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Yemen s instability has direct implications for the United States. Even as we work to support Yemen s
stability and the aspirations of the Yemeni people, the defeat of AQAP will remain our CT priority in the
region, and we will continue to leverage and strengthen our partnerships to achieve this end.
Our CT efforts in Yemen are embedded in a broader effort to stabilize the country and prevent state
failure; such a scenario would have significant adverse implications for the United States and the region.
The United States is working with regional and international partners to advance a number of political
and economic development initiatives that address the underlying conditions that allow Yemen to serve
as a safehaven for AQAP. These broader efforts complement those CT initiatives that are focused on
building the capacity of Yemeni security services so they are able eventually to disrupt, dismantle, and
defeat AQAP with only limited U.S. involvement.
Terrorist Financing. The Arabian Peninsula remains the most important source of financial support
for al-Qa ida and its affiliates and adherents around the world. This is despite the fact that important
progress has been made by some of our Gulf partners, especially Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
Emirates (UAE), in disrupting terrorist financial support networks. Other countries in the region have
not made the same political commitment to prioritize action against al-Qa ida terrorist financing activity
and, as a consequence, remain relatively permissive operating environments for al-Qa ida financiers and
facilitators. The United States will continue to emphasize disrupting the access of terrorists especially
al-Qa ida, its affiliates, and its adherents to sources of financial support. We will continue to push for
enhanced unilateral action by these governments and closer cooperation with the United States while
retaining our ability to take unilateral action as well.
East Africa: Al-Qa ida in East Africa and Al-Shabaab
In East Africa we pursue a strategy focused on dismantling al-Qa ida elements while building the capacity
of countries and local administrations to serve as countervailing forces to the supporters of al-Qa ida
and the purveyors of instability that enable the transnational terrorist threat to persist
& &
Somalia s chaotic and unsettled political situation has challenged the security environment in East Africa
for a generation, undermining regional stability and creating a humanitarian relief challenge that will
likely extend well into the future. Partly owing to this persistent instability and disorder, the United States
faces terrorist enemies in East Africa that threaten our people, our interests, and our allies.
Al-Qa ida elements continue to be the primary CT focus of the United States in light of clear indications
of their ongoing intent to conduct attacks. Their presence within al-Shabaab is increasingly leading that
group to pose a regional threat with growing transregional ties to other al-Qa ida affiliates and ambitions
on the part of some to participate more actively in al-Qa ida-inspired violence. Influenced by its al-Qa ida
elements, al-Shabaab has used terrorist tactics in its insurgency in Somalia, and could motivated to
advance its insurgency or to further its al-Qa ida-agenda or both strike outside Somalia in East Africa,
as it did in Uganda, as well as outside the region.
Europe remains a target of al-Qa ida and its affiliates and adherents and is a potential gateway for ter-
rorists to attack the U.S. Homeland. Repeated and attempted attacks such as those in Madrid in 2004,
London in 2005 and 2006, and Scotland and Germany in 2007 highlight al-Qa ida and its affiliates
and adherents continued focus on striking in Europe. Although many individuals involved in plotting
within and against European nations have been arrested in recent years, al-Qa ida and its affiliates and
adherents will continue to maintain and build infrastructure in Europe that could potentially support
future terrorist attack planning, logistical support, and fundraising efforts. Europe also faces a threat from [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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