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 The mutt kidnapped the runt, every right did I have to&  Rig struggled against the rope
Mack had tied him in. Fucking Mack had bespelled the rope so that it drained his magik, keeping
him from undoing his bonds, keeping him captive. Then to add insult, Mack had physically
thrown all of The Oil Rag s crew back aboard before ordering them to turn sail to Ganos and
disbanding once anchor was dropped, that they were to explain the why of it to Red in full detail.
And the mutinous bastards would do it too.
 There is naught ye can say to justify, Mack waved his hand to indicate their surroundings,
 They took him& 
 Ye left me, old man. Ye left me on Thesop and gladly did I go with Capt n Gin, gladly did I
become a member of his crew! Gator climbed to his feet and started to rush his father, but Gin
grabbed him.  Let me& I would& 
 Allow him not such control, Gin reminded him.
 Ye left him? Mack growled.  On Thesop?
 I did as Uncle Gator did with me. Rig struggled again and lost his balance, tumbling onto
his side.  In need he was of learning& 
 Uncle Gator left ye because never did ye listen. Ye thought ye knew better.  Twas a
desperate last effort to teach ye, but it did naught. Still ye think yerself better because both sides
are pirate blood, always looking down upon those who are decent folks but cannot trace their
lines ten generations, like Uncle Gator or my lads: Gin and Rum.
 Aye! Better we are and yet ye and Papa continue to sully that legacy with yer teaching our
ways to outsiders.  Tis even more disgusting that Papa gave The Argyn Ot to that bastard son& 
Mack grabbed Rig by the jerkin and pulled him to his feet, fist ready to strike.  Watch yer
tongue, brother. Or do I thrash ye further?
 Grandpapa was worse, dirtying himself as he did when he dallied with Uncle Gator s
mother and worse still, Uncle Suede s mother. Neither should have been embraced, allowed as
pirates. And him, Rig sneered as he looked at his son.  Drowned ye should have been as a babe
after I learned yer mother was the daughter of a merchant s daughter.
 Good! Gator spat at his father s feet.  Rather would I be the child of merchants than yers.
 When I am free& 
Mack dragged his brother over the railing and held him dangling, feet kicking.  One more
word, ye bastard. Speak one more vile thing and gladly will I drop ye and laugh as ye drown.
 Nae! Rig went still, his face paling. The look in Mack s light brown eyes said he would.
After several deep breaths, Mack pulled Rig back over the railing, tossing him onto the
deck. He had really wanted to drop him. Once more grabbing Rig, he tossed him over his
shoulder.  Excuse me while I dump this fool in Traveler s hold otherwise I will kill him.
 Do ye head off then? Gin sat still while Lemon worked upon his injuries.
 Nae, lad. The fierce scowl left Mack s face as he looked at Gin, replaced by the beginning
of his usual crooked grin.  I will return shortly; I wish a quick word with ye. And with ye as
well, Gator.
Rig glared at Gin and his crew when Mack turned to leave, offering threats of retribution
with his gaze. That is until he saw Jasper who wiggled her fingers in a little wave. With a violent
shout, he began to struggle and fell off his brother s shoulder. He tried desperately to gain his
feet.   Tis yer death I will have, wench!
 One would think ye would call me bitch. Jasper started drawing her sword.
 I will kill ye.
Mack grabbed Rig and leapt across the distance to Traveler, dragging his brother behind
him, uncaring that he struggled.
 Release me. I would kill her.  Tis she who took my eye.  Tis she who maimed me. A traitor
ye are, Gator. A traitor for sailing with that woman and do I ever& Oi!
Mack dangled Rig once more over the railing.  Do I drop ye, brother?
 With how well I know ye, I would believe well ye deserved to lose yer eye. Speak another
threat to Gator, to my lad, Gin, and I will end yer life.
 Never do ye make a second threat, so I& Nae! Rig screamed as he was dropped into the
sea. He frantically kicked, trying to keep his head above water, but could not do so, not when he
swallowed frigid seawater.
 Fuck! Mack hissed and magikally fished his brother from the sea.
* * *
 Papa will be most displeased ye treated me so, Rig whined as he struggled once more
against his ropes. As his coughing finally subsided and the last of the seawater expelled from his
lungs, his bravery returned.  I recall well the lecture ye received when last we fought. And this
time nearly did ye kill me.
 I hold great doubts of his lecturing me. When I inform him of yer activities,  tis ye who
will earn his everlasting displeasure, but  tis not to Papa I take ye.
 Where& ?
Mack left the hold cage, locking the door, another magik nulling spell infused into the lock
and cage bars in case his brother escaped the ropes. He looked at him sadly.  The last place ye
wish to be.
 Aye. Aldaen Island. In need ye are of a meeting with the old crone.
 Ye fucking bastard! Rig struggled and somehow managed to climb to his feet. He ran to
the door, throwing his body against the bars.   Twill do nae good. Never will I feel differently
and never will I rest until that bitch suffers. The runt too! Lucky he will be if I kill him not. Then
mayhap I will gut ye for interfering, watch as ye bleed.
Mack waved his hand and sent his brother flying back against the wall.  Come after me fine,
but touch the lad never will yer body be found. And next time, I will not change my mind.
* * *
 Papa, Jag whispered after Mack left with Rig,  would he truly have let him drown?
Rune pulled Lemon onto his lap after she finished healing Gin and held her close, his head
upon her breast. He needed her heart beneath his ear.   Twas a close thing indeed.
He sat silent for a time, deciding how to explain life upon the sea to Jag. When Jag began to
fidget, he sighed deeply.  Times there are when life is ugly, son. Rigger Boots is a vile man and
most decent pirates suffer not the vile ones long. Rather would we not see a reoccurrence of The
Great Clash, nor would we see our freedoms curbed because the actions of those vile individuals
force decent land-dwellers to defend themselves. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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