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the official host name, a list of aliases, the address type, the length of the addresses, and the list
of addresses it's a general-purpose structure that's pretty easy to use for our specific purposes
once you see how.)
gethostbyaddr() takes a struct in_addr and brings you up a corresponding host
name (if there is one), so it's sort of the reverse of gethostbyname(). As for parameters, even
though addr is a char*, you actually want to pass in a pointer to a struct in_addr. len
should be sizeof(struct in_addr), and type should be AF_INET.
So what is this struct hostent that gets returned? It has a number of fields that contain
information about the host in question.
char *h_name The real canonical host name.
char **h_aliases A list of aliases that can be accessed with arrays the last
element is NULL
int h_addrtype The result's address type, which really should be AF_INET for
our purposes..
int length The length of the addresses in bytes, which is 4 for IP (version
4) addresses.
char **h_addr_list A list of IP addresses for this host. Although this is a char**,
it's really an array of struct in_addr*s in disguise. The last
array element is NULL.
h_addr A commonly defined alias for h_addr_list[0]. If you just
want any old IP address for this host (yeah, they can have more
than one) just use this field.
Return Value
Returns a pointer to a resultant struct hostent or success, or NULL on error.
Instead of the normal perror() and all that stuff you'd normally use for error reporting,
these functions have parallel results in the variable h_errno, which can be printed using the
functions herror() or hstrerror(). These work just like the classic errno, perror(), and
strerror() functions you're used to.
Beej's Guide to Network Programming 59
int i;
struct hostent *he;
struct in_addr **addr_list;
struct in_addr addr;
// get the addresses of www.yahoo.com:
he = gethostbyname("www.yahoo.com");
if (he == NULL) { // do some error checking
herror("gethostbyname"); // herror(), NOT perror()
// print information about this host:
printf("Official name is: %s\n", he->h_name);
printf("IP address: %s\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)he->h_addr));
printf("All addresses: ");
addr_list = (struct in_addr **)he->h_addr_list;
for(i = 0; addr_list[i] != NULL; i++) {
printf("%s ", inet_ntoa(*addr_list[i]));
// get the host name of
inet_aton("", &addr);
he = gethostbyaddr(&addr, sizeof addr, AF_INET);
printf("Host name: %s\n", he->h_name);
See Also
gethostname(), errno, perror(), strerror(), struct in_addr
Beej's Guide to Network Programming 60
8.7. getpeername()
Return address info about the remote side of the connection
int getpeername(int s, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *len);
Once you have either accept()ed a remote connection, or connect()ed to a server,
you now have what is known as a peer. Your peer is simply the computer you're connected to,
identified by an IP address and a port. So...
getpeername() simply returns a struct sockaddr_in filled with information about
the machine you're connected to.
Why is it called a  name ? Well, there are a lot of different kinds of sockets, not just
Internet Sockets like we're using in this guide, and so  name was a nice generic term that
covered all cases. In our case, though, the peer's  name is it's IP address and port.
Although the function returns the size of the resultant address in len, you must preload
len with the size of addr.
Return Value
Returns zero on success, or -1 on error (and errno will be set accordingly.)
int s;
struct sockaddr_in server, addr;
socklen_t len;
// make a socket
s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
// connect to a server
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
inet_aton("", &server.sin_addr);
server.sin_port = htons(80);
connect(s, (struct sockaddr*)&server, sizeof server);
// get the peer name
// we know we just connected to, so this should print:
// Peer IP address:
// Peer port : 80
len = sizeof addr;
getpeername(s, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &len);
printf("Peer IP address: %s\n", inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr));
printf("Peer port : %d\n", ntohs(addr.sin_port));
See Also
gethostname(), gethostbyname(), gethostbyaddr()
Beej's Guide to Network Programming 61
8.8. errno
Holds the error code for the last system call
int errno;
This is the variable that holds error information for a lot of system calls. If you'll recall,
things like socket() and listen() return -1 on error, and they set the exact value of errno
to let you know specifically which error occurred.
The header file errno.h lists a bunch of constant symbolic names for errors, such as
EADDRINUSE, EPIPE, ECONNREFUSED, etc. Your local man pages will tell you what codes can
be returned as an error, and you can use these at run time to handle different errors in different
Or, more commonly, you can call perror() or strerror() to get a human-readable
version of the error.
Return Value
The value of the variable is the latest error to have transpired, which might be the code for
 success if the last action succeeded.
s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (s == -1) {
perror("socket"); // or use strerror()
if (select(n, &readfds, NULL, NULL) == -1) {
// an error has occurred!!
// if we were only interrupted, just restart the select() call:
if (errno == EINTR) goto tryagain; // AAAA! goto!!!
// otherwise it's a more serious error:
See Also
perror(), strerror()
Beej's Guide to Network Programming 62
8.9. fcntl()
Control socket descriptors
int fcntl(int s, int cmd, long arg);
This function is typically used to do file locking and other file-oriented stuff, but it also has
a couple socket-related functions that you might see or use from time to time.
Parameter s is the socket descriptor you wish to operate on, cmd should be set to F_SETFL,
and arg can be one of the following commands. (Like I said, there's more to fcntl() than I'm
letting on here, but I'm trying to stay socket-oriented.)
O_NONBLOCK Set the socket to be non-blocking. See the section on blocking for
more details.
O_ASYNC Set the socket to do asynchronous I/O. When data is ready to be
recv()'d on the socket, the signal SIGIO will be raised. This is
rare to see, and beyond the scope of the guide. And I think it's only
available on certain systems.
Return Value
Returns zero on success, or -1 on error (and errno will be set accordingly.)
Different uses of the fcntl() actually have different return values, but I haven't covered
them here because they're not socket-related. See your local fcntl() man page for more
int s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
fcntl(s, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); // set to non-blocking
fcntl(s, F_SETFL, O_ASYNC); // set to asynchronous I/O
See Also
Blocking, send()
Beej's Guide to Network Programming 63
8.10. htons(), htonl(), ntohs(), ntohl()
Convert multi-byte integer types from host byte order to network byte order
uint32_t htonl(uint32_t hostlong); [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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