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He came closer, close enough to smell the expensive perfume she wore. "Took the
subway? Since when do you ride subways? Are you crazy?"
"You told me not to be driving my car around here. I took that as some kind of
warning. And I thought riding a subway might be an experience. It was." Her eyes
were filled with excitement. "There weren't many people out this time of night, and
everyone seemed very friendly. At least I planned on the rain and came prepared."
She glanced at the raincoat hanging on the edge of the hood.
He grabbed her upper arms and shook her a moment, then, realizing what he was
doing, backed off. Staring blatantly at her, he marveled at her cool. The less he
touched, the better. He wasn't cool, far from it. "You don't ride subways. You don't
walk the streets around here, either. Anybody would know you weren't from around
here. You've got a price tag written all over you." He glanced down at the small
leather purse. "You may not realize it, but there are some that would knock you off
just for the price of a bottle. Your purse cost more than some people's clothes."
She glanced down at the Coach on her arm and gently sat it on top of the hood of the
'57 Chevy. She twirled around, her skirt flaring at the action. It was a wisp of a skirt,
almost see through, and Nick's body was already responding in a familiar way. Not
that he wanted it to, but he no longer had control. Not where Kelsey was concerned
at least.
"I suppose it was careless of me, but I wanted to talk to you, and your mother said
you'd be down here."
"My mother? Again. What? You got some mutual attraction for each other?" Nick
came closer. "You talked to my mother?"
"Yes, of course. Is that against the law? I like her."
"How did you find her?"
"That wasn't easy." She blinked hard and Nick noticed the thickness of her long
lashes against her creamy cheeks, and the way each breath she took made her
breasts swell against her dress. "But it didn't take long to realize you moved. I'm so
glad, Nick. At least one of us has what they want."
He gave her the once over, again.
"So, anyway, then I called information and got your phone number. Stop looking at
me like that, it's not like it's unlisted." She turned away from him again.
A hand snaked out to pull her around to him, bringing her dangerously closer. "What
do you want?"
"I want to-to get pregnant," she gasped as his other hand snaked through her hair.
He wasn't hurting her. He'd never hurt her, or any other woman for that matter. Still,
she had to realize that she was playing with fire.
Nick's eyes traveled downward, taking in the summer dress with renewed interest.
The swell of her breasts seemed to brim against her dress. It was the first time she'd
worn anything distracting around him. He couldn't help but wonder if she was playing
at a seduction. If she was, he wanted to enjoy every moment of it.
Still, if he were honest, it wasn't the dress, or the sudden realization that she was
beautiful. Hell no, it was that damn voice that had gotten to him. And she hadn't a
clue about that. How could she know that it sent a strange thrill through him every
time she spoke in that kitten soft voice? It seemed to slither up his spine like a
feather. He'd never acted that way over a voice before. It made no sense.
He let her go, almost with a shove. "That's not my problem, anymore. I did my part."
Still imploring him, she walked straight up to him again.
"It's your job to get me pregnant," she stated, her voice husky, her eyes wide.
"My job? Excuse me." He nearly laughed in her face. He had to make her mad enough
to leave, because if she didn't go soon, he wasn't going to be responsible. The
decision was made, had been since the moment she walked in. His body could only
take so much torture.
Every nerve tensed, and coiled into a tight ball. Never, had he wanted a woman so
strongly in his entire life. His hands were shaking to keep from grabbing her and
throwing her in the back seat of the Chevy. He wanted to relieve this tension, wanted
to release himself of this misery she kept causing. Yet, it was more than that, and he
knew it. He had started feeling things about her. Caring about her.
What was it about her that made him want her? Why did she, of all women, stand out
in his mind as perfect? Her beautiful flawless skin, her long, graceful legs, her wild,
unruly hair that she hadn't bothered pinning back tonight. Those pouting pink lips
constantly begging his attention. Still, he had started falling for her long before she
discarded those linen suits, and black glasses. It wasn't the beautiful woman standing
before him that he wanted-- it was the entire package--body and soul. Perhaps if they
made love just once, he'd rid himself of this hungering need for her. Perhaps it was
some crazy kind of craving that once satiated, would go away. Sure, Leonetti. This
woman intrigued him in every way, taunted him. He wanted her in the most basic
way a man could want a woman, and yet he knew at this moment, that once would
never be enough. She was like some kind of fever; once in the bloodstream, he was a
His loins began to ache, cry out to him, his body tensed, his eyes wouldn't hold hers
any longer, couldn't.
He lied to himself, a dozen times. What he wanted was all of Kelsey O'Sullivan, not
just the flesh. He wanted her to open up and fly like an angel into his arms, to give
everything of herself, risk everything on a chance at something real and binding
between them. He wanted to see a real smile on those pink lips. He wanted to show
her a life she'd obviously never realized. He wanted a commitment from her, like he
already felt towards her. Feelings, yes, raw, unbound feelings; gut feelings.
"Look, you got what you wanted. You accomplished your goal, but I didn't. I still need
your help. And I'm here to ask for it."
Bold. Just like that. Kelsey didn't get her way, so she was here to get it.
"Okay, so I'll go to the clinic again," he answered, turning away from the irresistible
urge to move closer. That perfume was driving him nuts. Why did women have to
wear perfume? To drive men crazy, he supposed. Everything about her drove him
crazy. How many nights had he lain awake trying to exorcise the memory of her from
his mind? Forget the kiss; forget the woman with the husky voice. Underneath all that
sophistication was a girl who probably hadn't eaten a hot dog, hadn't flown a kite,
hadn't watched a sunset. And secretly he wanted to do all those things with her. He
wanted to see the expressions on her face when she enjoyed them.
"The doctors suggested I might try it the natural way."
Nick's eyes were on fire. He was on fire. Not only her voice, but now the very words
she spoke. Damn! Why'd she have to say that? Why didn't she just go away, find
herself a husband, and have all the kids she wanted? He wanted her so badly he was
afraid his clothes had burned right off his body. He felt exposed. Why was she
taunting him? Deliberately!
This was no way to have a child. A child should be conceived in love.
"The natural way?" His eyes got bigger, his body more taut, his mind exploding with
possibilities. Her words drew pictures. Pictures he tried hard to blot away, and
"Sex," she choked out the words.
"Sex," he repeated, wincing from the word. That cut lower than anything she'd said.
It almost quenched the fire inside him, almost--but not quite. It hurt. How could a
word like that sound so--so dirty?
She stared, unaware that her lips were moistly parted in invitation. That was the
problem. She seemed totally unaware of the fact that she provoked all those feelings
in him.
"You want to have--sex?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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