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exploited by Francis Haxton in his "Colour Forecast" [Hew Pentagram, December 1979],
just read at the time of this routine's devising, could be applied toward a modified version
of the Walton plot. While exploring the possibilities of such a marriage, the following
elaborate routine evolved. Along the way, the influence of Stewart James was clearly
This routine will sound rather complicated upon first reading. I assure the reader that it is
not, in actual play. This write-up will be far more functional, however, if you follow along
with cards in hand.
A set-up is required. From the top of the pack: an ace; a king; six indifferent cards; the king
of hearts; one indifferent card; the next ten cards in numerical sequence (ace through ten);
ten indifferent cards; a king; a four (this card is crimped); a three; a two; fourteen indifferent
cards; a king; a two; a three; a four.
Begin by writing a prediction of the KH on a piece of paper. This is placed into a spectator's
keeping. Hand the pack to a spectator. He/she is instructed to think of any number from ten
to twenty. While your back is turned, the spectator silently deals that number of cards onto
the table, face down, and then covers the dealt pile with his/her hand. [We shall refer to this
pile as X.]
When you turn back around, take the balance of the pack. The cards are held in the left
hand, dealing position. The right hand grasps the pack from above, and the thumb contacts
the pack at the inner end. The right thumb releases three cards from the bottom of the pack,
and these cards are gripped with the left little finger.
The right hand maintains its hold on the pack. The left hand moves away to the left. The left
thumb draws away the top single card of the pack, and the left fingers draw away the three-
card block from the bottom. The right hand .stock is tabled, and the four cards in the left
hand are placed on top. These actions take but a moment, and appear to be no more than a
casual cut.
Immediately continue by cutting the pack into two piles,
cutting at the crimped card [i.e., the crimped card becomes the top card of one of the two piles]. We will refer to the pile
topped by the crimped card as Y, the other as Z.
There are now three portions of cards. One is beneath the spectator's hand, containing a number of cards determined by
(and known only to) the spectator. Explain that you will now have four cards taken from the other two portions, and that
these cards will perform a magical function. State that the spectator will determine which cards come from which pile.
Have the spectator point to either Y or Z. Remove the top card of the indicated pile. Again, the spectator points to one of
the piles/ and again the top card is removed. Repeat this twice more. [Note that the spectator has a genuinely free choice
in this  the only condition being that at least one card must be chosen from Z. This can be easily guaranteed by your
explanation prior to the choosing that the cards will be drawn from both piles, at the spectator's discretion.]
Turn up the four selected cards, and add their values together. The total will be the same as the spectator's secretly chosen
number. When this information has sunk in, turn the four cards face down and drop them on top of either Y or Z.
Instruct the spectator to raiae his/her hand from the counted pile. Pick up this packet. State that there is a faster way to
magically produce the chosen number. Now comes a move that dates back to Hofzinser: hold the packet in the right hand,
thumb on top, fingers below. The packet is now tossed to the table  but the thumb and fingers press inward, and retain
the top and bottom cards.
Turn over the two retained cards. They will represent the thought-of number [i.e., if the spectator thought of sixteen, they
will be an ace (one) and a six].
Say that you will take things a step further. Add the two cards' values together. [In the example just mentioned,
6+1=7.] Place the two cards face down onto either Y or Z. Pick up the spectator's pile (X), and count down to the
number just arrived at. The card at that position is dealt aside, and cards above it returned on top of X.
The card thus arrived at will be the king of hearts. Have the prediction message read.
For the climax, mention that you thought the king of hearts might be "lonely"  BO you provided company...
Turn over each of the three tabled piles. There will be a king on the face of each.
[This routine originally appeared in Apocalypse magazine.] [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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