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some of which are used in an unnoticed those derived entirely from internal events. It
fashion on a daily basis. In addition, the is out of the use of these understandings and
subconscious is a universal attribute. No memories in the mind that hypnotic subjects
matter how different people are in their develop their behavior.
conscious realms of existence, they remain
The development of the trance state is a
linked by the qualities and capacities of their
psychic phenomenon, and the ability and
subconscious minds.
activity of the hypnotist can create a highly
The subconscious knows no ethnic or favorable setting in which to instruct clients
cultural boundaries; it speaks in a literal in a more creative use of their own
manner and uses a form of thought that potentials. The Hypnotherapist offers
understands the subconscious of another instruction and direction to the client and
much more effectively than could the con- elicits information and feelings that expedite
scious mind of either person. The the therapy.
subconscious mind is a creative intelligence
When the Hypnotherapist maintains an
and is the doorway to our spiritual nature.
attitude of positive expectancy, he places the
responsibility for all developments entirely
TRANCE: KEY TO THE MIND upon the subject.
Every person has abilities not known to
the self; abilities that can be discovered in FLEXIBILITY
trance. Memories, thoughts and feelings can
Inductions and therapy methods used can
be completely or partially forgotten by the
be tailored to fit the needs and expectations
conscious mind; and yet they are available to
of the subject. The subject defines the most
the subconscious and can be experienced
effective hypnotic procedures. Hypnotists
within trance when the client is ready for
must be observant and flexible enough to
changed feelings and behavior.
adapt their style and their role to those needs
Through the process of age regression and attitudes.
and revivification the subject can call upon
Techniques cannot be followed rigidly
past experiences and learnings to experience
with good success since, in hypnosis, the
and utilize changes.
personality needs of the individual subject
A memory or an imagined event, can be must be met, rather than merely inducing a
experienced so vividly that it seems real. trance and giving suggestions.
This process is responsible for most of the
Successful use of hypnosis is not
phenomena which can be produced in
expectations, patter, verbiage, hope or desire
hypnosis and it is important for the hypnotist
of either the subject or the therapist. The
to be able to influence it. The hypnotist can
proper use of hypnosis is in the development
guide awareness in specific ways to create
of an environment reflecting the subject's
internal events which can be revived into
own learnings, understandings and
experiences. Always be aware of how  organ
language is related to symptom formation
When trances are developed, they are the
and response to  subconscious scripts.
result of ideas, mental concepts and
understandings already existing and aroused
within the subjects by the Hypnotherapist. The first question students ask is,  What
Many hypnotherapists regard their activities exactly do you say to induce hypnosis?
and their intentions as the affective forces; There is no single or best thing to say; there
and believe that their utterances to the is no universal script. They will be nervous,
subject initiate specific responses. They fail awkward, and somewhat ineffectual at first,
to realize that what they say or do only but given the right background and feedback
serves to arouse in the subjects past during a series of practice sessions they will
learnings and understandings, consciously eventually begin to master the process.
and subconsciously acquired.
In hypnosis you want your client to
The hypnotist creates an appropriate respond to a series of ideas. It is your
atmosphere, guides attention in particular responsibility to learn how to speak to the
directions and offers stimuli in order to elicit client, how to keep his attention, and how to
specific responses. stimulate the acceptance of an idea that fits
into his desire for change.
The induction procedure provides a
ritual in a setting in which hypnosis Subjects may need to be reassured that
develops; it offers distractions to hold the they can continue to pay attention to the
attention of the subject while hypnosis things happening around them but that there
occurs. is no need to try to make the effort to do so
for the time being. Their diminished contact
Never talk down to, or over the head of
with the external world may create a certain
the client and always structure the
anxiety and cause an effort to re-establish
relationship as person-to-person not as
reality contact unless they are reassured. It is
doctor-to-patient. Clients enter the therapy
the prior creation of an atmosphere of trust
setting with mixed emotions and conflicting
and cooperation that facilitates the client's
desires. They desire help and guidance, but
surrender, it should be the first step in the
they are afraid to do what they know they
induction ritual.
must do. They may want nothing more than
to have the therapist understand the situation Most hypnotists do not know that as the
perfectly, and yet they may do a great deal to subject closes the eyes, he is cutting off the
hide their real problems or thoughts from the visual field and is really losing something
therapist. Clients are people who have an and he doesn't know what he is losing. He
injury: a painful, uncomfortable or thinks he is just closing his eyes.
embarrassing area of life. For one reason or
An internal sensation, thought, memory
another they have not been able to face these
or mental image can capture and hold our
injuries and handicaps directly, which is why
attention for a time and the events of the
they have developed problems. The major
surrounding world fade from awareness.
purpose of developing a therapeutic
Hypnosis is induced by using this natural
relationship quickly is to help the client feel
mental process. The hypnotist should be
able to reveal and discuss their problems as
interested in helping the subject become
rapidly as possible.
focused upon an internal event of some sort;
whether a physical sensation, a memory, an While giving suggestions for trance
emotion, or an internal image. induction and trance maintenance,
therapeutic suggestions can be interspersed.
Arm levitation suggestions are often
given as the first step to gain active The hypnotist should maintain an
participation. Once an ideomotor response is attitude of unshaken and contagious
made, it can be utilized immediately by confidence in the subject's ability to enter
pyramiding further suggestions. the trance. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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