difficulty before then, sir. May I be seated? I thank theadmiral, I ll do my best,
sir.Got my personal affairs to handle too.
 No doubt. Julius regarded the young man calculatingly.  I am told you ve applied for furlough and
 Yes, sir.I figure those months on Talwin more than completed my tour of duty here. No reflection on
this fine command, but I am supposed to specialize along other lines. And I believe I may have an
inheritance coming. Rich uncle on a colonial planet wasn t doing too well, last I heard. I d like to go
collect my share before they decide a  missing in action report on me authorizes them to divvy up the
cash elsewhere.
 Yes. I see. I ll approve your application, Lieutenant, and recommend you for promotion. ( If you bail
me fast out of this mess was understood.)  Let s get busy. What is the problem you mentioned?
The room above Door 666 was unchanged, a less tasteful place to be than the commandant s and a
considerably more dangerous one. The Gorzunian guard stirred no muscle; but light gleamed off a
scimitar thrust under his gun belt. Behind the desk, Leon Ammon sweated and squeaked and never took
his needle gaze off Flandry. Djana gave him head-high defiance in return; her fists, though, kept clenching
and unclenching on her lap, and she had moved her chair into direct contact with the officer s.
He himself talked merrily, ramblingly, and on the whole, discounting a few reticences, truthfully. At the
end he said,  I ll accept my fee in small bills, remember with unparalleled grace.
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 You sure kept me waiting, Ammon hedged.  Cost me extra, trying to find out what d happened and
recruit somebody else. I ought to charge the cost to your payment.Right?
 The delay wasn t my fault. You should have given your agent betterprotection, or remuneration such
that she had no incentive to visit persons to whom she d not been introduced. Flandry buffed fingernails
on tunic and regarded them critically.  You have what you contracted for, a report on Wayland,
favorable at that.
 But you said the secret s been spilled. The Merseians 
 My friend Ydwyr the Seeker assures me he ll keep silence. The rest of whatever personnel on Talwin
have heard about the Mimirian System will shortly be dispersed. In any event, why should they mention a
thing that can help Terra? Oh, rumors may float around, but you only need five or ten years concealment
and communication is poor enough to guarantee you that. Flandry reached for a cigarette. Having shed
the addiction in these past months, he was enjoying its return.  Admittedly, he said,  if I release Ydwyr
from his promise, he may well chance to pass this interesting item complete with coordinates on to
the captain of whatever Imperial ship arrives to look his camp over.
Ammon barked a laugh.  I expected a response from you, Dominic. You re a sharp-edge boy. He
stroked his chins.  You thought about maybe resigning your commission? I could use a sharp-edge boy.
You know I paygood .Right?
 I ll know that when I ve counted the bundle, Flandry said. He inhaled the tobacco into lighting and
rolled smoke around his palate.
The gross bulk wallowed forward in its chair. The bald countenance hardened.  What about the agent
who got to Djana? Ammon demanded. And what about her?
 Ah, yes, Flandry answered.  You owe her a tidy bit, you realize.
 What? After she 
 After she, having been trapped because of your misguided sense of economy, obtained for you the
information that you ve been infiltrated, yes, dear heart, you are in her debt. Flandry smiled like a tiger.
 Naturally, I didn t mention the incident in my official report. I can always put my corps on the trail of
those Merseian agents without compromising myself, as for example by sending an anonymous tip.
However, I felt you might prefer to deal with them yourself. Among other inducements, they ve probably
also corrupted members of your esteemed competitor associations. You might well obtain facts useful in
your business relationships. I m confident your interrogators are persuasive.
 They are, Ammon said.  Who is the spy?
Djana started to speak. Flandry forestalled her with a reminding gesture.  The information is the
property of this young lady. She s willing to negotiate terms for its transfer. I am her agent.
Sweat studded Ammon s visage.  Pay her when she tried to sell me out?
 My client Djana will be leaving Irumclaw by the first available ship. Incidentally, I m booking passage
on the same one. She needs funds for her ticket, plus a reasonable stake at her destination, whatever it
may be.
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Ammon spata vileness . The Gorzunian sensed rage and bunched his shaggy body for attack.
Flandry streamed smoke out his nose.  As her agent, he went mildly on,  I ve taken the normal
precautions to assure that any actions to her detriment will prove unprofitable. You may as well relax and
enjoy this,Leon . It ll be expensive at best, and the rate goes up if you use too much of our valuable time.
I repeat,you can take an adequate return out of the hide of that master spy, when you ve purchased the
Ammon waved his goon back. Hatred thickening his voice, he settled down to dicker.
No liners plied this far out. The Cha-Rina was a tramp freighter with a few extra accommodations
modifiable for various races. She offered little in the way of luxuries. Flandry and Djana brought along
what pleasant items they were able to find inOldTown  s stores. No other humans were aboard, and
apart from the skipper, who spent her free hours in the composition of a caterwauling sonata, the
Cynthian crew spoke scant Anglic. So they had privacy.
Their first few days of travel were pure hedonism. To sleep out the nightwatch, lie abed till the clock said
noon, loaf about and eat, drink, read, watch a projected show, play handball, listen to music, make love
in comfort before everything else, to have no dangers and no duties seemed ample splendor. But the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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