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$40,000 to $100,000 or more, depending on clientele and
stands to reason that organization, follow-through, attention
types of projects. Travel Photographers usually charge a
to details and deadlines, and self-initiative are absolutely
per-diem rate ranging from $500 to $1,000 or more, plus all
critical. Travel Photographers must be excellent researchers
travel expenses. Contract terms usually list one-time use
and diligent and self-driven enough to do their homework
only. Travel Photographers, like all photographers, charge
before arriving at locations. They must understand local cul-
more when the agreement requires that the images be used
tures and etiquette and have some familiarity with other lan-
more frequently and in other media. They enhance their
guages, at least enough to communicate the essentials. They
salaries by also selling images to stock photography houses
must know whom to contact and how best to contact them to
and licensing agencies. Freelance Travel Photographers
arrange for the things they will need throughout the shoot,
may travel first and pitch their images afterward to publica-
such as water and food, any last-minute photographic items,
tion editors. To take this approach, they must be able to
or even modes of transportation to remote spots. Above all,
front the costs for their trips and cover all related expenses.
Travel Photographers must be deeply curious about other
places and people and know how to convey what they learn
Employment Prospects
in their images in ways that inform and rivet viewers as
Travel Photographers face fierce competition because many
never before.
consider the field to be glamorous and ideal. Consequently,
there are far more prospective Travel Photographers than
Unions and Associations
there are jobs to fill. Travel Photographers secure work by
To date, there are no known associations dedicated specifi-
keeping up with what is going on in the world. They follow
cally to Travel Photographers. Many photographers partici-
the news closely by reading newspapers and magazines,
pate in online forums and access valuable information and
watching the news and documentaries on television, listen-
resources through Travel Photographers Network (http://
ing to the radio, and networking through memberships to
www.travelphotographers.net). Depending upon their spe-
professional associations. Smart photographers know to
cialties and clientele, they also join Advertising Photogra-
pitch magazine and book publishers well in advance about
phers of America and Professional Photographers of
events, festivals, or special celebrations that will be happen-
America for educational conferences, employment listings,
ing in particular countries and cities next year or even the
and discounts on various professional services.
following year.
Advancement Prospects Tips for Entry
Most photographers aim to make travel photography the 1. Visit a local travel office and collect a handful of
pinnacle of their careers. For many, this is the ultimate way brochures on Egypt, India, Greece, Spain, Morocco,
and other places that interest you. As you look best images from the trip and target your pitch to
through the brochures, study the types of photos that magazines that you think will be interested in the
have been chosen to promote various places and location.
entice people to book their trips. 3. Check the newsstand or your local public library for
2. View your city as if you were a Travel Photographer. consumer travel magazines. Study the photographs,
Map out what you plan to shoot, the angles and where the locations chosen, the lighting, and the angles.
you will need to be located to capture those angles, Learn as much as you can about the images and the
times of day to shoot, and then head out  on location. styles each magazine has chosen to print.
Or plan an actual trip. Put together a portfolio of your
Duties: Photographs all aspects of weddings, everything
from pre- to post-ceremonies, at homes, in churches and Wedding/Portrait Studio Owner
at receptions, and outside in various settings; creates por-
traits of couples and their families; may create video-
tapes of weddings; usually works with assistants; meets
with couples to discuss photography services and negoti-
Wedding Photographer
ate terms of agreement
Alternate Title(s): Bridal Photographer
Salary: $25,000 to $100,000
Portrait or Wedding
Employment Prospects: Good Photographer Assistant
Advancement Prospects: Fair
Best Geographical Location(s): Major cities and suburbs
Education or Training Four-year degree in photogra-
phy; training in digital photography and photographic
design software
Experience Several years of experience as an assistant
photographer; one to two years of experience as a light-
ing assistant, portrait studio intern, or apprentice
Special Skills and Personality Traits Excellent at
lighting and composition; able to recognize and capture
special moments; reliable and deadline-oriented; organ-
ized; flexible and patient; exceptional people skills; able
to work with individuals and groups of all backgrounds
and ages
Position Description
be preparing for the wedding, locations of churches, syna-
Wedding Photographers work closely with assistants and in gogues, or other venues, and the address of the catering hall
coordination with wedding service providers to create still or wherever the reception is taking place. They discuss the
photographs or videotapes of these special occasions. They specifics regarding the vehicles in which the bridal party
and their team are responsible for lighting, sound, and still will travel, as well as vehicles for the trip to the portrait stu-
photography. Before the day of the wedding, they hold plan- dio after the ceremony and before the reception.
ning meetings with the future bride and groom and their Wedding Photographers also discuss with the religious
families to discuss all aspects of the wedding and what is leaders the rules regarding photography. In many religious
expected photographically. In this meeting, they discuss the houses, flash photography is either prohibited or limited
bride s dress, the number of people in the wedding party, during ceremonies. Wedding Photographers arrive early to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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