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of her dreams all night and was the first thing on her mind when she awoke
early that next morning, before the alarm clock on her nightstand had a chance
to go off with its usual six A.M. blare.
His scent still clung to her skin, even after twenty minutes under the warm
spray of her shower. There was a pleasant sort of ache between her thighs, an
ache she relished because it called to mind everything they d done together
last night.
She could still feel all the places where he d touched her and kissed her.
All the places on her body that he d mastered and claimed as his.
Tess dressed quickly, then left her apartment, stopping only to grab a cup of
Starbucks on her way to make the 5:20 train at North Station.
She was the first one in at the clinic; Nora probably wouldn t arrive much
before seven-thirty. Tess went in through the back door, leaving it locked
behind her since the clinic didn t open for another couple of hours. As soon
as she entered the kennel area and heard the labored wheeze in one of the
cages, she knew she had problems.
Dumping her purse, office keys, and the half-empty paper cup on the counter
next to the washbasin, Tess hurried over to the little terrier Dante had
brought in the night before. Harvard wasn t doing well. He lay on his side in
the cage, chest rising and falling in a slow pace, soft brown eyes rolled back
in his head.
His mouth was slightly open, his tongue a sickly gray color and lolled out to
the side.
His breath was a dry rattle, the kind of sound that said all the bloodwork and
tests she d run the night before didn t need to be sent out to the lab after
all. Harvard would be gone before the samples made it into the mail.
 Poor baby, Tess said as she unlatched the cage and carefully stroked the
dog s fur. She could feel his weakness through her fingertips. He was holding
on by the thinnest strand of life, probably too far gone even before Dante had
brought him in to see her.
Sympathy for the animal curled around Tess s heart like a fist. She could help
him. She knew the way...
Tess retracted her hands and clasped them together in a knot in front of her.
She d made a decision about this a long time ago. She d promised herself,
never again.
But this was just a helpless animal, not a human being. Not the vile man from
her past who hadn t deserved any pity or her help.
What would be the harm, really?
Could she actually stand there and watch the poor dog die, knowing she had the
unique ability to do something?
No. She couldn t.
 It s all right, she said softly as she reached back into the cage.
Very gently, Tess brought Harvard out, cradling his little body in her arms.
She held him like she would an infant, supporting his slight weight with one
hand as she placed her other hand on his gaunt belly. Tess focused on the feel
of his breathing, the faint but steady beat of his heart. She could read his
weakness, the combination of ailments that had been slowly sapping his life
away for probably several long months.
And there was more her fingertips tingled as she moved down to the dog s
abdomen. A bitter taste began to form at the back of her throat as the cancer
made itself known to her touch. The tumor wasn t very large, but it was
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lethal. Tess could picture it in her mind, seeing the web of fibrous strands
that clung to the dog s stomach, the ugly bluish clump of disease whose sole
purpose was to drain away life.
Tess let the tumor come into her mind through her fingertips as the vibration
of her blood began to simmer with power. She concentrated on the cancer,
seeing it illuminate from within and then break apart. Feeling it dissolve as
she held her hand over it and willed it away.
It came back to her so easily, her unexplainable ability.
My curse, she thought, although it was hard to think of it that way when the
small bundle nestled in the crook of her arm whimpered softly and turned to
lick her hand in gratitude.
She was so caught up in what she was doing, she almost didn t hear the noise
that came from one of the clinic s empty exam rooms. Then it came again: a
short, metallic scrape of sound.
Tess s head came up sharply, the fine hairs at the back of her neck tingling
with alarm. She heard another noise then: a heavy foot scuffing on the floor.
She glanced up at the clock on the wall and knew that it was still much too
early for Nora to be arriving.
She didn t think she had anything to fear, yet as she started heading out to
the other area of the clinic, she was hit with a sudden blast of memory a
light flicking on in the storeroom, a beaten and bloodied intruder slumped
over on the floor. She paused, her feet stopping dead as the vivid image
flashed through her mind, then vanished just as quickly.
 Hello? she called out, trying not to jostle the dog in her arms as she
walked out from the vacant kennels.  Is someone here?
A hissed curse came out of the large examination room off the reception area.
 Ben? Is that you?
He came out of the room holding an electric screwdriver.  Tess Christ, you
scared the shit out of me. What are you doing here so early?
 Well, I happen to work here, she said, frowning as she took in his flushed
face with the dark rings under his eyes.  What about you?
 I, uh...  He gestured back to the exam room with his screwdriver.  I noticed
the hydraulic lift was sticking on this table the other day. I was up, and
since I still have the spare key to the place, I thought I
d come in and fix it for you.
It was true, the table had needed some adjustment, but something about Ben s
flummoxed appearance didn t sit right. Tess walked toward him, gently petting
Harvard when the dog started to stir in her arms. 
It couldn t wait until we opened?
He ran a hand over his scalp, further mussing his disheveled hair.  Like I
said, I was up. Just trying to help out where I can. Who s your friend?
 His name s Harvard.
 Cute mutt; kind of runty, though. A new patient?
Tess nodded.  Just came in last night. He wasn t doing too well, but I think
he ll be feeling better soon.

Ben smiled, but it seemed too tight for his face.  Working late again last
night, Doc?
 No. Not really.
He glanced away from her, and the smile turned a little sour.
 Ben, are we... okay? I tried to call you the other night, after the museum
reception, to apologize. I left you a message, but you didn t call back.
 Yeah, I ve been kind of busy.
 You look tired.
He shrugged.  Don t worry about me.
More than tired, Tess thought now. Ben looked strung out. There was an anxious
energy about him, like he hadn t slept for the past two days.  What have you
been up to lately? Are you working on another animal rescue or something?
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 Or something, he said, sliding a shuttered look at her.  Listen, I d love to
stay and chat, but I really have to go.
He pocketed the screwdriver in his loose jeans and started heading for the
clinic s front door. Tess trailed after him, feeling a chill as an emotional
distance that hadn t been there before now began to crack open between them.
Ben was lying to her, and not just about his purpose in being at the clinic.
 Thanks for fixing the table, she murmured to his fast-retreating back.
From within the opened door, Ben swiveled his head around to glance at her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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