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urge to watch her interact with others. Finally he decided the only way to get past this
stew of emotions was to let such a scenario play out.
He brought it up to her one evening as she lay across his lap watching a movie.
Bob tickled her bottom with his finger until she giggled and turned toward him.  Are you
tired of this movie, Daddy? Do you want to play a game?
 I want to talk to you.
 What? She sat up, her doe-eyes wide.  Have I done something wrong?
 No, not at all. I d like to find out how you feel about something. About doing
 Anything you want. You know that.
 We haven t discussed parameters as far as multiple partners. I m thinking of
something a little more intense than the play time with your friends we had the other
 Oh yeah? Her grin was not that of a little girl. Her eyelids lowered and she tilted
her head.  Tell me what you want.
 I thought I might have a few of my friends over. Maybe set up a scene where
they re frat boys and...
 ...I m the school slut. I get it. God er, I mean, golly, it gets my nipples hard just
saying it. I ve fantasized about a gang bang but I don t know what it will really be like.
 If you don t like it, we can stop any time. I promise. You re my girl. I wouldn t let
any harm come to you. I just want to...see you like that, surrounded by all those guys,
all those cocks.
She swallowed. He noticed her nipples pebbling the smocked front of her
nightgown.  I d like to see that, too. I only want to make sure you won t regret it later,
start thinking of me in a different way. Maybe you ll see me as a slut and not your little
girl any more.
He shook his head.  Not going to happen
From agreement to scheduling the play party was only a matter of a week. Bob
called some friends back in Tallahassee and invited them up for a visit. They dropped
whatever other plans they may have had to come see him and meet his new girlfriend.
Bob was in a state of semi-arousal for days. All of his regular play with Candy,
while still stimulating, seemed like foreplay leading to the event. He fantasized about her
servicing his buddies until it detracted from his work. Then he focused and forced the
enticing images from his mind.
It was good to see Dennis, Miguel and Frank again. Bob had chosen these old
friends because he wanted to make certain they were men he knew very well and not
some he d only recently met in the local clubs. They caught him up on other friends and
what was happening in the Florida scene. They didn t all come from Tallahassee but
lived near enough that they d been part of the BDSM crowd there. The men discussed
changing partners, jobs and lives and then they got down to the point of the gathering,
talking about the scenario and what would happen.
 I don t want her hurt or uncomfortable. If she signals to stop, then it ends
immediately, he warned.
 We get it, Bob. We re not novices, Miguel said.
 He s just being protective of his little baby. Frank smiled.  Must be true love at
The dig irritated him. He doubted Frank would recognize love if it jumped up and
bit him in the ass, but that s the way Frank was.
Bob went to get Candy from her room. She leaned against pillows on the bed in
her school uniform, looking at a fashion magazine, but he guessed her nonchalant pose
was for show. Her eyes told him she was nervous.
 Any time you want to quit, baby, you let me know, he reminded her.  I ll
introduce you to the guys. We ll hang out for a while and then go into the scene.
 Sure thing. I m ready. She was already adopting a bit of the teenage attitude
she wore whenever she put on the outfit. She walked beside him with a bounce in her
step, snapping her gum.
He was so proud to be her dom as he saw the expressions on his friends faces.
Candy was adorable, as cute as a button and sexy as hell in this get up, and she was all
his. He d chosen to share her today, but could stop the scene any time he chose.
Having that kind of power was a big ego boost. Easy to let it go to your head. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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