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 You re very introspective tonight, she remarked.
 Am I? He chuckled.  I was thinking about cows.
 It s a clear night. If a UFO were to abduct a cow, we would probably see it.
 How exciting! Let s go looking for them. I ll drive!
 Not on your life, and don t you have homework? Finals are coming up, I believe?
She made a face.  Yes, they are, and I can t afford to make a bad grade. She glanced at him.
He shrugged.  I want you to graduate.
She folded her hands on her jeans-clad thighs.  I ve never told you how much I appreciate all you
and Sara have done for me, she said quietly.  I owe you so much...
 Stop that. We were happy to help.
It had just occurred to her that she was going away, very soon, to college. She was going to live in
the dormitory there. She wouldn t live with Sara and Gabriel again. Her holidays would be spent with
fellow students, if anyone even stayed on campus didn t the campus close for holidays?
 I can see the wheels turning, he mused, glancing down at her.  You ll come to us for holidays and
vacations, he said.  Sara and I will be here. At least until you re through college. Okay?
 But Sara has a place in Wyoming  she began.
 We have a place in Wyoming, and we have a competent manager in charge of it, he interrupted.
 Besides, she likes it here in Texas.
 I did notice she was up very late last night on the computer, she said under her breath.
 New expansion on her game, he whispered.  She and her unknown pal are running battlegrounds
together. She s very excited.
Michelle laughed softly.  We should probably tell her.
 No way. It s the first time I ve seen her happy, really happy, in many years, he said wistfully.
 Dreams are precious. Let her keep them.
 I suppose it won t hurt, she replied.  But she s not getting a lot of sleep.
 She hasn t slept well in a long time, despite therapy and prescriptions. This gaming might actually
solve a few problems for her.
 You think?
 We can wait and see, at least. He glanced at his watch, the numbers glowing in the darkness.  I
have some paperwork to get through. You coming in?
 In just a minute. I do love meteor showers.
 So do I. If you like astronomy, we ll have to buy a telescope.
 Could we? she asked enthusiastically.
 Of course. I ll see about it.
 I would love to look at Mars!
 So would I.
 I would love to go there, she ventured.
He shrugged.  Not going to happen.
 It was worth a try.
He chuckled, ruffled her hair and went back inside.
* * *
Graduation day was going to be long and exciting. Michelle had gone to the rehearsal, which had to
be held inside because it was pouring rain that day. She had hoped it wouldn t rain on graduation day.
Her gown and cap fit perfectly. She wasn t going to graduate with honors, but she was at least in the
top 10 percent of her class. Her grades had earned her a small scholarship, which would pay for
textbooks. She didn t want Gabriel and Sara to be out of pocket on her account, regardless of their
financial worth.
Her gown was white. It made her look almost angelic, with her long blond hair down to her waist,
her peaches-and-cream complexion delicately colored, her gray eyes glittering with excitement.
She didn t see Gabriel and Sara in the audience, but that wasn t surprising. There was a huge crowd.
They were able to graduate outside because the skies cleared up. They held the graduation ceremonies
on the football field, with faculty and students and families gathered for the occasion.
Michelle accepted her diploma from the principal, grinned at some of her fellow students and
walked off the platform. On the way down, she remembered what a terrifying future she was stepping
into. For twelve years, she d gone to school every day well, thirteen years if you counted
kindergarten. Now, she was free. But with freedom came responsibility. She had to support herself.
She had to manage an apartment. She had to pay bills....
Maybe not the bills part, totally. She would have to force Gabriel and Sara to let her pay rent. That
would help her pride. She d go off to college, to strangers, to a dormitory that might actually be
unisex. That was a scary thought.
She ran to Gabriel and Sara, to be hugged and congratulated.
 You are now a free woman. Sara chuckled.  Well, mostly. Except for your job, and college
 If it s going to be a unisex dorm, Michelle began worriedly.
 It s not, Gabriel assured her.  Didn t you notice? It s a Protestant college. They even have a
 Oh. Oh! She burst out laughing, and flushed.  No, I didn t really notice, until I thought about
having to share my floor with men who are total strangers.
 No way would that happen, Gabriel said solemnly, and his dark eyes flashed.  I d have you
driven back and forth first.
 So would I, Sara agreed.  Or I d move up to San Antonio, get an apartment and you could room
with me.
Tears stung Michelle s cheeks. She was remembering how proud her father had been of her grades
and her ambitions, how he d looked forward to seeing her graduate. He should have been here.
 Now, now, Gabriel said gently, as if he could see the thoughts in her mind. He brushed the tears
away and kissed her eyelids closed.  It s a happy occasion, he whispered.
She was tingling all over from the unexpectedly intimate contact. Her heart went wild. When he
drew back, everything she felt and thought was right there, in her eyes. His own narrowed, and his
tall, muscular body tensed.
Sara coughed. She coughed again, to make sure they heard her.
 Lunch, Gabriel said at once, snapping out of it.  We have reservations.
 At one of the finest restaurants in the country, and we still have to get to the airport.
 Restaurant? Airport? Michelle was all at sea.
Gabriel grinned.  It s a surprise. Someone s motioning to you. He indicated a female student who
was waving like crazy.
 It s Yvonne, Michelle told them.  I promised to have my picture taken with her and Gerrie. They
were in my geography class. Be right back!
They watched her go, her face alive with pleasure.
 Close call, masked man, Sara said under her breath.
He stuffed his hands into his slacks and his expression hardened.
 You have to be patient, Sara added gently, and touched his chest with a small hand.  Just for a
little while.
 Just for years, he said curtly.  While she meets men and falls in love....
 Fat chance.
He turned and looked down at her, his face guarded but full of hope.
 You know how she feels, Sara said softly.  That isn t going to change. But she has to have time to
grow up, to see something of the world. The time will pass.
He grimaced and then drew in a breath.  Yes. I suppose so. He laughed hollowly.  Maybe in the
meantime, I can work up to how I m going to explain my line of work to her. Another hurdle.
 By that time, she ll be more likely to understand.
He nodded.  Yes.
She hugged him impulsively.  You re a great guy. She already knows it.
He hugged her back.  I ll be her best friend.
 You already are. She drew back, smiling. The smile faded and her eyes sparked with temper as
she looked past him.
 My, my, did you lose your broom? came a deep, drawling voice from behind Gabriel.
 The flying monkeys are using it right now, Sara snarled at the tall man.  Are you just graduating
from high school, too? she added.  And I didn t get you a present. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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