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* Do not slack brush holder's lead
the illustration.
wire (blue) between brush holder and
* Pass brush holder's lead wire (red)
lead holder.
under the field lead wire (white).
* Do not slack brush holder's lead
Fix the following lead wires with this
wire (red) between brush holder and
lead holder.
lead holder.
* Brush holder's lead wire (red)
* 2 field's lead wires (black)
Fix brush holder's
* Noise suppressor's lead wire (see-through)
lead wire (blue) and
field lead wire (black)
with lead holder as per
the illustration.
Pass lead wires inside of the rib.
Fix lead wires which are passed
through this area, with any of
these lead holders.
Noise suppressor
Noise suppressor is not
used in some countries
P 16 / 18
Wiring diagram
Model HR2020 for 230 - 240V with reverse switch
and choke coil for radio interference suppression
Fix field lead wire (black)
Fix choke coil's lead wires
with lead holder as per
(orange) with lead holder as per
the illustration.
the illustration.
Fix noise suppressor's
Fix field lead wire (black)
lead wire (see-through)
with lead holder as per
with lead holder
the illustration.
as per the illustration.
Fix brush holder's
lead wire (blue) and
field lead wire (white)
with lead holder as per
Fix brush holder's
the illustration.
lead wire (red) and
* Pass brush holder's lead wire (blue)
field lead wire (black)
under the field lead wire (white).
with lead holder as per
* Do not slack brush holder's lead
the illustration.
wire (blue) between brush holder and
* Pass brush holder's lead wire (red)
lead holder.
under the field lead wire (black).
* Do not slack brush holder's lead
Fix the following lead wires with this
wire (red) between brush holder and
lead holder.
lead holder.
* Brush holder's lead wire (red)
* 2 choke coil's lead wires (orange)
Fix brush holder's
* Noise suppressor's lead wire (see-through)
lead wire (blue) and
field lead wire (white)
with lead holder as per
the illustration.
Pass lead wires inside of the rib.
Fix lead wires which are passed
through this area, with any of
these lead holders.
Noise suppressor
P 17 / 18
Wiring diagram
Model HR2021, HR2022 without reverse switch
and choke coil for radio interference suppression
Fix brush holder's wire (red)
with lead holder as per
Fix field lead wire (black)
the illustration.
with lead holder as per
the illustration.
Fix noise suppressor's
lead wire (see-through)
with lead holder
as per the illustration.
Fix brush holder's
lead wire (blue) and
field lead wire (black)
with lead holder as per
the illustration.
Fix brush holder's
* Pass brush holder's lead wire (blue)
lead wire (red) and (blue)
under the field lead wire (black).
with lead holder as per
* Do not slack brush holder's lead
the illustration.
wire (blue) between brush holder and
* Pass brush holder's lead wire (red)
lead holder.
under the same of (blue).
* Do not slack brush holder's lead
Fix the following lead wires with this
wire (red) between brush holder and
lead holder.
lead holder.
* 2 field's lead wires (black)
* Noise suppressor's lead wire (see-through)
Fix lead wires which are passed
Pass lead wires inside of the rib.
through this area, with any of
these lead holders.
Noise suppressor
Noise suppressor is not
used in some countries
P 18 / 18
Wiring diagram
Model HR2021, HR2022 without reverse switch,
with choke coil for radio interference suppression
Fix field lead wire (black)
Fix choke coil's lead wires (black
with lead holder as per
and blue) with lead holder as per
the illustration.
the illustration.
Fix noise suppressor's
lead wire (see-through)
Fix field lead wire (black)
with lead holder
with lead holder as per
as per the illustration.
the illustration.
Fix brush holder's
lead wire (black) and
brush holder's lead wire (red)
with lead holder as per
the illustration.
* Pass brush holder's lead wire (black)
under the brush holder lead wire (red).
Fix brush holder's
* Do not slack brush holder's lead
lead wire (red) and field
wire (black) between brush holder and
lead wire (black) with lead holder.
lead holder.
* Pass brush holder's lead wire (red)
under the field lead wire (black).
Fix the following lead wires with this
* Do not slack brush holder's lead
lead holder.
wire (red) between brush holder and
* Choke coil's lead wire (blue)
lead holder.
* Field's lead wire (black)
* Noise suppressor's lead wire (see-through)
Fix lead wires which are passed
Pass lead wires inside of the rib.
through this area, with any of
these lead holders.
Noise suppressor [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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