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days. Strange thoughts assaulted him. He thought that maybe he d slept and maybe
he d dreamed, but he couldn t tell. He was overcome with sensation. He was losing
his mind. He cried as well, in moments of awful clarity, because he was being taken
away, because he was a slave, and because his entire family had witnessed his
humiliation. But sometimes he didn t remember at all. It came in waves. When his
body trembled with arousal and he felt like he was floating, his memory faded. He
existed only in the present, only in sensation, and everything else was meaningless.
In those periods of heady intoxication he barely remembered his own name.
He dozed, and sometimes he cried and sometimes he drifted, but it was never
enough to forget his stimulation. It was like torture. His cock was almost painfully
hard. He wanted to fuck or be fucked, and even his drug-addled mind was
astonished he no longer cared about distinguishing between the two.
He guessed Alysia was similarly bound in a crate next to his, groaning and
writhing at each bump in the road. The thought of her naked body, suspended like
his, made Kynon want to scream with need. To taste her, to bite her, to fuck her.
And then he cried again, because she was the sweet girl who had refused to kiss
him behind the armory wall, and he was turning into something monstrous.
* * *
The light hurt his eyes. Kynon shrank back into his bindings instinctively, but
he recognized the smell and the rough hands of Captain Rennick and allowed
himself to be brought gently to his feet as his eyes slowly adjusted to the light. The
plug that had tormented him all day slid from his body as Rennick twisted it, and
he sighed.
All around him he could see activity men, horses, tents, and equipment.
Kynon was standing, naked and trembling, in the midst of the mighty Segasan
army. He was surrounded by his enemies, and he had been humiliated, despoiled,
and enslaved. As he watched, a passing soldier grabbed lewdly at his own crotch
and wiggled his hips. The men around the soldier laughed, and Kynon shrank back.
His heart raced.
 Don t mind them, Rennick said, patting him on the shoulder.  They re just
having a laugh.
Kynon shivered.
One tent stood out from the rest. Kynon recognized the crest on the canvas
walls the warlord s tent. How many times had he seen it from a distance and
dreamed of sneaking inside to plant a knife in the heart of the fearsome warlord? It
already felt like a lifetime ago. He wasn t a soldier or a prince now. He was less
than nothing, and that was why the Segasans were laughing at him.
 Do you need to piss? Rennick asked.
Nodding, Kynon allowed himself to be led around the side of the cart. It was
more difficult than he thought; his cock was still hard, and there were men all
around him. He flushed, embarrassed, as he relieved himself.
Rennick lifted a cup to his lips, and Kynon drank. The taste was already
becoming familiar to him.  The procurators blend, Captain Rennick told him.
 Drink it all.
Kynon obeyed, regarding the captain fearfully.
Rennick took the cup back.  You can talk to me, you know, tribute. I m not
your master.
 What are you? Kynon asked warily.
A smile split the captain s face.  I m a glorified stable boy.
The captain led him into the warlord s tent and over to the central post of the
tent. Two low couches protruded from the central post like the hands of a clock.
Alysia was already lying on one, her wrists chained above her head to the post. She
was restless, turning her slender body from side to side, her eyes closed, her thighs
Lisa Henry
clamped together. Her torment, exactly the same as his, made Kynon immediately
hard again.
He lay on the couch beside hers, allowed the captain to chain his wrists, and
shuddered as the man ran a calloused hand across his abdomen. Kynon saw the
captain s amusement. Perhaps he had intended the gesture as nothing more than
the comforting pat one gave to a docile animal, but Kynon saw the small smile as he
reacted to the captain s touch. The man s hand lingered for a moment, cool against
Kynon s flesh, and then something that may have been interest passed briefly over
his face and he left them.
Brasius entered the tent. He came and stood over his tributes, a quiet smile
playing on his face. He knew exactly what the day of travel had done to them.
 Boy, he said.  Are you awake?
Kynon snapped his eyes to Brasius s face, trying desperately to ignore his
throbbing cock. He could feel the cool air against the head, and he knew it was
already leaking. Like a dog responding to his master s voice, just hearing Brasius
speak was almost enough to make him come. What the hell had that drink done to
 Master, he whispered, and the word sounded natural.
Brasius s smile widened. His eyes traveled Kynon s body and fell on his cock.  I
trust you are not as reticent today, my tribute.
Kynon flushed with shame.  No, master.
 Open yourself, said Brasius.  You need a good fucking.
Beside him, Kynon heard Alysia groan in disappointment.
 Knees up, Brasius said,  legs open.
Kynon obeyed as he watched his master disrobe. The day before the warlord s
massive cock had frightened him. It had hurt him. Today he didn t care. He wanted
it inside him. He wanted it to finish the work of the plug that had tormented him all
 Oh gods! He writhed as Brasius leaned down and gripped his cock. The
warlord closed his fingers around his rigid flesh, and rubbed his thumb over the
sensitive head. Kynon s hips bucked involuntarily, and Brasius laughed and
released him.
 You don t get to come, tribute, until I am inside you.
Kynon wrapped his hands around the chains above his head and groaned.
Brasius knelt between Kynon s open legs. He put his hands on Kynon s knees,
pushing them up so that Kynon s thighs were pressed against his body. Brasius
leaned forward, resting his weight on Kynon s folded legs. Kynon groaned as the
warm tip of the warlord s cock pressed against his anus, and shivered. He squeezed
his eyes shut, willing himself to relax his muscles, and then realized that nothing
had happened. His master was holding his position, teasing him with the feel of his
cock. Kynon opened his eyes.
 Ask me nicely, prince, said the warlord. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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